Friday, February 11, 2011

Can It Get Any Worse for Israel? ...


White House Fudges on Whether it Would Save Israel

by Gil Ronen
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Robert GibbsWhite House Spokesman Robert Gibbs would not pledge to guarantee Israel's security if its existence is in danger, in a Wednesday press briefing. In reference to recent Middle East turmoil, he was asked: "If Israel is threatened by any of these new governments or Hamas and Hizbullah, if its existence is in danger, would the US come to its assistance? 

Gibbs answered: "Regardless of the situation facing any government in the region, our friendship, our partnership and our alliance with Israel is unchanged."
Gibbs also said the Administration could not force a peace settlement on Israel and the PA. "The president has been involved from day one in seeking a lasting peace between Israel and the Palestinians," he said, but added that "We cannot force those two into steps that they are unwilling to take steps to do themselves." 

After watching Gibbs and Obama speak for the past two years, like a mother knowing when her child is telling a "fib", most Americans recognize immediately when Gibbs (and Obama) are telling huge "fibs" and, we can also recognize "double-talk" when its being dished out!

Gibbs' statement "We cannot force "those two" is a perfect example of the disrespect this administration has given Israel for the past two years.  Lumping Israel, a democracy and State that has given in to concessions and appeasements to this administration for the sake of peace, while the Palestinians have REFUSED to negotiate is just another sign of how ignorant Obama's administration is about the Middle East.

By the way, Israel gave up Gaza - how's that peace working out for everyone?!  So, land for peace is a no-brainer!  

Name one thing, just "one" thing the Palestinians have offered as a demonstration of their willingness to negotiate peace between the Palestinian Authority and Israel.  

Anyone?  .... Take your time!  ..... None? ..... Exactly!