Sunday, November 14, 2010

Entry of the groom and bride. The song with translation. - Music video


Itzik Orlev Sacred Canopy exciting song

Angel of God, an angel of peace
Angel of love seeks to fulfill a dream
Angel of happiness, angel of heat
Good angels are welcome today

Blessed years happily diamond heart
The gate opens worlds merge for peace
Today Natkeds - today Natkeds (to be holy)

This holy day, Yom Kiddushin (in the Holy Review)
Tears streaming down, excited that wedding anniversary
Thanks for asking today
Angels are a blessing from God Heaven

Blessed years happily diamond heart
The gate opens worlds merge for peace

Walked, teary
To the light leading away from the emotion and heat
Walked, teary
To the pure white light as the day dawns

Blessed years happily diamond heart
The gate opens worlds merge for peace
Today Natkeds - today Natkeds

Walked, teary
After all, religion ring me only the sacred
Walked, teary
Quickly build and will be the city of God renewed

Walked, teary
After all, religion ring me only the sacred
Walked, teary
Quickly build and will be the city of God renewed

Today Natkeds


Thank you, Ron, for beautiful translation to song.
Bee Sting