Real Americans Defend Israel by Bee Sting August 16, 2011 |
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt
Success is failure turned inside out;
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt;
And you can never tell how close you are
It may be near when it seems so far;
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit-
It's when things go wrong that you must not quit.
"Don't Quit," Author Unknown
"Don't Quit," Author Unknown
Years ago I had found the poem "Don't Quit" and at the time, it appealed to me so much, I memorized it. I wanted something to remember when I found myself at a loss to encourage others. These words also encouraged me often, as they reminded me not to quit when the road seemed full of potholes!
This is one of those times in my life.
Next week, on Wednesday August 24th, it will be the first Anniversary of the day my beloved partner of 47 years left this world to enter a new journey - one where he will find new joy and rest - a place where there is no disease or sorrow - a profound life that we can only imagine here on earth.
The old saying, "Life goes on" is repeated too often and its words are hollow to one who grieves. True, life does go on and while we should not look behind us, memories of our loved ones remind us of a part of our life that was so dear to us, so loving, even spiritual - I am thankful for such memories. However, for me, as this "Anniversary" date approaches I find myself thinking more often than usual, of the man who was so much a part of my life - years filled with memories that time cannot erase.
The "silver tint of the clouds of doubt" make me think that when I look up into the skies, the warmth of the sun rays shining through those clouds is like my beloved's touch upon my shoulders, telling me "things will be alright" and "don't quit".
Next week, on August 24th, I will not be on the computer - a candle will be lit for the one who loved me so dearly most of my life, ..... but this poem is a good one to share, for it can apply to each of us who are now fighting to stay the course throughout the coming year, as we do whatever is possible to see that for America's future, we must not quit - until that one in the White House is replaced by a candidate who will have strength and wisdom, and a love for our country to bring America back to the days when she truly was a "light" unto the world.
In Loving Memory
Resting with the Angels