Monday, April 5, 2010

Obama in Turkey praying with his muslim brothers; brings muslims to pray at Capitol like huge open air mosque

I am updating this post today, March 9, 2010-since so many viewers/readers are looking at this archived post.


Thanks to Sodahead and a discussion group for bringing this to my attention.

What he’s doing is taking his shoes off, because when they pray on a prayer rug, they are required to take off their shoes. You don’t step on a prayer rug because it needs to be clean and stay pure. Feet and shoes have a very strange connotation in middle eastern culture, as does showing the bottoms of your feet. Meatbrain, I am flipping you the foot.

This picture of Obama taking off his shoes- is actually from Obama’s visit to The Sultan Ahmed Mosque (Turkish: Sultanahmet Camii) in Turkey in April of 2009….not of Obama praying at the White House. It is a historical mosque in Istanbul, the largest city in Turkey and the capital of the Ottoman Empire (from 1453 to 1923). The mosque is popularly known as the Blue Mosque for the blue tiles adorning the walls of its interior….and it is the same Blue Mosque that the bluetiled minaret of the Flight 93 Memorial is modelled after. That mosque is under construction in Pennsylvania right now- over the bodies of our dead heroes as a tribute to the 19 Islamic terrorist hijackers of 9/11.

People come in comments and point out that this isn’t a picture of Obama praying at the white house…even though the picture below is of muslims praying at the white house. (Yes, I know it’s irritating to you that I’m using the terms Capitol and White House interchangeably but that’s just too bad) You mean to tell me he only prays with muslims in foreign Islamic countries that are under sharia law and sends his grandma to Mecca…but won’t do pray at the White House? LOL….give me a break.

It’s even worse that he’s praying with muslims of other countries, in my estimation–Tell me; did he travel to Iran and do it with Ahmadinnerjacket, too?

But this should come as little surprise…when he was claiming to be a “Christian”, there were no calls for his being an apostate. Because he isn’t an apostate.

It doesn’t matter what words come out of peoples’ mouths, what matters is what is in their hearts.

That is the world we live in; watch their actions – ignore their words…don’t take the words as truth. Al-Takeyya…

“If things get rough, I will side with the muslims…” – Dreams of My Father, by Billy Ayers Barack Obama.

From Atlas Shrugs aka Pam Geller: Dr. Ahmad Dwidar is imam of the Islamic Center in New York. MEMRI captured an interview he did with the Middle East Broadcasting Centre:


from: Cao's Blog

December 13, 2009


Note: I would like to add a video to this article. The person who uploaded the video left the following message:

Michelle Obama lets the Kenyan-born Barack Obama Truth out of the proverbial Illegal Alien Bag by saying that they took a trip to Africa to his home country in "Kenya" (0:47/3:00). Now you know why Obama is working so diligently to bring Comprehensive Illegal Amnesty to the forefront of his Fascist Agenda ...


All media contact info can be found here:

Michelle Obama admits Barack Obamas Home Country Is Kenya - MAKE THIS VIRAL

and here's another website on the subject:
Hot Air Pundit

Friday, November 27, 2009

White House Releases Statement Extending Best Wishes To Those Performing The Hajj, The Annual Pilgrimage To Mecca

Did Obama release a statement for the National Day of Prayer?

The White House never misses a chance to recognize Islam, didn't Obama say at his speech in Cairo "As a boy, I spent several years in Indonesia and heard the call of the azaan [the Muslim call to prayer] at the break of dawn and the fall of dusk?" I guess that can have an affect on a man who says he's a Christian, but can't seem to find a church in D.C.
Statement by the President on Hajj and Eid-ul-Adha
Michelle and I would like to send our best wishes to all those performing Hajj this year, and to Muslims in America and around the world who are celebrating Eid-ul-Adha. The rituals of Hajj and Eid-ul-Adha both serve as reminders of the shared Abrahamic roots of three of the world’s major religions.

During Hajj, the world’s largest and most diverse gathering, three million Muslims from all walks of life – including thousands of American Muslims – will stand in prayer on Mount Arafat. The following day, Muslims around the world will celebrate Eid-ul-Adha and distribute food to the less fortunate to commemorate Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son out of obedience to God.

This year, I am pleased that the Department of Health and Human Services has partnered with the Saudi Health Ministry to prevent and limit the spread of H1N1 during Hajj. Cooperating on combating H1N1 is one of the ways we are implementing my administration's commitment to partnership in areas of mutual interest.

On behalf of the American people, we would like to extend our greetings during this Hajj season – Eid Mubarak.
That's Change we can believe it!!! Yes We Can....

Note: More than a few Americans are disturbed about issues relating to a Muslim running the highest Office in America - one who is showing his "true colors"!
Bee Sting