Tuesday, October 19, 2010

We Need to Save our Country - Elections Around the Corner

Source:  Expose Obama

Obama’s DOJ Files Brief Supporting Tennessee Mosque

October 19th, 2010
Creeping Shari’a blog

Ain’t no stopping them now, they’re on the move, and the terrorist-friendly DOJ – led by Eric Holder – has got their back. Picking and choosing local issues in the Obama administration.
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — Federal attorneys on Monday jumped into a court battle over the construction of a Tennessee mosque by offering legal proof that Islam is a recognized religion entitled to constitutional protection.
U.S. Attorney Jerry E. Martin of Nashville said his office would not sit by while mosque opponents raise questions in court about whether Islam is a recognized religion. Martin said in a statement that to suggest otherwise “is quite simply ridiculous.”
Martin’s office filed a brief saying as much in a state lawsuit brought by mosque opponents against Rutherford County for granting permission for construction of the building.
Mosque opponents are challenging whether the county acted properly in granting the construction permit….
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We Don’t Need a “Great Victory”; We Need to Save Our Country

October 19th, 2010
Kevin “Coach” Collins, Coach Is Right

The Political Class is our enemy. It wants a “Great day,” but that’s not what we want. We can’t be satisfied with a “great day.”  “Great days” are the victories the Political Class craves because to them elections are a series of games – “Sometimes you win sometimes, I win. Let’s go get a beer now that this is over.” To us this is saving the very life of our country, the life or death of America. To the Political Class this is a muscle flexing contest. All of them see us as “true believer suckers.”
We have to stay focused and make certain we leave nothing undone. We are fighting the Second American Revolution. Winning this one is even more important than winning the first one. Losing the first Revolution, would not have put us in anywhere near the sorry condition we are in today.
What each of us must do

To win this fight and save our country we have to take a number of steps.
We have to give as much money as we possibly can to a conservative candidate.  As bad as things are now we’ll be in worse shape if we fail to rid ourselves of these Marxists. It will embolden them to more Statism.

Volunteer at a campaign headquarters.  You’ll find friendly people eager to welcome you and ask you to pitch in on a number of tasks.
Read more.

Video of the Day: Congressman, Obama Has Defied His Constitutional Duty

October 18th, 2010