Sunday, July 4, 2010

Friend of ADL, AIPAC, and Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations Eulogizes Munich Massacre Mastermind

This is the same Holocaust denying terrorist that AIPAC, ADL, Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations honored.  And you wonder where all these mainstream establishment organizations are with the online fight?  They're too busy honoring people who want to kill us! 
(Arutz Sheva) Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas has eulogized Abu Dauod, the mastermind of the massacre of 11 Israeli athletes at the Munch Olympics in 1972 and who died Saturday. “He is missed. He was one of the leading figures of Fatah and spent his life in resistance and sincere work as well as physical sacrifice for his people's just causes,” said Abbas.

Dauod, a former commander of the Fatah party that Abbas now heads, died late Friday night as the age of 73.

Abbas’ eulogy and praise for the planner of the murders came less than a month after he told American Jewish leaders in Washington that he will work to stop incitement of violence against Jews. 
Abbas provided the funds for the Munich massacre, according to Dauod.

The Black September gang said it received its orders from Fatah, which denied involvement in the massacre.

The Munch murder gang consisted of masked terrorists who stormed the apartments where Israeli athletes were staying in the Olympic Village. The terrorists took the athletes as hostages and demanded the release of 200 Arabs from Israeli prisons.

By the time the attack was over, the Israeli athletes were killed, along with one German officer and five of the terrorists. Daoud and one other member of the gang survived.

The Games continued after several hours.

Dauod said in interviews four years ago that he does not regret the massacre. “You can only dream that I would apologize,” he said.

The Israeli victims were:

Moshe Weinberg, wrestling coach, age 33;

Yossef Romano, weightlifter, 31

Ze'ev Friedman, weightlifter, 28

David Berger, weightlifter, 28

Yaakov Springer, weightlifting coach, age 51

Eliezer Halfin, wrestler, 24

Yossef Gutfreund, wrestling referee, 40

Kehat Shorr, shooting coach, 53

Mark Slavin, wrestler, 18

Andre Spitzer, fencing referee, 27

Amitzur Shapira , track coach, 40