Monday, April 5, 2010

Breaking: The Obamas Actually Attend Church on Easter Sunday **Update** Photo

Hot Air Pundit

This is hard to believe, but yes I have video

Associated Press

Pres. Barack Obama and his family have attended Easter service at a historically black Methodist church in southeast Washington. Obama took communion Sunday at the Allen Chapel AME Church. Joining him were his wife, daughters and mother-in-law.

There is not yet video of Barack leaving the service, but chances are he didn't hear anything the minister had to say, based on the fact that he sat in the pews for 2 decades at Trinity United and never heard anything Jeremiah Wright ever said...

Of course it's already on the website....

Posted by HotAirPundit at 4:25 PM

Note: Oh oh! This one picture will dispel anyone from questiong Obama's Muslim religion. His advisers must have warned Obama that too many Americans are becoming very doubtful that his Muslim heritage, along with his Islamic trends to dictate to Americans and removing the Constitutional laws may cause a disturbance in the next elections. Here's a great deceitful way of silencing those who would dare question his loyalty to America - let's get a photo of Obama and family in a church - any church will do, as long as those photos are taken. Sitting in a church does not make one a Christian, anymore than sitting down to a Seder in the White House makes one a Jew.

It is your actions and usually, your words Mr. Obama, causing Amercans to be quite angry to hear anything you say - I will go so far as to say this photo op is just one more thing to add to your growing list of lies, to be published later in an "Obama Library of Lies". Bee Sting