Sunday, July 4, 2010

What would NOT insult a Narcissist?

Cabinet Shoots Down Law that would Stymie Freeze Extension

by Gil Ronen

The Ministerial Committee on Legislation decided Sunday to deny the coalition's support for a bill that would make it hard for the government to extend the construction freeze imposed on Jews in Judea and Samaria. The bill, proposed by MKs Carmel Shama (Likud) and Uri Ariel (National Union), would make any additional freeze on construction dependent on Knesset approval.

Bills that do not receive the support of the Ministerial Committee on Legislation are usually doomed to fail in the Knesset plenum.

The decision to shoot down the bill was reached after Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu exerted heavy pressure on the ministers. He believed that approval of the bill would embarrass him on his upcoming trip to Washington D.C., where he will meet United States President Barack Obama.

MK Shama reacted to the ministers' vote against the bill by saying that their logic “defies comprehension.” Come September, he said, “the government of Israel will look back with longing at this bill.”

Late September is the when the ten-month Israeli self-imposed building freeze is slated to end. External pressure on Israel to extend the freeze is expected, however.

Shama explained at a public gathering that pressuring the Knesset to continue the freeze will be much more difficult than pressuring the government. “No political person can get Likud to pass a decision to extend the freeze,” he said. (