Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Palestinian Arabs want to go home - to Egypt!

PA Arabs Seek Egyptian Citizenship


by Elad Benari

As Egypt returns to normal operations following the revolution that saw the end of Hosni Mubarak’s regime, the country is faced with an age old problem: PA Arabs who seek Egyptian citizenship.

According to a report on Tuesday on the Al-Arabiya television network, a group of Palestinian Authority Arabs who started a Facebook page called “The Palestinians are related to Egypt and have the right to receive Egyptian citizenship”, have turned over a request to Egypt's interior minister, Mansour el-Essawy, asking to receive Egyptian citizenship.

The report noted that the minister announced that he would present the request to the Council of Ministers to make a decision in the case.

In the past, Egyptian mothers who are married to PA Arabs had referred a request to the Supreme Council of the armed forces, the Prime Minister, the Interior Minister, and to the Director of the Ministry of Immigration and Nationality, to implement a law that was enacted in 2004 and would grant Egyptian citizenship to their sons.

The mothers demanded that the law be implemented immediately and urgently, after a delay going on seven years. According to this law, Egyptian citizenship would be accepted by issuing a formal request from the Immigration and Nationality Ministry, without the need to open a file in an administrative court.



FINALLY!  The Palestinian Arabs admit that Israel is NOT their home!  They want to go HOME to Egypt!  Well, one can only hope and pray that their FACEBOOK page will be as successful as the uprising in Egypt, which supposedly first began with a group of young Egyptians using FACEBOOK.