Santa Claus must be American as the Obamas don’t like him
By Judi McLeod Wednesday, November 24, 2010
It’s coming up to that special time of year so get ready, folks, for Barack’s and Michelle’s Christmas Circus Supreme.
Last year it was the Christmas Eve push for Socialized Medicine on the political front and Mao and transvestite White House Christmas tree ornaments on the cultural front.
It’s Barry’s and Mo’s White House Christmas tree , and they’ll put whatever they want on it even though they do not believe in Christmas
Santa Claus must be American as the Obamas don’t like him.
There is nothing for pacifist Obamato like about St. (Santa) Nicholas, who once punched the no-Divinity-in-Christ claiming priest Arius right in the face. (See Michael Vores’ description of a Rocky-like St. Nick coming to the defense of St. Athanasius, Pope of Alexandria, Confessor and Doctor of the Church right here on the Vortex.)
Obama’s sneakier style is to insult Americans from the safety of the foreign shores of America’s enemies.
Yet, there was a little less swagger in his gait when Barry S. recently returned from Europe. Being a sort lady gaga of the ever-shifting world of politics comes with its own tiresome turf.
It was really back in those days when Obama was a do-nothing senator that he first let it be known that there is no exchange of Christmas presents in his household.
People Magazine must have thought that people really cared when it divulged that Barack said that he and his wife Michelle, do not give Christmas or birthday presents to their two young daughters, his way of teaching them “some limits”.
The Obamas don’t give Christmas gifts, but they gift themselves and legions of friends almost every other day.
Perhaps Obama should have extended “some limits” on wife Michelle, who wears $600-a-pair Margieles shoes all to show off red painted toenails.
Wrecking the Christmas of the masses comes straight out of Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals. But Rule Number 7 must have gone right over Obama’s head: “A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.”
Before Obama can drag his demoralization tactics out of the Christmas 2010 goodie bag, let’s have a look at his faithful field of operations: The Theatre of the Absurd.
Theatre of the Absurd Numero Uno: Never stay at home if home is only the White House and you know in your heart of hearts that you are really the uncrowned King of the World.
Besides operating offshore for a good deal of the time comes with the decided advantage of being able to feel so much safer, hurling insults at the very people responsible for the largesse in your nomad life.
From the Theatre of the Absurd comes the rule: Take Your Circus of Traveling Czars With You. That way you can get the much needed morale boost from hearing all the dastardly things being done to America by a shadow government whose creativity comes from toking in the boardroom.
Spending “quality” time with the Czars cuts you a break from being pointed at the mirror by Michelle and Valerie, and instructed to repeat after them: “I am the most powerful man on earth and no Tea Party’s gonna’ stop me.”
The gig is up on the Theatre of the Absurd, including those romantic little dinners in Chicago. When you lead a life dominated by fomenting for revolution and are steeped in resentment, any romance has got to be of the strictly manufactured kind.
Easy to shoot figurative holes through Obama’s job of saving the world’s masses by trying to have them imprisoned in dreary Socialist camps. Easy, too, to shoot those same holes through Michelle’s chosen “job” of providing 5,000 salad bars for schools when hyper inflation is on its way to the supermarkets. Besides, Mamas and Papas across the fruited plains would be first to tell Michelle that it is not salads at school their kids need but brainfood to counteract the indoctrination they are getting in class.
Meanwhile, it’s coming up to Christmas time when the lady gagas of politics matter the very least.
Remember last year's White House Christmas Tree, with hand-painted ornaments of the World's worse dictators?
Remember the almost successful Muslim underwear bomber, who almost took an entire plane down on Christmas Eve?
Remember Obama's response to the Islamic attack? ... Here's a reminder: 'I'm golfing, don't bother me; I'll be back in Washington after January 1st, etc. and etc."
I think Obama's latest TSA invasion of the body snatchers at the airports is his way of paying Americans back for speaking out last year, because he preferred golfing to speaking to the country about the Muslim "underwear" bomber! In his sick mind, he's saying, "I'll give them something to complain about! Why, I'll have the TSA check their underwear!"
I suggest this year the media pass up any offers to show American's the Obama's thrown-together decorations; after all, Muslims do not celebrate Christmas, so stop the pretense!
Bee Sting