Sunday, July 4, 2010

Lebanese Flotilla with 'Women's Boat' May Stand Down

by Maayana Miskin
July 4, 2010
A flotilla that was to set sail from Lebanon for Gaza appears to have been delayed or even canceled. While the flotilla's pro-terrorism organizers have made no official statements for the time being, the ships have not set sail despite receiving approval two weeks ago.

Organizers had planned to challenge Israel's naval blockade of Hamas. Iranian vessels with similar aims announced recently that their plans had been canceled due to “Israeli threats.”

The Lebanese flotilla's delay follows warnings from Israel and America. Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak warned that Lebanon would bear responsibilityfor the consequences if a flotilla launched from its shores clashed with Israeli troops, while the United States urged Lebanon to “behave responsibly” and send supplies to Gaza by land, not by sea.

The delay also follows mounting evidence that the flotilla was organized and backed by supporters of Islamic terrorism. One organizer, Samar Al-Haj, is known to have ties to Hizbullah head Hassan Nasrallah and said Nasrallah was her motivation in working to create a flotilla.

In a message to Israel, Al-Haj said, “We do not recognize you... I don't advise [to stop the ship] because the Lebanese flag won't be the only one aboard the Maryam.”
The Maryam was supposed to exclusively carry female passengers while other ships in the flotilla were to carry men.

A second woman planning to board the Maryam, Iman Tawil Sa'ad, told Al-Jazeera that her goal was “martyrdom, imprisonment or victory.” A third participant, “Z,” was interviewed for the Digital Journal, she said, “I don't believe in Israel as a country,” and later, “The ones they call terrorists attacking buses, pubs, discos – we call them martyrs.”

Z also said the “Israel lobby” controls Western media and “most” governments worldwide.

Organizer Yasser Qashlaq, who provided funding to the flotilla, gave an interview to Hizbullah's Al-Manar TV in June in which he called Israelis “murderers” who should “return to Poland.” Regarding the flotilla, he said, “The day will come when these ships will carry these dregs of European garbage back to their own countries.”

Addressing Israelis, Qashlaq said, “Don't be misled by moderate Arab leaders. You will never be able to make peace with us.” 