Monday, April 5, 2010

Al-Qaeda urges UK jihadists to build missiles and attack passenger jets

Large Gaza rocket

Using Russian-made rockets -- yes, the same Russia that just suffered another severe jihad attack. "Al-Qaeda urges UK fanatics to build DIY cruise missiles," from ANI, April 4 (thanks to Maxwell):

London, Apr 4(ANI): Fears of a terror attack during the UK General Election have been further fueled by reports that the Al-Qaeda has urged British fanatics to build DIY cruise missiles to attack passenger jets.

According to reports, an Al-Qaeda website explains how to build missiles with solid fuel engines using operating manuals for the Russian 107mm Katyusha rocket. Numerous links are also available for guides to make explosives, including C4 plastic explosive, acetone peroxide and TNT.

The same site was used to explain how to bring down a jet before former London student Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab tried to blow up a passenger jet over Detroit on last year's Christmas Day.

Another recent posting shows a sophisticated computer-designed plan for a two-stage missile that would drop an explosive device on to a target by parachute.

"Isn't it ironic that the two capitals of the war against Islam, Washington DC and London, have also become among the centres of Western Jihad?" The Daily Express quoted Anwar al-Awlaki, a radical on the run in the Yemen, as saying on the website....

30 Comments - Jihad Watch

"...Al-Qaeda has urged British fanatics to build DIY cruise missiles to attack passenger jets. "

Islam...feel the love?

"...Al-Qaeda has urged British fanatics to build DIY cruise missiles to attack passenger jets."
Fanatics. Would that be the UAF?

"DIY cruise missiles to attack passenger jets."

A cruise missile??? A cruise missile is a long range inertially guided, surface contour matching, sophisticated piece of engineering way beyond the capabilities of unshaven goat molesters.

No, not a cruise missile. An unguided simple rocket like an RPG, yes. That's easy. We made rockets in our early teens with payload carrying ability after we got some experience.

I suppose its possible to attack an airline in the taxiing and early take off stages with such a crude device, but definetly not at it's cruising altitude.

Anyway, even if you had the skills to build a Katyusha rocket, it's not something you can conceal in your pocket. They are big rockets. I would think it's easier to smuggle in something like an SA-7 Grail shoulder launched surface to air missile, similar to the one which was used to attack the Israeli B757 in the 2002 Mombasa attacks (both missiles missed, by the grace of God).

There's just a little bit of Al Qaeda fantasy here however.

"'s not something you can conceal in your pocket"
Norse, haven't you seen pictures of those jihadis? They really wear baggy pants.

Sir, it will be no problem for any number of muslims resident in Britain.

For the last 20 years at least, muslims have been studying this stuff at top universities, such as Queen Mary in East London, Imperial College and of course the infamous London University.

In fact the situation is such, I wouldn't put it past the lecturers at these particular colleges to encourage them.

"Islam...feel the love?"

Try as I may I cannot feel it ...

Is it me?

We have one of the largest number of Somalis in the world - all this is a matter of a few years. Why we had to allow one of the most primitive people on earth to settle in the UK, who trashed their own country so effectively that even thieves cant make a living in Somalia, beats me.

I wonder when Somali Technicals are going to be seen around Heathrow.

Just reading the news...

Easter celebrations in Jerusalem began with a sunrise service at the Garden Tomb, as Christian pilgrims from around the world sang hymns of the resurrection.

Reporting from Baghdad - At least 41 people were killed and 237 wounded Sunday in three suicide car bombings targeting the Iranian and German embassies and the Egyptian Consulate in a span of 30 minutes.

That convinces me

I'm dropping my trip to the UK

I was supposed to go for a conference

I think I'll pass (and live)

Gosh.. this is the first time that I can't go to a conference because I'd prefer to live

UK (and then all of Europe) is getting to taste the fruits of its labor.

And the whole world will choke on multi-culturalism

But..I'm still not going to go..not going to die..just to give a paper..wait .. I gotta send an email to the conference organizer..that "I'd love to go, but them Jihadists promise to bring down the plane .. could we do the conference by Skype maybe?'

Okay, that is pretty pathetic.


From the NY Times
Karzai Steps Up Attacks on NATO, Leaving West in a Box
Published: April 4, 2010

"[...]On Saturday, Mr. Karzai met with about 60 members of Parliament, mostly his supporters, and berated them for having rejected his proposed new election law…[...]
At the meeting, Mr. Karzai stepped up his anti-Western rhetoric, according to a Parliament member who attended but spoke on condition of anonymity.
If you and the international community pressure me more, I swear that I am going to join the Taliban,” Mr. Karzai said, according to the Parliament member. A spokesman for Mr. Karzai, Waheed Omar, could not be reached for comment on Sunday."

With the two recent muslim-islamofacist terror attacks in Russia; Moscow - St. Petersberg region is still a safer place to be than all of the UK. I don't think I will ever tour the UK.

"Easter celebrations in Jerusalem began with a sunrise service at the Garden Tomb, as Christian pilgrims from around the world sang hymns of the resurrection."

Hi, Andy. How lovely for those that were there in Jerusalem and at the Garden Tomb ...and our church had a sunrise service this morning at a beautiful outdoor location, too. One day I would love to travel to Jerusalem :)

"Isn't it ironic that the two capitals of the war against Islam, Washington DC and London, have also become among the centres of Western Jihad?" The Daily Express quoted Anwar al-Awlaki...

Despite the odious source, this is a serious question we should be asking ourselves. London is riddled with Jihadists, and the Virginia suburbs of Washington, D.C. are getting worse all the time. And it's not just in the Anglophone world, either...

The banlieus of Paris—Berlin—Amsterdam—Malmo, right outside of Stockholm—it is almost as though we were ceding our greatest cities to burgeoning Muslim influence. No wonder they have become so bold as to call for missile attacks by Muslims *in our own countries*.

Hi, and Happy Easter, Gravenimage :)

Greetings from downunder!

Crucifixion re-enactment shut down in Geelong/Victoria

The organisers of a crucifixion re-enactment in Geelong in Victoria say it was unfairly shut down by police.

It is the second year the Heaven on Earth church has staged the Easter re-enactment, in which a member appears as Jesus and hangs from a cross covered in blood.

The church's pastor, Sarah Kenneally, says although it was staged in one of Geelong's main streets, there were no complaints made to participants.

She is alleging police threatened a number of charges and fines if the group did not end the demonstration.

"I thought I was in a country that was free, where we're allowed to express our religious beliefs," she said.

"We had deliberately not done something which was in people's faces, like talking to them about it, or preaching at them.

"We just had a silent demonstration for one hour, on a weekend that's dedicated to Easter, which was the whole story we were trying to portray."

But a Victoria Police spokeswoman says police have the power to charge people with offensive behaviour if there has been a complaint.

She says officers apply a 'reasonable man' theory, upon which charges can be laid if something is deemed reasonably offensive to the public.

The Katyusha is a class of simple ballistic rocket, and not a particularly accurate one. It's the same device used in Gaza for cross-border attacks on villages in Israel. The rocket is a steel tube with solid propellant and stabilised only by cruciform tail fins.

The Katyusha was a WW2 era Soviet multiple rocket launcher (MRL) commonly mounted on a Studebaker US6 truck supplied to the Soviets as Lend-Lease by the USA. It has however been used by the USSR/Russia in variant models since then.

The Hamas launched Katyusha are reported to be 122mm diameter rockets with about 20kg payload and up to 40km range. They are launched from portable single mounts with rail guides, not from trucks.

Hamas has made far more use of the smaller (60mm, 150mm, and 170mm) and cruder Qassam rockets. They are made in Gaza and Hamas have been complaining about IDF bombing of what they say are innocent "metal workshops" in Gaza.

The Katyusha rockets are probably manufactured elsewhere and smuggled into Gaza. Hezbollah's Katyusha rockets launched from Lebanon into Israel were made in Syria.

UK jihadists to build missiles and attack passenger jets? Oh-my-gosh, that is so 2001.

If you change what you do because of intimidation by islamo-fascist threats, they win. You should be aware of what people are doing around you when you travel, but apart from that all that you can do is to lobby your politicians to be more intelligent and dilligent in targeting the source of the threats, and to ensure that a similar approach is used in all kafir countries. Threats haven't stopped me flying or using London Underground trains, nor will they.
Submit not!

"Islam...feel the love?"

Try as I may I cannot feel it ...

Be glad you can't; for many non-believers, Islamic "love" is the last thing they ever feel.

One wooden arm chair.

One roll duct tape.

One rusty spoon.

One box salt.

That's why folks call me MR. BIG SCIENCE.

Not 2001, but 1814.

They will be as ineffective as the Congreve rockets that the British used against the Americans as related in the Star Spangled Banner line "And the rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in air".

Rockets made in backstreet workshops would be similar to the Qassam type of rocket, which does not even need a lathe to manufacture.

Stop a light truck near the Heathrow airport perimeter and take the time to set up a six inch diameter six foot long tube (Qassam-2 type) awaiting the next overflight and see what happens - the area is under surveillance. The UK security services have even recruited an irregular force out of the habitual civilian "plane spotters" to keep an eye out for strangers.

There's no way these rockets could credibly be used to target a plane in flight. All they could hope to do is to lob a rocket at a parked 'plane and even then the accuracy is such that it'd probably be one in a billion that they actually damage the aircraft never mind injuring a passenger. As a weapon it's more a propaganda tool than a deadly threat.

Hamas has launched several thousand rockets into Israel against much larger targets - entire villages with populated streets - and have killed about fifteen people. Against the smaller target of an aircraft? it would be a fluke. You're already taking a much greater risk simply by flying, and as for driving to and from the airport....

I hope that everyone out there in Jihad Watch land got to enjoy a great big juicy slice or two of haram, infidel ham with their Easter dinner this evening. Yummm. Wow, I am actually making a sober, non-confrontational comment tonight! LOL

As for the article, unfortunately, it is very likely that the Muslims will successfully conduct many more terrorist operations with primitive weaponry over the coming years. The only way to prevent this from happening, as I see it, is for them to learn the terrible truth about Islam and abandon it. They need understand and accept the fact that Islam is a horrendously violent and unjust religion. When the majority of Muslims truly understand what that criminally insane mad man Muhammad really did and what he is asking them to do, they will abandon Islam like rats fleeing a sinking ship.

God I wish the best for the UK and its people.

please someone........plot the locations of all mosques within our lands on a map and begin to limit, or better yet, forbid the building of additional fortresses. this is a project which must be done asap! someone, please begin this task. Spread your map over this free land so all who love their freedom can be prepared, as much as possible, for the coming assault.

"Isn't it ironic that the two capitals of the war against Islam, Washington DC and London, have also become among the centres of Western Jihad?"

It is ironic we have refused as yet to see that islam is at war with the free world. The war against islam has not yet been started on our part. Stay tuned..

At least we know they're peaceful missiles, all part of Islam's defensive jihad against air traffic pollution.

It would be so nice if something would make sense for a change. - Alice

turkish politician says death to china, death to america, death to israel

And Labor has been re-elected for over 20 years in the UK now, (since 1997). And I hold not much hope, that people will once again, might celebrate their own demise.

Islam is feeding off welfare states, (Europe, Canada, Australia, etc.). It is a weakness in the system they have mastered.
It is interesting to note again, that jihadists could not have survive on their own, but for a wide support, both morally and financially from the Left. In fact, I doubt the jihadists could come up with a better propaganda then what the mainstream media is producing.
Ignorance is bliss.

This is where our fight remain, awareness!

A certain number of technical problems exist with the concept of using homemade weapons to destroy commercial aircraft from a distance. I shall not list all of them...or any of them...but it is probably one of the least practical options available to a jihadist.

The communique' is the weapon. The act isn't going to happen unless actual military productions weapons, like Stingers, become available.

I know people who might possibly disable an aircraft through mechanical means at a distance, but it would certainly not cause a structural failure or a crash.