Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The New World Order’s Tower of Babel and Videos included

Source:  Israpundit
Posted by Ted Belman @ 12:50 pm

Glen Beck has a very important show on the lessons from the Genesis story of The Tower of Babel. Its all on VIDEO.. He asked Rabbi Lapin to explain the story and its meaning for all times.

Rabbi Lapin explains that Nimrod assembled all the people and organized them to build the Tower of Babel to reach the heavens. The “heavens” is code of a secular utopia where G-d doesn’t exist. He instructs that “bricks” be built and mortar be used. Why bricks instead of stone? The “bricks” symbolize the idea or making everybody the same so they fit better together whereas stones which are all unique represent people’s individuality. This secular utopia doesn’t allow for G-d or individuality.

The “mortar” represents what binds them. In Hebrew three consonants are used “m”, “t” and “r”. The Hebrew word is the root for materialism. This is the mortar which holds everything together.

This is the goal of all tyrranical or socialist movements including Communism, Nazism, Islam and World Government.

As for the latter he contrasts an artists conception of the Tower of Babel with an architects rendering of the proposed EU building. They are identical. The New World Order is building its own version of the Tower of Babel.

G-d saves the people and turns them back into unique stones.


Source:  The Right Scoop

Glenn Beck Show Discussion – November 16, 2010

Beck has Rabbi Daniel Lapin on and talks the Tower of Babel and has an interesting find in the 2nd half of the show.

November 16, 2010 (Part 1/3)

