Sunday, March 13, 2011

Funeral for the Fogel Family - 13:30, Jerusalem

SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 2011

Funeral for the Fogel Family @ 13:30, Jerusalem

Update: Jameel is currently at the funeral. He reports thousands of people there. The entrance to the city is closed. People are standing in the streets outside the cemetery listening to the eulogies on the radio.

At 1:30 PM eulogies will be said at the main center of Givat Shaul Cemetery - Jerusalem.


Deputy Prime Minister MK Moshe Yalon
Knesset Chair MK Reuven Rivlin
Chief Rabbi of Tel Aviv - Yafo Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau
Former Chief Rabbi of IDF Rabbi Avi Ronsky 
Representative of the Fogel family
Representative of Ben Yishai family (of Ruth)
Shomron Regional Council Head Gershon Mesika

Mordechai Ben David (MBD) - Tefiloh Leoni

(Prayer for the afflicted)