Tuesday, January 18, 2011
In today's Haaretz there was an image that caught my eye:
Notice the eagle seal for the PA.
Now let's take a closer look:
In both instances the eagle's head is looking to the left. Look at the original image from Haaretz and you'll see what appears to be the crossed swords of jihad below the eagle's claws.
Coincidence? Probably, but still interesting, especially when you read what I have selected from Kuntzel below....
A commentator noted that Egypt's emblem also has this symbol, so I decided to see what other Arab countries have it. As you can see below Egypt, Iraq, Yemen also use this as their coat of arms. It seems to be that they consider this eagle to be the Eagle of Saladin. I have searched for scholarly writing regarding the Eagle of Saladin, but have found nothing, bit disappointing.
Egypt: Iraq: Yemen:

It seems that when Yemen was split, Southern Yemen also used the symbol. Also, when the United Arab Republic was in existence it also used the symbol.
South Yemen: United Arab Republic:

The commentator also noted, which I should also remind readers of the continued use of the Nazi Salute by Hamas and Hezbollah.

I think it is important that we remember the connections that the likes of Sayyid Qutb and Haj Amin al-Husseini had with the Nazis. For those interested in the connection between modern day Islamists and Nazis, I highly recommend Matthias Kuntzel's Jihad and Jew Hatred.
My Note:
Now, take a look at the following article posted May 31, 2011:
Notice the eagle seal for the PA.
Now let's take a closer look:
There seems to be similar references between this seal and the Nazi eagle...
Coincidence? Probably, but still interesting, especially when you read what I have selected from Kuntzel below....
A commentator noted that Egypt's emblem also has this symbol, so I decided to see what other Arab countries have it. As you can see below Egypt, Iraq, Yemen also use this as their coat of arms. It seems to be that they consider this eagle to be the Eagle of Saladin. I have searched for scholarly writing regarding the Eagle of Saladin, but have found nothing, bit disappointing.
Egypt: Iraq: Yemen:

It seems that when Yemen was split, Southern Yemen also used the symbol. Also, when the United Arab Republic was in existence it also used the symbol.
South Yemen: United Arab Republic:

The commentator also noted, which I should also remind readers of the continued use of the Nazi Salute by Hamas and Hezbollah.

I think it is important that we remember the connections that the likes of Sayyid Qutb and Haj Amin al-Husseini had with the Nazis. For those interested in the connection between modern day Islamists and Nazis, I highly recommend Matthias Kuntzel's Jihad and Jew Hatred.
CHALLAH @ Matthias Kuntzel
It was not only Heinrich Himmler who waxed lyrical about the "ideological closeness" of National Socialism and Islam, coining the concept ofMuselgermanen ("Muslimo-Germans").Haj Amin el-Husseini, too, referred to the parallels between Muslim and German ideals, identifying the following points of contact: (1) monotheism - unity of leadership; (2) the ordering power - obedience and discipline; (3) the struggle and the honor of falling in battle; (4) community; (5) family and offspring; (6) glorification of work and creativity; and (7) attitude toward the Jews - "in the struggle against Jewry, Islam and National Socialism come very close to one another."
....The eighth of May, 1945, was followed by a twofold division of the world. The one division between politico-economic systems is known as the Cold War. The second cleavage, merely covered over by the Cold War, has to do with the persistence of National Socialist modes of thought. In her report on the trial of Adolf Eichmann in 1961, Hannah Arendt cast her gaze into this abyss: "the newspapers in Damascus and Beirut, in Cairo and Jordan did not conceal either their sympathy for Eichmann nor their regret that he 'did not finish the job'; a radio broadcast from Cairo on the opening day of the trial even included a little sideswipe at the Germans, reproaching them for the fact that 'in the last war, no German plane had ever flown over and bombed a Jewish settlement.'" The same regret and heartfelt wish to see all Jews finally annihilated was expressed in April 2002 by a columnist in the second largest, state-controlled Egyptian daily Al- Akhbar.
The entire matter [the Holocaust], as many French and British scientists and researchers have proven, is nothing more than a huge Israeli plot aimed at extorting the German government in particular and the European countries in general. But I, personally and in light of this imaginary tale, complain to Hitler, even saying to him from the bottom of my heart, "If only you had done it, brother, if only it had really happened, so that the world could sigh in relief [without] their evil and sin."
The logic is clear: the Jew is the source of evil in the world that must be destroyed. Israel therefore deserves to be erased from the map. And the Shoah is therefore no crime, but a failed attempt for which a more successful reprise is desired. Demonization of the Jews, legitimization of the Holocaust, and the liquidation of Israel; three sides of an ideological triangle that cannot exist if any one of the sides is missing. But why did this monstrous ideology find its most fertile place of exile in the Arab world after 1945?
Here the Mufti comes back into the picture. Openly and knowing about Auschwitz, he had advocated the Shoah. "Germany," he declared in 1943, has "decided to find a final solution to the Jewish menace, which will end this misfortune in the world."Nevertheless, the Mufti's reputation remained intact after 1945. He was, to be sure, personally responsible both for the atrocities committed by the Muslim SS division in Bosnia and for the deaths of thousands of Jewish children in the Holocaust. However, in order not to fall out with the Arab world, the United States and Britain refrained from prosecuting him, while France, in whose custody the Mufti had been since 1945, let him escape. When on 10 June 1946 the headlines of the world press announced the Mufti's "flight" from France, "the Arab quarters of Jerusalem and all the Arab towns and villages were garlanded and beflagged, and the great man's portrait was to be seen everywhere." While amnestying the Mufti, the Allies also rehabilitated his anti-Semitism. Even more: the Arabs saw in the Mufti's impunity "not only a weakness of the Europeans, but also absolution for past and future occurrences," commented Simon Wiesenthal in 1947. Now the pro-Nazi past began to become "a source of pride, not shame."
My Note:
Now, take a look at the following article posted May 31, 2011:
The Nazis Find a Home in Post-Mubarak Egypt