Wednesday, November 17, 2010

“Death to America” “Death to Israel” – the favorite chant of Muslims on pilgrimage to Mecca

Source:  Bare Naked Islam

Tens of thousands of Muslims chanted “Death to America” and “Death to Israel” at the annual Hajj pilgrimage, which the Ayatollah of Iran called “a symbol of spirituality.” (Isn’t that what everyone does on a pilgrimage to the holiest city in their religion?)

FROM CAIR: Some 12,000 American Muslims are expected to join an estimated 2.5 million pilgrims in the Saudi Arabian city of Mecca for the hajj, the annual Islamic pilgrimage that this year runs Sunday through Thursday. (I”d volunteer to pay some of their airfares, as long as it’s a one way trip and they sign a legal document swearing never to come back here)
INN The Arab Ahlul Bayt News Agency reported, “The pilgrims chanted anti-US and anti-Zionist slogans during the ceremony, also attended by the Supreme Leader’s representative for Hajj affairs, Hojatoleslam Ali Qazi-Asgar.
“God is the Greatest”, “Death to Israel” and “Death to America” were among slogans chanted by the masses in unison as they gathered in the Desert of Arafat near Mecca, where more than 2 million Muslims have gathered.
Crowd: Israel is the enemy of Allah.
Man: May the hands of the infidels be chopped off.
Crowd: May the hands of the infidels be chopped off.
Man: May the hands of the infidels be chopped off.
Crowd: May the hands of the infidels be chopped off.
Man: (Chopped off) from the land of the believers.
Crowd: From the land of the believers.
Man: The Audience will now split into two groups: One group will settle the score with America, and the other will settle the score with Israel. This group now: Death to America!
Crowd: Death to America!
Man: Death to Israel!
Crowd: Death to Israel! Death to America!
Man: Death to America!
Crowd: Death to America!
Man: Death to America!
Crowd: Death to Israel! Death to America! Death to Israel!
Man: All together now: Death to America! Death to Israel!
Crowd: Death to America! Death to Israel! Death to America! Death to Israel! Death to America! Death to Israel! Death to America! Death to Israel!
Qazi-Asgar read a message from the Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, the leader of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, who told Muslims to engage in “struggle and resistance against the aggressions of the United States and the Zionist regime.”
He began his speech by saying that “the growing wave of Islamic awakening heralds a glorious future for the Muslim community…The enemy’s extensive propaganda campaigns to promote Islamophobia are hasty attempts at sowing discord among Islamic faiths and fueling factional prejudices.”
From 2009:

Pilgrims at Mecca: There Is No God But Allah, and America Is The Enemy of Allah!

November 16, 2010
Categories: EnemyWithin-foreign . . Author: barenakedislam

My note:
I was just on an American newspaper's blog and the article folks were commenting on was, of course, having to do with Israel.  Sadly, what was demonstrated by a few bloggers was a lack of Middle East history and they were not afraid to make anti-Semitic comments; some were straight out of the books printed in the early 1930's, portraying the Jews as the troublemakers.  

I blame a part of this attitude of today on the Obama administration's constant propaganda for Islam.  Propaganda, calling Islam a "Religion of Peace" when this video, its Koran, and its terrorism throughout the world demonstrate that Islam is NOT a peaceful religion, nor does its teachings match up to today's civilization.

Ignorance is not bliss and anti-Semitism is and always will be a form of ignorance.   Islam calls out "Death to America" - "Death to Israel", while our president insists that Americans remain "tolerant" towards those who wish us dead.

Bee Sting