Monday, April 5, 2010

Outrageous!… NY Times Sunday Hit Piece Pictures Tea Party Protesters With Weathermen Terrorists

Saturday, April 3, 2010, 9:36 PM
Jim Hoft

Sunday NY Times Hit Piece Pictures Weathermen Terrorists With Tea Party Protesters

Another GOP office in Ohio was attacked two nights ago. A note was tied to the brick that was thrown through the window that said, “Stop the Right Wing.” A democratic donor was arrested for threatening to kill GOP House Whip Eric Cantor and his family earlier in the week. A brick was hurled through a GOP office in Michigan last weekend. Harry Reid supporters attacked the Tea Party Express Bus and threatened Andrew Breitbart last Saturday. And, a democratic leader compared conservatives to the KKK in a radio interview this week.

Also, far left Rep. Emanuel Cleaver backed down from his original statement that he was spit on by tea party protesters during a protest on Capitol Hill. And, it is clear now that the Black Caucus members and state-run media completely fabricated their story that the members of Congress were called the n-word by the tea party protesters. No one was able to collect the $100,000 reward for proof because there was no proof. It was a set up.

So, with all of this evidence what is the state-run media to do?
…Compare the tea party protesters to the left-wing Weathermen terrorists, of course.

American Power reported tonight that The New York Times is posting a tea party protest-Weatherman mashup picture in tomorrow’s Week-in-Review section.

These leftists in the democratic-media complex will not stop bashing the tea party movement no matter what the truth is.

American Power has more on the hit piece that goes with the protest photos.

Maybe the Vatican was right. Maybe the Old Gray Lady is possessed.

More… Ann Althouse has a different perspective on the Gray Lady’s tea party post.


PalinfanNo Gravatar
April 3rd, 2010 | 9:41 pm | #1

Good! Let the NYT keep this kind of crap up. It shows:
1) a concerted effort by the Left to paint the tea partiers as dangerous radicals.
2) that you can piss off a whole bunch of people currently in the tea parties who are also old enough to remember dangerous radicals marching a few decades ago.

PalinfanNo Gravatar
April 3rd, 2010 | 9:41 pm | #2

Oh, and don’t forget that our president had his career launched in the livingroom of two Weather Underground terrorists.

DellNo Gravatar
April 3rd, 2010 | 9:48 pm | #3

April 3rd, 2010 | 9:41 pm | #2

Oh, and don’t forget that our president had his career launched in the livingroom of two Weather Underground terrorists.

You’re right…and one of them is in the top photo. That’s Bill Ayers – second in from the right.

Militant ConservativeNo Gravatar
April 3rd, 2010 | 9:49 pm | #4

WE are the true Americans. WE love the country and THEY do not. WE (in most places) have the Rights to conceal and carry, THEY do not. THEY are radicals to the constitution. WE are radicals FOR the constitution. GEE which one do you want to have win. DUH. Come to Atlanta April 15th chump, me and my fellow deputies will make sure you know the law. MIRANANDA rights and all. some of us will be in uniform and others will not. Good luck. powder is dry.

down with demsNo Gravatar
April 3rd, 2010 | 9:51 pm | #5

What’s the difference in those two pics? Take note of which group is waving an American flag. That’s all you need to see, say, or know.

aprilnovember811No Gravatar
April 3rd, 2010 | 9:56 pm | #6

Their confused, we all know the Weathermen are Barack’s friends.

DellNo Gravatar
April 3rd, 2010 | 10:14 pm | #7

Ya now, with Ayers in that picture this might just do more harm to Obama than it does the Tea Party. Seeing the killer as he was during his “bombing years”, and knowing how close he STILL is to The Won (he’s been to the White House several times), isn’t going to set well with the Commander-In-Thief tomorrow morning.

DaneilNo Gravatar
April 3rd, 2010 | 10:14 pm | #8

Wasn’t Obama’s buddy Bill Ayers associated with one of those groups? And didn’t the NYT write a puff piece about him pining for the good old days? You’d think they’d be happy to see such a return to “normalcy”.

Opus #6No Gravatar
April 3rd, 2010 | 10:15 pm | #9

They are living up to their moniker:

The New York Slimes

Blue Star momX3No Gravatar
April 3rd, 2010 | 10:26 pm | #10

The media wing of the democrat party can not stop attempting to destroy the TeaParty movement. Because we are an obstacle to attaining their socialist/marxist goals of total control. They know that We the People are powerful. AND THEY want ALL the power. We have the power of NO. We have the example of MLK- non violence- to make peaceful resistance. Non-violence.

logic101No Gravatar
April 3rd, 2010 | 10:38 pm | #11

It seems like the coverage the administration gets from the press isn’t just based on a political affinity with the left. Mix in buckets of good old hard cold cash.
From the Washington Note, Steve Clemons writes, “…But an unhealthy pattern is developing in this White House — a trend that may very well have been a part of other presidencies as well — but what is happening today needs comment.

Some journalists seem to be putting their self interest above their responsibilities to the public as well as their employers.

As Howard Kurtz and Glenn Greenwald have both commented, many White House correspondents and other top tier journalists want to write Obama books.

Anything with “Obama” on it is running at a huge premium in the book publication market.

But the kind of books that sell need “inside access” and this is something that the communications team at the White House doles out minimally, and increasingly, only when favors are part of the arrangement.

What I have learned after discussions over the last several days with several journalists who either have regular access to the White House or are part of the White House press corps is that there is a growing sense that access is traded for positive stories — or perhaps worse, an agreement that things learned will not be reported in the near term…”

Corky BoydNo Gravatar
April 3rd, 2010 | 10:45 pm | #12

One has to ask how many arrests have been made on violent tea partiers?

Nest, Hhow many Weatherman were arrested in the days of rage? After the the bombs they set off in the Pentagon? After their bombs failed to detonate in the Capitol building?

Wasn’t Obama’s buddy Bill Ayers and his wife, Bernadine Dorn somehow involved with these folks? Well yes, they ran the operation.

The NY Times couldn’t have picked a worse comparison in their effort to slime the Tea Party movement. Tea Partiers wan’t constitutional government. The Weathermen wanted to destroy it.

CommieBlasterNo Gravatar
April 3rd, 2010 | 11:03 pm | #13

Isn’t it time for an American Velvet Revolution?

JonesNo Gravatar
April 3rd, 2010 | 11:09 pm | #14

THE PRESIDENT is friends with some former Weathermen- I don’t see the problem ;-)

ChippyNo Gravatar
April 3rd, 2010 | 11:12 pm | #15

The NY Times does puff pieces of Marxists all the time. Ayers and Obama are just an example.

Not IntimidatedNo Gravatar
April 3rd, 2010 | 11:15 pm | #16

The good news is that the Tea Party has shrugged off every single attack by Obama, the Democrats, and the press.

As more of the country becomes familiar with what’s in ObamaCare, and as the Congress next pushes cap and trade and amnesty, support for the Tea Party will grow exponentially.

Don’t despair. We’re going to take back the country in November. We’re going to hit the Democrats so hard that they and the press will regret they ever heard the names Obama, Pelosi, and Reid.

The day of reckoning is coming, and there’s nothing the Democrats or the press can do to head it off.

down with demsNo Gravatar
April 3rd, 2010 | 11:20 pm | #17

They had to take a swing at the Tea Party after that David Letterman interview… can’t let the TP look like a bunch of normal, articulate, educated folk.

RonNo Gravatar
April 3rd, 2010 | 11:24 pm | #18

“First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.”
– Mahatma Gandhi

ValerieNo Gravatar
April 3rd, 2010 | 11:38 pm | #19

The hysterical grey old lady has been printing fantasy for at least a decade, now. That’s why her circulation is so poor.

AuntieMadderNo Gravatar
April 3rd, 2010 | 11:41 pm | #20

April 3rd, 2010 | 10:14 pm | #7
Ya now, with Ayers in that picture this might just do more harm to Obama than it does the Tea Party. Seeing the killer as he was during his “bombing years”, and knowing how close he STILL is to The Won (he’s been to the White House several times), isn’t going to set well with the Commander-In-Thief tomorrow morning.

The lamestream media doesn’t publish the White House visitor lists or report on most of the visitors to the White House. So, comparing the Tea Party to the Ayers’ old terrorist group will fly right over the heads of everyone except us tin-foil hat wearing, radical conservative birthers. I’m sad to say that nothing sticks to The Won and this is no exception. :(

DocScienceNo Gravatar
April 3rd, 2010 | 11:53 pm | #21

Patriots/terrorists, cops/criminals, victim/rapist, it’s all the same from the view from the moral heights of Manhattan.

Were these people raised by wolves?

Paul - Independent ConservativeNo Gravatar
April 3rd, 2010 | 11:54 pm | #22

Interesting. I’m watching what’s going on and all the attention people are giving to the NYT. I didn’t read that paper since at least 10 years ago and I don’t give a damn about what it publishes. For me, the NYT is not a newspaper, it’s toilet paper. Conservatives and the Vatican need to ignore losers who are dying for ratings and circulation. MSNBC, CNN, NYT, Washington Post, etc, are run by subhumans. Why do we care?