eomoov | June 17, 2010
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Israel Disgusted by EU Relations with Hamas Terrorists
By Joel Leyden
Israel News Agency
Archives - background history, repeated as reminder that Hamas are terrorists.
Jerusalem-----June 17...... Israel has protested increasing European contacts with the Islamic terror organization Hamas, urging the European Union to keep the group on its list of terrorist organizations and warning that talking to the Islamic terrorists undermines Palestinian moderates.
Three senior Hamas members said their group has been talking to European Union diplomats regularly.
European Union officials denied the contacts but acknowledged that meetings with Hamas may be inevitable now that Hamas won control of dozens of West Bank and Gaza towns in recent local elections.
"We believe Europeans should be strengthening moderate Palestinians and not appeasing the extremists," said Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Mark Regev. "Anything that demonstrates acceptance of Hamas as a legitimate player is a problem."
Both the U.S. and the EU list Hamas as a terrorist group, but its strong showing in local votes poses a dilemma for the West, which must determine how to handle existing aid projects in towns now run by Hamas-backed mayors. Hamas members said Thursday that their group is in contact with EU diplomats, and the meetings have grown more frequent after Hamas' victory in more than a third of 120 towns in three rounds of municipal voting since December.
"There should be no doubt of our concerns that a terrorist group (Hamas) has been allowed into Palestinian politics without abandoning the ways of terrorism," said an Israeli political source. |
When Israelis defend themselves and kill their sworn enemies, we do not dance in the streets or hand out candies in the fashion of Palestinians after Israeli civilians have been murdered. Israel has each and every right to defend herself from those who openly advocate and embrace terrorism as a means to destroying the Jewish nation. No, it was not a happy day when Israel killed Hamas founder Ahmed Yassin, but we all felt a bit more secure for our children. Yassin, who dressed in his virgin white robes, with a long white beard, smiling in his wheelchair may have looked like a warm and friendly Santa Claus. But as Jennifer Laszlo, a Washington-based media consultant, put it: "he was not handing out candy canes, he was handing out death."
Yassin was responsible for rewakening the concept of militant Jihad (holy war) and glorifying Islamic terror suicide bombers to Palestinian children. The concept of Jihad is still very much alive within Hamas today. Yassin and his Hamas followers were no moderates yesterday and not as you read this story.
Moderates do not plan and implement the blowing up of Israeli civilian buses and restaurants. Moderates do not export Jihad terrorist activity to Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Syria. Over 970 Israelis have been murdered as a result of Yassin's preaching of death. And Yassin was not a "spiritual leader." Ahmed Yassin was a military commander and a terrorist in every sense of those words. He provided fine details to his followers as to how to murder Israeli teenagers at Tel Aviv's Dolpharnarian nightclub, elderly Jews who were blown to shreds as they celebrated Passover dinner at the Park Hotel in Netanya and the countless buses and Israeli restaurants which were ripped apart - explosives spewing ball bearings, metal shards and nails through the bodies of innocent men, woman and children. A moderate does not state that Israel has no right to exist.
Yassin, the founder of Hamas, repeatedly educated his Islamic public that Palestine had always been Arab land. This is somewhat of a paradox given that Islam is some 1,372 years old compared to ancient Israel which was created by the Jews over 5,000 years ago. And when people come to Yassin's defense stating that he just wanted the "occupation" to end - Yassin's version of occupation transcended Rahmallah, Nablus and Jenin, it included Tel Aviv, Hadera, Afula, Kiryat Shomona, Haifa, Ramat Gan and Eilat!
Let's look a bit closer at Yassin, the founder of the Hamas terror organization, at both his history and at his own words. Yassin was imprisoned in Israel twice. In 1984 and 1989. In 1989, Yassin was sentenced for life, on account of involvement in the murder of IDF soldiers, Avi Sasport and Ilan Sadon, and possession of weapons. Once released from prison in 1997, as part of an agreement signed between Israel and Jordan (after the targeting attempt on Haled Mashal), Yassin became involved in Hamas terrorist activities. His involvement included the direction of terrorist operations and tunneling of funds to terrorist activity. In 1998, Yassin campaigned throughout Arab countries to raise millions of dollars worth of financial aid to help Hamas carry out terrorist operations. Yassin was a central Hamas authority for terrorist decision and policy making. Yassin personally authorized suicide attacks, terror bombing attacks and Qassam missile attacks against the State of Israel.
During his public appearances, Yassin repeatedly called to continue the "armed struggle" and to carry out terrorist attacks. Yassin used to emphasize the importance of kidnapping Israelis for purpose of negotiation and release of Palestinian terrorists. Was Yassin a moderate? Was this man a spiritual leader? Or was Yassin the bin-Laden of Hamas, a butcher who viewed all Jews and Christians as "infidels", epitomizing the very essence of evil. A dark force who openly threatened the United States and was famous for repeating: "terror attacks are religiously legitimate, those who fight for Allah kill and get killed and receive 72 virgins for their actions." Israel wants peace. But this tiny democracy, which lives and breathes in one of the most hostile environments on earth, had to confront a bigger evil than Yassin. Yassar Arafat.
Arafat, who was born in Egypt, somehow became a Palestinian. He also attempted to overthrow the Jordanian government in 1971 and was expelled from Jordan to Lebanon in what is known as "Black September." Arafat was one of the best public relations men who ever roamed the Middle-East, calling for "Peace of the Brave" in English while asking young Palestinian children in Arabic to become "shieds" (martyrs) to place suicide belts around their 8-year-old bodies and march to Jerusalem. Arafat, who walked away from the Camp David Peace Accords out of cowardice of being assassinated by his own Fatah terror group, chose a war of terrorism against Israel.
With Yassin assassinated and Arafat dead from AIDS, Hama's lethal confrontation with Israel is far from over. Hamas terrorists continue to attempt to smuggle weapons and suicide bombers into Israel. Only due to the excellent, diligent work of Israel's intelligence organizations and the brave, alert soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces who identify and arrests Islamic Palestinian suicide bombers at IDF checkpoints, is there relative quiet for which Israel is now experiencing.
Israel wants to use Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice's weekend visit to try to stem the growing political and diplomatic clout of Hamas, political sources said. Israeli leaders are increasingly worried about the Islamist faction's successes in local Palestinian elections, its recent contacts with European Union diplomats and the threat of renewed terror attacks that could disrupt Israel's Gaza withdrawal. Prime Minister Ariel Sharon may even ask Rice to pressure Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to bar Hamas from running in coming parliamentary elections, a Sharon confidant said. Rice is unlikely to comply with such a request, which would be seen widely as interference in internal Palestinian affairs, even though Hamas remains sworn to Israel's destruction and is on a U.S. list of terrorist organizations. But Sharon will stress his opposition to Abbas's strategy of talking to militants instead of confronting them, and hopes to convince Rice to urge the EU to reinstate a ban on contacts with Hamas, which the bloc also classifies as a terrorist group. Sharon may also seek to prevent any U.S. appeals for further goodwill gestures to the Palestinians ahead of his summit with Abbas on Tuesday.
"There should be no doubt of our concerns that a terrorist group has been allowed into Palestinian politics without abandoning the ways of terrorism," said an Israeli political source. But Hamas urged the Palestinian Authority to resist any outside pressure, and Palestinian officials, who will meet Rice on Saturday before she talks to the Israelis, said Sharon had no right to dictate election policy to them. Diplomats in Washington have said the United States is showing signs of easing its hardline approach toward Hamas, but the White House insists there has been no change.
The Palestinian Authority (PA) chairman Mahmoud Abbas opened negotiations in Cairo with Arab terrorist groups three months ago with a problem on his hands: how to convince Hamas, a radical Islamic terror group that does not recognize Israel, to sign on to the cease-fire he's trying to broker among the various terrorist factions.
Hamas spokesman Mohammad Nazzal, in the footsteps of Ahmed Yassin, said recently, "The Hamas organization believes it is not possible to declare a full cease-fire at this stage of the talks." He said a "cooling down" period of a few months might be attained, but rejected "a long-term truce."
and more recent:
Gaza Freedom Flotilla
By Joel Leyden
Jerusalem ---- June 19, 2010 …. No one is dying in Gaza. No one is starving in Gaza. Fact is, tons of food, water, fuel and medicine flow into Gaza from Israel every day in cooperation with the UN and EU.
So why is it that so many world leaders, the UN, newspaper editors and the general public believe that the people of Gaza are suffering from famine? That Israel is attacking "humanitarian" ships and "peace activists" from the Gaza Freedom Flotilla?
That Turkey deserves to demand that Israel apologize for simply defending herself from more than 12,000 terror rockets that have fallen on the Israel cities of Sderot, Ashdod and Ashkelon since Israel left Gaza five years ago?
We must ask ourselves how has the grotesque absurd transformed itself into a clear perception of reality in every capital around the world?
Creative satire from Israel has become the sole magical bullet in
responding to the Iranian, Hamas and Turkish Islamic Jihad PR machine.
Not since Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels engineered the creative propaganda of the Nazi regime has the world witnessed such professional and sophisticated public relations and public affairs.
Iran is using her petrol dollars to buy the best PR professionals on the world market. And the results have been nothing less than stunning.
Where Islamic suicide bombers could not and did not succeed, Iran today is using her puppet organizations Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon to wage not only a Jihad (Holy War against Jews and Christians) of bullets and bombs, but an electronic Jihad that incorporates the best of show business.
The invention of the Gaza Freedom Flotilla was a brilliant move. It was nothing less than a laser guided weapon that found Israel's large and exposed Achilles Heal - PR.
Israel suffers from a lack of budget and PR professionals. The money in Israel goes to F-16's, submarines, the Mossad, the Shabak and combat units in the IDF. So when so called "peace activists" with direct ties to Hamas and al-Qaeda arrived from Turkey, Iran and those who are waging Islamic Jihad against the West prayed that Israel would not know how to handle it. And they were right.
Rather than respond with Israel naval officers in their dress white uniforms passing out flowers and food to the "peace activists" for the world media to record and upload, black masked commandos stormed the Gaza Freedom Flotilla with paint ball guns. And to add to Iran's joy, these Israel commandos had orders not to shoot, even as their comrades were being knived, shot and clubbed as they boarded. There were no Israel snipers. There was no cover fire to take out the Islamic attackers.
But then something of a miracle emerged on YouTube. It was not the standard dry and academic videos that one would find being uploaded from the IDF. Rather it was pure satire produced by the private sector.
The "We Con The World" video went from a handful of viewers to over 100,000 viewers within 24 hours. Within a week and half over 3 million people viewed this creative and factual version of reality in Gaza and Israel. Eventually YouTube removed the video even as the Latma production team yelled Fair Use and foul. The video may have been produced with all of the elements of Fair Use, but YouTube, which is a corporation that makes a commercial revenue is not Fair Use.
WeJew.com, an Israel based video provider then picked up where YouTube left off.
As the US warns Europe of Iran missiles and as Iran dispatches "humanitarian" Gaza Flotilla Ships from Iran, Turkey and Lebanon to provoke Israel into a war, we should all sit back and take another look at the Gaza Freedom Flotilla.
As "We Con The World" simply states in its lyrics, all you have to do is call yourself an activist. And with that magic word you may just be able to enter Gaza with more lethal missiles, rockets, bombs and bullets to attack Israel towns and cities with. Iran, Hamas and Islamic Jihad failed to deliver weapons with the Karine A carrying over 50 tons of weapons, including short-range Katyusha rockets, antitank missiles, and high explosives. But the "activists" might just succeed in softening up Israel's legal blockade of Gaza. Create a hole just big enough to add a few more rockets among the sacks of rice and plastic baby toys.
It's time that Israel wakes up and provides a realistic budget for public affairs and crisis communications management for both the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Israel Defense Forces. That in the next Security Cabinet meeting held in Jerusalem by the Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Israel Defense Minister Ehud Barak that the missing and critical issue of public relations and public affairs be addressed.
The cost of a news release, a Twitter and Facebook account plus a YouTube video is far less expensive than an all out war which could cost the lives of thousands of Jews, Arabs and Christians in Israel, in Iran and around the globe.
Public affairs has a direct affect on life on the ground. So far Iran, Turkey, Syria, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the Gaza Freedom Flotilla which want to take away your basic freedom and democracy are winning big time with a 1-0 score.
Just call yourself an activist.
The Israel News Agency, which is accredited by Israel Government Press Office, was the first on line news organization in Israel. The INA reaches up to 60 million readers through Google News and Internet social networking channels such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube from New York, London, Moscow and Paris to Toronto, Los Angeles, China and India. Leyden is presently launching the United States News Agency using the INA as a successful working model.
The above news content was edited and SEO optimized in New York, London and Israel for the Internet by the Leyden Communications Internet Marketing PR SEO Group London SEO Pr New York SEO Pr Israel SEO Pr Israel, London, New York.
Tactics are changing from the base camps of Hamas; they now convince many in this world that they are starving, mistreated, poor civilians who just need an opportunity for the world leaders to recognize Hamas as a legitimate government. Is their propaganda winning world support? Sadly, many would have to agree - and between the two articles listed above - NOTHING HAS CHANGED, except world opinion of a TERRORIST ORGANIZATION - an opinion that undermines Israel's right to exist as a Jewish State.
What world leaders expect of Israel, they would never accept on their own lands, such as having a neighbor shoot missiles into their cities and rockets raining down upon schools and hospitals. They would not allow terrorists the opportunity to infiltrate their lands to murder civilians riding on their highways. The response to terrorism would be quick and just anywhere in the world. However, these same world leaders hold Israel to standards that would make even the most blessed "saint's" patience wither from such atrocities, as they watch a mother prepared to give birth, die in the arms of her husband along a dark highway, murdered at the hands of Hamas terrorists.
Rumors abound that now Abbas seeks reconciliation with Hamas. Hamas is a puppet of IRAN, loaded down with Iranian weapons smuggled through Gaza's tunnels. Iran pulls the strings and since Iran is not close enough to Israel, she uses Hamas, Hezibollah and other neighboring countries to perform her intentions of causing as much terror and harm to Israeli citizens as possible, while the world does not even blink an eye, nor does the United Nations condemn such actions!
We are now living in a world where good is called evil and evil, "good". The best voice for Israel, PM Netanyahu's speech at the UN, is worth repeating - dear world, "Have you no shame? No decency?"