Saturday, July 3, 2010

U.S. President Obama warns Turkey ...

Intl. flotilla probe not in Turkey interest'
Sat, 03 Jul 2010 13:02:02 GMT
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US President Barack Obama
US President Barack Obama has warned Turkey against pressing for an international investigation into the Israeli attack on the Gaza-bound Freedom Flotilla.

Eight Turks and one US national of Turkish descent were killed in the Israeli attack in international waters on May 31. The Turkish-backed Freedom Flotilla had set sail to break Israel's siege of the Gaza Strip.

President Obama told Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan that potential international investigators could come up with claims against those attacked on the lead Turkish vessel, the Mavi Marmara, Israeli newspaper 
Ha'aretz reported on Saturday.

Such an inquiry, Obama said, could turn into a "double-edged sword" pointed at Ankara amid Tel Aviv's claims that the activists provoked the Israeli violence.

Erdogan, however, said the attack was in violation of international regulations and reiterated a UN call for an international probe.

Ankara has withdrawn its ambassador from Tel Aviv in response to the aggression, which has inflicted a record damage on Turkey-Israel ties.

Turkey's Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu recently said the ties remained strained unless Tel Aviv apologizes, compensates the victims, agrees to an international probe and ends its blockade on the Gaza Strip.


So what changed Obama's mind about Turkey?  Or is he actually trying to protect Turkey, knowing full well that an investigation would lead to proving beyond a doubt that Israel was in her rights to have the IDF defend itself from the terrorists on board that ship awaiting to attack and murder Israel's troops. 

Forgive me for sounding very suspicious of any announcements about Obama changing his journey to bring down America while he is on the roadway to destruction, but here we have the worst president of the United States (yes, worse than Jimmy Carter, or the criminal Nixon) giving money by the MILLIONS to Hamas, a known terrorist organization; a president that has demonstrated since he took office that he is anti-Israel and anti-Jew; suddenly speaking out of both sides of his mouth.

This same president who demanded an Investigation into Israel's actions, along side the UN and Turkey, SUDDENLY warning Turkey not to continue their demand for an Israeli investigation.  My guess is the IDF videos, proving Israel had every right to defend herself, has the muslim in the White House disturbed that such proof would plant egg on the face of Turkey and prove that Turkey had sent TERRORISTS on board a ship supposedly meant for "peace".

"Free Gaza" is a great name - meaning to free the Palestinians in Gaza, one must first rid Gaza of the Hamas Terrorist organization - the same organization that Obama has just donated another $400 MILLION to, as a "down payment" from the United States!

Obama simply continues weaving his web of deception, while speaking double-talk to the world.

Bee Sting

Obama, you keep "Slip Sliding away"  


Obama in Turkey praying with his muslim brothers; brings muslims to pray at Capitol like huge open air mosque;

How Can Turkey's Government Be a U.S. Ally if it's an Ally of Iran?