By Kelly O'Connell Sunday, November 21, 2010
It’s true The Obama has been an unmitigated disaster as president. Very few now dispute this fact after the Nov 2nd Massacre. But what does this fact mean in a larger setting? Upon reflection and analysis, Barack’s failure rests at his own feet because he is the current clod in office. But we can’t avoid the larger implication—modern-liberalism itself has been tested and found utterly fraudulent. This is very dangerous as modern-liberal socialism is now our default national policy in all matters, and government actions based upon ignorance and lies can only result in failure and ultimate disaster.
For example, deficit spending is supposedly our main “engine” of economic recovery. It is either effective, or it is not. Yet all results show it’s failed. There are many like examples of Barack making appalling decisions as doomed to fail as Rosie O’Donnell emceeing a Tea Party event. But the more unacceptable fraud is the idea that leftism offers answers for life’s problems. It does not. The sooner we accept this failure, the closer we will be to answering America’s vexing crises.
I. Shortcomings of Obama
Obama’s personality is that of a sassy junior high kid convinced he’s a superman. Like many adults caught in a stunted adolescent wasteland, Obama’s emotions range somewhere between smug self-infatuation over self-perceived greatness to aggrieved fury over any criticism.
Barack inexplicably developed the conviction he was truly a great man, before even entering the presidency. But where would such an idea come from? One has to dip into the psychology of Marxism and its megalomaniac leaders to perhaps understand this phenomenon.
Obama’s stunning arrogance is illustrated by this quote from a man Barack interviewed for a job and then hired. Barack is said to have claimed:
I think that I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters. I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m gonna think I’m a better political director than my political director.
Marxism inoculates its followers against a serious study of the doctrines it opposes, such as capitalism, democracy, human rights, religion, etc. It turns these concepts into a joke. Marxism is a monomania, a theory tossing out ridiculously simple and insulting explanations as to how the world works. Man is at the center; there is no God. Economics only concerns splitting a finite pie with everyone equally.
Both Obama and leftism are hopeless duds. The Prophet Daniel interpreted the ghostly writing upon the castle wall in a manner that we can fairly apply to both Barack and his beloved modern-liberalism:
“Here is what these words mean:
“Here is what these words mean:
Mene: God has numbered the days of your reign and brought it to an end.
Tekel: You have been weighed on the scales and found wanting.
Peres: Your kingdom is divided
II. Utter Falsity of Leftism
A. Brief History of Modern-Liberalism
Original or “classical liberalism” as a general movement is traced to the Reformation, where the call for freedom rang out from Luther. The notion individual rights exist at all comes from a Protestant reading of the Believer’s individual access to God and His Kingdom. The Bible has a rich tradition of prophets, priests and everyday believers standing against the corrupt authority of King and state. The Natural Law philosophers helped develop this into a modern theory of “rights” which were individual and held against any other power. Finally these rights were enshrined in the British and then American Bill of Rights.
Around the turn of last century socialists began to refer to their movement as “liberalism” which lead to much confusion. Liberalism’s root is “liberty.” But socialism is an anti-liberty movement in which Locke’s freedom-oriented Social Contract is inverted and everyone in society hands over all their rights in exchange for the government taking total control of their lives. Civil rights are also extinguished under such a regime. The Marxist system portrays salvation only occurring in the group. Therefore, Obama and his followers have shown they have no individual love of life, liberty or property rights. In this sense they are not just un-American, but anti-American in their rejection of our core document, the Constitution, claims the government exists to protect our liberties.
B. Profound Flaw in Modern-Liberalism
Socialism is based upon atheistic foundations. If there is no God, then man must create his own strategies for himself. This explains the disaster we see all around. For, asDosteyevski pointed out—if there is no God, then everything is acceptable. And instead of our society based upon a two-thousand year old Christian traditions, which created the West we enjoy today, we are thrown back upon a reborn paganism in which every answer must come from man (Peter Gay argues the modern world is pagan in nature in his highly influentially The Enlightenment: The Rise of Modern Paganism).
C. Economic Lies & Deficit Spending
Modern socialistic economics theories in America are still deeply influenced by Karl Marx‘s writings, such as Das Kapital & The Communist Manifesto. It is imperative to realize Marx had no formal education in economics, as incredible as this sounds. He was trained in philosophy.
Marxism is built from several basic fallacies. Marx taught:
- Wealth is static, meaning there is only a finite amount to go around;
- The rich steal their wealth from the workers;
- Capitalism was an evil system that would collapse on its own, and after an interlude of socialism would finally become communism;
- Religion is a hoax and God didn’t exist;
- Human nature is a myth and therefore people are like machines;
- The only metric to judge human advancement was by virtue of material wealth; and
- The only genuine authority was government.
The impact of Marxism was the most pernicious belief system of the modern age. Put aside the 150-200 million residents murdered in communist countries in the 20thcentury. On a merely economic analysis, there has never been a successful communist or socialist state economics system. So why has the West been mesmerized by the mirage of socialism for 150 years? This is because Marxism fills the space in people’s minds where religion properly exists.
Failed liberal economics is Keynesian deficit spending, a variation of the doomedcommand economy. This is the Stimulus bill which Obama so indifferently assembled and then so dishonestly sold as an answer to the nation’s jobs problems. He infamously claimed the entire point was simple spending:
You get the argument, ‘Well, this is not a stimulus bill, this is a spending bill.’ What do you think a stimulus is? That’s the whole point. No, seriously. That’s the point.
Keynesian Economics always fails. The great economist Walter Hazlitt painstakingly disproved Keynes’ magnum opus, The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, almost line by line. Hazlitt’s book , The Failure of the “New Economics,” destroyed the fuzzy scholarship of the Keynesian school in one fell swoop. But because deficit spending is part of the new modern financial cult and gives the government great socialistic latitude in intervening in the marketplace, it still retains tremendous support. But make no mistake—socialist economics always leads to poverty.
D. Disastrous Understanding of Leadership
One of the worst aspects of the Obama cult has been his absurd approach to leadership. Barack must honestly believe his every move is the very quintessence of astuteness. He thinks of himself as Lex Animata, the living lawgiver. He thinks, as a Marxist critic of democracy and capitalism, he senses a better way in himself. Strangely, communists are critical of even the tiniest details of the constitutional republican model, and yet have not the tiniest fear of living under even the most complete and powerful Marxist tyranny. Isn’t the remarkable? Yet it is a result of the lack of a realistic view of human nature that socialists cannot assemble an efficient government.
All the “great” Marxists leaders were astounding failures at doing good. After achieving power, Vladimir Lenin decided he hated the peasants and waged war upon them, creating a political famine to starve them out. Then he sent in the army to begin killing these peasant Kulaks. Lenin murdered millions of his countrymen. He invented the labor camp and filled it with his enemies to control them and to provide free labor, or have them killed. Between Stalin and Mao, no less than 150 million innocent citizens were killed through executions, forced famines, and labor camps.
Let’s recall that Obama’s mentor and ghostwriter, Bill Ayers, was in a group who claimed that perhaps 25 million Americans might have to be murdered to bring communism to America.
These “leaders” who promised positive change were just ignorant and evil tyrants, claiming to have perfect knowledge of how to direct hundreds of millions of individuals in all their decisions. But it’s fascinating how Barack seems to have the same decision making style as these great communist frauds.
Obama has many traits in common with these idiotic despots. Barack talks down to the average citizen, boasts and lies constantly, is perpetually ill-informed, makes hasty decisions off the cuff on topics he is illiterate upon, goes against the People’s will, makes epic mistakes and then pretends he is riding monster waves of success, scoffs at critics, repeatedly favors government over the private sector, thinks he is never wrong, is unfazed by the suffering of his people, talks about his political opponents as “enemies,” is isolated, belittles capitalism, longs to takeover huge market sectors when he can barely tie his own shoes, is convinced of his genius as much as any son of Kim il Jong, disagrees with the principles of a constitutional republic, dislikes Christianity, attacks the middle class in his policies, is brutally cynical, misuses the state treasury for his own entertainment, uses thug Chicago styled tactics, loves abortion, acts as if there is no God, is pleased to confiscate other’s property without recompense.
E. Values Disaster
Socialists have a horrible lack of human-enriching values, so their regimes refuse to celebrate the best in humanity. Instead, they always take power from the People in order to build up the state. They allow no crisis to pass without milking it for more power. The ultimate disaster of the Obamatons and others communists is a lack of wholesome ethics. Yet, it is virtue which makes life worth living. But we can see all around us the ugliness of the socialist vision.
III. What Next for America?
The greatest thing to happen in America since the Reagan Revolution is the Tea Party. From this will grow seeds of greatness, but already it has derailed the Obama juggernaut. The future of America will depend upon the Tea Party and its virtuous inclinations, and the blessings of the Most High.
We are now desperately in need of several things. From a civic standpoint we must renew our teaching of American history, especially constitutionalism, our ideas of government and law. We also badly need a new generations of scholars to take up Locke, Lord Coke, the Founders, and studies of the common law, natural law, and the indispensable crossroads of Christianity and government theory.
What is most needed now is a new Great Awakening to sweep across America, and get people’s noses back in Bibles, and their rear-ends back in pews. For only if Americans revisit the source of our unique vision and unearthly power can we ever hope to regain our quickly fleeting greatness.