Thursday, June 16, 2011

IDF Prepares to Stop Planned Flotilla Later This Month

IDF Prepares to Stop Planned Flotilla Later This Month


Posted by Milena Rodban On June - 16 - 2011

In anticipation of the launch of a new flotilla bound for Gaza later this month, the IDF spent Wednesday engaging in a comprehensive navy drill. The Navy practiced stopping a simulated flotilla in various scenarios, as well as dealing with both violent and non-violent activists, stopping ships of different sizes using water cannons, and integrating upgraded command and control capabilities. A video of the drill was released to the media.

The planned flotilla has been plagued by setbacks- reportedly only four or five ships have been secured, far fewer than the dozens promised by organizers. It also remains unclear whether IHH activists will take part in this flotilla. These delays could impact the flotilla’s departure date, something the IDF is closely monitoring. The IDF has stated that they plan to stop the flotilla regardless of its cargo.

The IDF has been working to address issues that arose during last year’s interception of theMavi Marmara, which resulted in the deaths of nine Turkish activists. A Navy commando was also shot, but survived. Most significantly, the command and control capability will now allow commanders to receive intelligence in real time, meaning that they can immediately adjust their tactics in a fluid situation.

Always good to hear an "oldie" - presented after last year's Flotilla ..... and "Real Americans" send their best wishes to Israel's IDF Navy - Do whatever is necessary to stay safe. 

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