Monday, March 21, 2011

The Muslim Brotherhood and The hijacking of the Egyptian Revolution (Video)

The Folly of the Leftist Media

When leftist media correspondents were wetting their pants with excitement over the Egyptian revolution, comparing it to the French and the American revolutions, I was on a CNN set saying, “No, no, no! Say it isn’t so.”
I believe these naïve and mono-cultural leftist reporters did not intend to intentionally mislead people. But they were too lazy to understand the sociological, religious and political forces that are at work behind the scenes. And in their jubilation and premature congratulations of how the revolution managed to oust a deeply entrenched regime, they ignored not only history but reality. They never bothered to ask the question, “Can an Islamic culture with Islamic forces that have been working for decades to take over the reins of power of government truly accept a Western-style socialist democracy?”
In the West, for generations, we have overlooked the fact that the media creates a world of “make believe.” That “make believe” is not only in the movies but also in the “spin” that the Left has inserted into the “news” so that we see it through their eyes.
In the fantasies of many of these correspondents who were perched in their luxurious hotel suites surrounding Tahrir Square, they gave the American people the idea that as soon as this bad regime under Mubarak falls, utopia will follow. Well, here is the reality on the ground today, nearly a month later.
  1. Muslim terrorists who were lurking in the dark are now in control of the streets of Egypt, not the army.
  2. Schools have been closed since January 25 out of fear that terrorists will come into the school to rape and kill students, and the school administrators do not want responsibility for that.
  3. There are no police to speak of since they are the enemies of the Muslim Brotherhood. The police are hiding from the terrorists, and there is no 911 to call.
  4. There is a complete breakdown of law and order — not just in Cairo, but in all of Egypt.
  5. Women are being attacked, mugged and assaulted in broad daylight.
  6. The once-banned militant Islamic preachers are now back from exile and are openly preaching hate toward Christians, the West and Israel.
  7. Priests are being beheaded in their own apartments.
  8. Churches are being burned to the ground.
  9. On March 8, thirteen Christians were killed and 150 were injured — 48 of them seriously.
  10. The army is acting impotently, if not sympathetically, with the Muslim Brotherhood. In fact, the army is infested with Muslim Brotherhood members.
  11. The new government recently appointed by the military council is made up of cabinet members who are on the record as against the peace treaty with Israel. They also are sympathetic to the Muslim Brotherhood.
So much for the celebration and jubilation in the White House because the people of Egypt are now “free.” Free from what?
Make no mistake about it. I’m not saying President Mubarak was a choirboy, far from it, but the vast majority of the population today is longing for the peace and the safety that his police brought to the streets.
I said all along that the well-meaning young people who started this revolution will be pushed aside by Islamic forces, and that’s precisely what is happening now. And Mr. Obama knew the Muslim Brotherhood’s emergence was inevitable. That’s why he and his team kept on emphasizing that the Muslim Brotherhood should participate in the new government.
The problem Mr. Obama fails to understand is that these people do not know how to participate in government. Their religious conviction compels them only to take control. Remember Hamas? Remember Hezbollah? Remember the Iranian revolution?
You don’t believe me? You don’t believe that the Muslim Brotherhood worked behind the scenes to present a different face of the revolution to the Western media? Well then, I want you to watch the three-minute video attached to this blog post. It’s not from a conservative outfit. Believe me. It’s from PBS’ FRONTLINE, and it aired February 22. I must pay tribute to these people for actually working on the front line. They did not sit on the balcony of their luxury hotel to report it. They went into the crowd and got the real story.
Our troubles in the Middle East, Europe and the United States have just begun. May God have mercy.