Saturday, July 3, 2010

ACTION ALERT: Report new "official" "Kill a Jew Day" event on FACEBOOK


As most of you have read, we were already successful with our first action alert about a "Kill a Jew Day" event on Facebook. In response to our success, a new group has cropped up here. Apparently, these people think it's "funny" to incite the murdering of Jews. We disagree. Please click here, scroll down to the bottom left and report the group.  You must be logged into Facebook for this to work.  If you're logged in and click on the link just takes you to your homepage, it means we have been successful, once again.  If that's the case, please let us know by either dropping us a line, or by leaving a comment, below.

We also have a list of people who are "attending" this event, 
here.  Please report each profile, as they should not be allowed to be on Facebook if they are going to incite the murder of Jews, as inciting violence against anyone is against Facebook's TOS. 

On another note, if you read about this elsewhere, please ask that fellow bloggers cite the original source for this campaign (the JIDF) and update their readers, accordingly, as 
we lose a lot of traffic when other people take our work, and take credit for it.  It's great that people get the word out about these issues, in fact, we encourage it (please Tweet this, share it on Facebook, and email it out!), but our work is comprehensive and up-to-date.  We've been on this front for a long time, and people who do not cite us as the source for their information are doing their readers a serious disservice.  People need to know the entire scope of the problem, which we have been carefully documenting on our site for over 2 years now. 

Lastly, if you're as fed up with this as we are and would like to see this effort continue to grow, please 
support the effort through a generous donation (actually, no amount is too small), or by taking advantage of the free and easy ways to volunteer which we have outlined for you. 

You can also click the banner below to contribute: