Turning an ally into an enemy and enemies into allies. Which side is he on? Read more about this in my forthcoming book with Pamela Geller, The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration's War On America.
"Obama blocks delivery of bunker-busters to Israel," from the World Tribune, March 18 (thanks to Pamela):
WASHINGTON -- The United States has diverted a shipment of bunker-busters designated for Israel.Officials said the U.S. military was ordered to divert a shipment of smart bunker-buster bombs from Israel to a military base in Diego Garcia. They said the shipment of 387 smart munitions had been slated to join pre-positioned U.S. military equipment in Israel Air Force bases.
"This was a political decision," an official said....
No kidding, really?
Stand with Israel Action Alert:
God, why couldn't we be in 2012 now? I'm afraid that year will come much too late for the Israelis. I've little doubt that the American population are tired of Obama and the viciously antisemitic ways of him and his administration, his cringing and crawling before all manner of tyrannical Islamic regimes, his crass indifference to the suffering of helpless minorities who have been saddled with the misfortune to be born in Muslim dominated lands, the crippling of the US Armed Forces with insane rules of ehngagement, and the disgust felt by many towards him will only grow and deepen over the next 30 months. But has Israel got 30 months?
Rest assured, Spirit Of 1683, Israel has 30 months and much longer-----close to forever. Long after a mediocrity like Obama is gone and his legacy is appropriately and deservingly trashed, Israel will still be around and strong. The mediocre (e.g., Obama) and vile (e.g., Islamic radicals) will not inherit the earth. Count on it.
Turning an ally into an enemy and enemies into allies. Which side is he on?
Bowing to vicious Muslim potentates, sucking up to Islam in Cairo—without so much as a passing mention of the increasing violence against the Copts in Egypt—ignoring the genocide in Darfur, "reaching out his hand" to those who want to see Israel "wiped off the map"—ignoring that same county's murdering of their own people who offer some dissent against the oppressive theocracy—snubbing the Brits, chiding the French, deferring meeting with the Dalai Lama in deference to the dictates of communist China-it's just endless.
Barack Obama is ignoring—or actively standing against—the world's democracies, in order to prostrate himself before the world's dictators and tyrants.
I am increasingly appalled, but no longer surprised.
I knew it was only a matter of time until B.Hussein O.,
had his opportunity to screw Israel. Did anybody expect
Rev. Wright and Louis Farrakhan's disciple to be any
different? I still don't get why 85% of American jews
voted for a man that hates them. I stand with Israel
just as I stand by America. We have our work cut out for
us over the next 30 months. God help us.
I knew it was only a matter of time until B.Hussein O.,
had his opportunity to screw Israel. Did anybody expect
Rev. Wright and Louis Farrakhan's disciple to be any
different? I still don't get why 85% of American jews
voted for a man that hates them. I stand with Israel
just as I stand by America. We have our work cut out for
us over the next 30 months. God help us.
I'll be looking for details of this in other media sources. If the story holds there will be hell to pay come the next election.
"...in order to prostrate himself before the world's dictators and tyrants."
I agree, Gravenimage; and BO is looking more 'n more like a tyrannous dictator himself. Hope I am wrong about that ....
Israel should, but will not, halt the whole idiotic business -- the "peace process" leading to an Al Hudaibiyya-like treaty, the allowing itself to be treated, as Moshe Sharon says in a recent article, "like a doormat." Israel is the only military asset the United States possesses from Europe to India. No other country can be counted on, and that includes Turkey which has made clear it will be on the side of Iran, Syria, and any other Muslim country, and even within its fellow members of NATO, Erdogan visits and tells his fellow Turks not only that they have no need to assimilate, but that they should not assimilate.
It was madness, back in 1978, for the Americans not to acquire long-term leases on the three Israeli-built airfields in Sinai, as a condition for aid to an undeserving Egypt. It is madness now to put Israel in a position of such hideous anxiety, with the American governmnet having, under two administrations, failed to meet its responsiblity as a world power and leader of the Infidel camp (a role it does not wish to recognize, will do everything to avoid recognizing), to halt, by those "crippling sanctions" or, if those fail, by military attack -- not "invasion" but attack, an attack accompanied by the implied threat that other, future attacks will come if the first one did not inflict enough damage, and deliver enough of a message, that the project is not to be re-commenced.
Israel is more or less, it seems, on its own. Those who thought Obama was not as he has turned out to be -- and I am certainly one of them -- have to recognize their mistake, and now to do everything they can to defeat him, on everything, right down the ilne, even if on this or on that you might, for various reasons, think you agree with him. He doesn't know about Islam and he appears to know little, or to care at all, about not only the Jews, but also the various Christian peoples -- Copts, Maronites, Assyrians, Chaldeans -- who are oppressed by living in a Muslim sea. The words he uttered in his Cairo speech were grotesque. Europeans who are now waking up to the meaning, and menace, of Islam should not look to the United States for succor, and should pull out of Afghanistan, and put all their efforts into countering, and reversing the power and presence, of Muslims in their own country. Eventually this Administration, even if it wins a pyrrhic victory on this upcoming healthcare bill, will so infuriate so many people -- even if the papers scream out about a great victory, at long last, it won't be that at all, but the source of permanent resentment, frustration, rage, especially on the part of doctors, and they can be, with their patients, very influential.
The folly of thinking that whatever happens in Iraq, or Afhganistan, can possibly be more important than what happens with the nuclear project of the Islamic Republic of Iran -- folly shared by many of those who are maing out like gangbusters as Islam-less "terrorism" experts or others who are in the racket of advising the Pentagon on how to win friends in Afghanistan as they did in Iraq, and who are incapable of recognizing that the ideological war-- the war to divide and demmoralize the enemy -- is far more important, and that this business of bringing "unity" and "prosperity" to such places as Iraq and Afghanistan are hopeless goals, but more importantly, from the viewpoint of American, and Infidel, interest, exactly the wrong goals.
The side of Obama, the one that some assumed was not really there, when they convinced themselves to believe that he could listen to Rev. Wright for twenty years, and not have it mean a thing, or that he could find out about the "Palestinians" and Israel from none other than Rashid Khalidi, and have it mean nothing, or that he could have lived in Indonesia as a child and not have it give him the idea that that actually would make him exempt from the need to study the texts and tenets, the attitudes and atmospherics, of Islam -- well, all those people are wrong, and they should do what they can, if they care, to rectify, to make up for, their error of judgment.
More from that story in the World Tribune above:
"In 2008, the United States approved an Israeli request for bunker-busters capable of destroying underground facilities, including Iranian nuclear weapons sites. Officials said delivery of the weapons was held up by the administration of President Barack Obama.
Since taking office, Obama has refused to approve any major Israeli requests for U.S. weapons platforms or advanced systems. Officials said this included proposed Israeli procurement of AH-64D Apache attack helicopters, refueling systems, advanced munitions and data on a stealth variant of the F-15E.
'All signs indicate that this will continue in 2010,' a congressional source familiar with the Israeli military requests said. "This is really an embargo, but nobody talks about it publicly."
Under the plan, the U.S. military was to have stored 195 BLU-110 and 192 BLU-117 munitions in unspecified air force bases in Israel. The U.S. military uses four Israeli bases for the storage of about $400 million worth of pre-positioned equipment meant for use by either Washington or Jerusalem in any regional war.
In January 2010, the administration agreed to an Israeli request to double the amount of U.S. military stockpiles to $800 million. Officials said the bunker-busters as well as Patriot missile interceptors were included in the agreement.
The decision to divert the BLU munitions was taken amid the crisis between Israel and the United States over planned construction of Jewish homes in Jerusalem. The administration, including Secretary of State
Hillary Clinton, has warned that Washington could reduce military aid to Israel because of its construction policy.
In 2007, after its war in Lebanon, Israel requested 2,000 BLU-109 live bombs from the United States. The 2,000-pound bomb, produced by Boeing and coupled with a laser guidance kit, was designed to penetrate concrete bunkers and other underground hardened sites.
Israeli ambassador to the United States, Michael Oren, was quoted as saying that his country faced its biggest crisis with the United States since 1975. A pro-Israel lobbyist said Oren was referring to the current U.S. embargo, which echoed a decision taken 35 years ago by then-President Gerald Ford after Israel's refusal to withdraw from Egypt's Sinai Peninsula. Oren has since denied the remark."
Yes, the trackback on how this info made its way into the public media should be interesting.
A couple things to note about this, though. First, the administrative machinery in both Israel and the U.S. had obviously already been put into motion to have 387 of the units delivered to Israel. This implies widespread recognition on both sides that there was a need for these weapons, as well as an understanding of their most likely targets. And second, after the decision had been made, and notwithstanding that there might have been a security breach, the fact that this story made its way into the public media is actually good, as it is yet another example, if such is needed, illustrating anti-Israel biases.
As DP111 above mentions, this will only be a temporary setback for Israel. Unlike their counterparts in the Muslim world, Israeli scientists and engineers, many of them Russian emigres, are perfectly capable of developing these weapons on their own. The precision optical systems aboard our UAVs are designed and built in Israel, so building a "bunker buster" should be a piece of cake in comparison. Hopefully they are already working on this.
I have read that, in the Western world, Israel possesses the largest cadre of people working in military technology outside of the United States itself. I have read that the technology that makes drones possible, for example, the drones on which the American forces so heavily rely, had a great deal of their development done in Israel. Is this true?
I am certainly aware that the Manhattan Project, and then the Los Alamos development, and then the hydrogen bomb, owed a great deal to, and would not have been possible without, the work of Jewish refugees including Leo Szilard, Edward Teller, Emilio Segre, Enrico Fermi (well, in his case it was his J Mussolini's racial laws, and Fermi's Jewish wife, that led him to come to America) and many many others, supplemented by American Jews. Perhaps the American defense industry might enlighten Barack Obama, and whoever else needs enlightening, that they are shooting themselves, possibly, in the foot, at a time when the Western world, not just the United States, will need to count on all the brains, for military and other matters, it can find anywhere. Mighty contests, with Islam, and possibly with others, are to come. This has to be taken into consideration.
And so, too, does the intelligence that Israeli agents are able to gather, through various means, at least in the Middle East. The French do a good job in North Africa, and even in their former colonies in sub-Saharan Africa, and British intelligence does too. It is the United States that is akin to Baby Huey, large, but not, so I've heard, nearly as cunning as it should be. Imagine our leaders who go around to Arab rulers, and listen solemnly to them, and take their complaints and the rest of their blague seriously. Anyone who had spent a few decades in the Middle East -- say, J. B. Kelly -- could have told them that they really need to think of the place as a big souk, and the rulers merely as merchants offering their tatty wares at the most outrageous prices, to those -- the American tourists now masquerading as political leaders -- who they perceive as the most endlessly gullible.
Eastview, you are right. Recently, I heard some details of bunker buster design from a retired USAF officer. I have no doubt the Israelis can build their own.
That said, the denial of these weapons during Iran's continuing genocidal threats cannot be seen as anything but a passive complicity with their intentions, despite whatever Washington may intend. This may be the worst U.S. decision regarding Jews since the M.S. St. Louis episode.
JUst on drones, and on nothing else, I wanted to conduct a one-minute google search, did so, and came up with the following:
2003: Correspondents note that Israel has long been a world leader in developing pilotless reconnaissance aircraft and its Pioneer drone is currently in service with US forces in Iraq.
2004: Israel unveils tiny drone planes
The Israeli military is equipping its forces with a new range of spy drones small enough to fit in a soldier's backpack, the army said on Thursday.
The small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and micro UAVs were unveiled at a conference on low intensity conflict.
The Israeli air force has often used larger unmanned spy planes to target Palestinian militants in air strikes.
The new baby drones would give army forces in the field near instant access to aerial intelligence.
The planes have already been supplied to some ground units.
Birdy can be carried and launched by a single soldier, who guides the drone by clicking on coordinates on a laptop computer. It has a five-kilometre range (three miles), IAI said.
Weight of mini-drones
• BIRDY - 1.3 kilograms (3 pounds)
• Mosquito 1 - 250 grams (9 ounces)
• Mosquito 1.5 - 500 grams (18 ounces)
The slightly larger Spy There is operated by a two man crew and has twice the range, IAI said.
All the drones can fly for an hour while transmitting pictures back to their operators.
The Mosquito 1 and Mosquito 1.5 micro-drones have a wingspan of 33 centimetres (13 inches).
Their small size allows them to fly through windows and to provide images to military units behind it, Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported.
The Mosquito has already completed several successful 40-minute trial flights, IAI said.
The army currently rents the drones from IAI but has issued a contact offer to supply them with the small UAVs, the official told AP news agency.
2009: Russia has bought 12 unmanned aerial vehicles from Israel in a recent deal worth $53 million, a Russian government official said on Monday.
"The contract envisions the purchase of 12 UAV, including two heavy vehicles and 10 small vehicles. The delivery has not yet been made because the contract was signed only recently," Vyacheslav Dzirkaln, deputy head of the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation, said in an exclusive interview with RIA Novosti.
Dzirkaln said the main goal of the purchase was to study the Israeli achievements in the development of spy drones in order to build reliable UAVs domestically.
"We must take their know-how and put it to practical use [in developing our own craft]," the official said.
A young Obama at a tender age memorizing all those many lines of Islamic Bigotry. Yet so many chose not to wonder. With each passing day little of that wonder is left to, well, wonder about.
In 2006, Conditions existed where Bush could have killed off 2 birds with one strike.
Looking at who is in office now can only confirm the forces in play to insure it never could happen.
Something the Iranians took 8 years to build and supposedly, unknown or unreported on in 06, was a certainty in January 08.
Somebody had to know about it before the Obama did.
To the adherents of proportional use of force, 1.2 billion/13 million need not be adjusted.
I remember reading that story about the approval to sell Israel the bunker busting bombs. I prayed the deal was done, and that the bombs were in possession of Israel, so Obambi couldn't do what he has just done, and done so many times already in his little horror story of a presidency ... renege.
In hindsight, I don't think the fact that the media masked how often he attended palestinian rallies mattered that much. The American public was just too stupid to put 2 + 2 together, or they didn't care.
Well, God lets even the stupid get lucky sometimes.
Lets be a little more attentive to the company kept by potential presidents.
Attendance at palestinian rallies gets my immediate "not voting for this guy".
More people than Jews, and more people than the citizens of Israel, may have cause to recite the following prayer.
Prayer for the Welfare of Soldiers in the Israel Defense Forces
Prayer for the Welfare of Soldiers in the Israel Defense Forces www.azm.org/soldiers_prayers.shtml#
'May He who blessed our fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, bless the soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces who keep guard over our country and cities of our Lord from the border with Lebanon to the Egyptian desert and from the Mediterranean Sea to the approach to the Arava, be they on land, air or sea.
'May the Almighty deliver us our enemies who arise against us, may the Holy One, blessed be He, preserve them and save them from all sorrow and peril, from danger and ill.
May He send blessing and success in all their endeavors, may He deliver to them those who hate us and crown them with salvation and victory, so tha t the saying may be fulfilled through them,
"For the Lord, your God, who walks with you and to fight your enemies for you and to save you", and let us say, Amen.'
And time to reread, and start circulating once more, the speech that Geert Wilders made at the 'Facing Jihad' meeting which was organised by MK Aryeh Eldad, in Jerusalem, in December 2008.
Here are the opening paragraphs:
"It's a privilege for me to be here in this beautiful city Jerusalem, the capitol of the only democracy in the entire Middle East. When I was a teenager I lived some years here in this city and after that I visited Israel more times than I can count.
"Israel: the only country in the region with a functioning parliament, a rule of law and free elections. The only country in the region that shares the values of our Western societies, in fact is one of the foundations of our Judeo-Christian identity.
"We are here to voice our concern over the growing Islamisation of the West.
" We do this in this city, the city of David. The city that, together with Rome and Athens, symbolizes our ancient heritage.
"Perhaps a few of you may be new to Jerusalem, yet, Jerusalem is not new to any of you. We all carry Jerusalem in our blood, in our genes.
"We all live and breathe Jerusalem. We talk Jerusalem, we dream Jerusalem. Simply because, the values of ancient Israel have become the values of the West.
"We are all Israel, and Israel is in all of us."
"This city is the capital of a democracy under threat. Israel is under siege, like the Jewish community in the Land of Israel is under siege for over a century now. Israel with all its glory and splendour is unique, and its history unparalleled.
"Yet, Israel’s security situation is not unique, and neither is its enemy.
"Samuel Huntington writes it so aptly: “Islam has bloody borders”. Israel is located precisely on that border.
"This tiny country is situated on the fault line of jihad, just like Kashmir, Kosovo, the Philippines, Southern Thailand, Darfur in Sudan, Lebanon, and Aceh in Indonesia.
"Israel is simply in the way of the Islamic advance. Just like West-Berlin was during the Cold War.
"Israel is simply receiving the blows that are meant for all of us.
"If there would have been no Israel, Islamic imperialism would have found other places to release its energy and its desire for conquest.
"Therefore, the war against Israel is not a war against Israel. It is a war against the West. It is jihad.
"Thanks to Israeli parents who see their children go off to join the army and lie awake at night, parents in Europe and America can sleep well and have pleasant dreams, unaware of the dangers looming.
"At present the front-line of jihad runs not just through the streets of Tel Aviv and Haifa, but through the streets of London, Madrid, and Amsterdam as well.
" Jihad is our common enemy, and we better start Facing Jihad before it is too late."...
I get the feeling Obama has been waiting for an excuse to distance the U.S. from Israel. The flap about the housing units was perhaps just a pretext.
It is disturbing that Obama would withhold bunker busters from Israel, at a time when Iran has repeatedly been threatening to annihilate Israel with nuclear weapons.
Not only is Obama refusing to stop Iran; he is even trying to stop Israel from stopping Iran.
This seems to mean one of two things:
1. Obama thinks Iran can be trusted with nuclear weapons, as much as any nation can be trusted with them; or
2. Obama thinks that even though Iran cannot be trusted with nuclear weapons, and might use them or allow them to be used against the U.S. and its allies, the U.S. is not able to stop Iran from developing those weapons, but at most can slow down that development for a few years. So, Obama might then conclude, we just have to learn to live with Iranian nukes. And therefore a bunker busting attack would do nothing more than destabilize the world and make the use of nuclear weapons even more likely.
Actually there is a third possibility:
3. Maybe Obama intends to have U.S. forces stop Iran's nuclear efforts down the road, and he for some reaons doesn't want Israel to get mixed up in it; or maybe Obama wants to control the timing of any attack on Iran.
I guess the reality would be #2, perhaps with some background influence of #1 and #3.
I don't think it is only Ahmadinejad, and the Pasdaran, who are delighted with this news. Surely the members of Hamas are well-pleased, and Sheik Nasrallah quietly satisfied. And even in the far-off frontier regions of Afghanistan -- or is it Pakistan -- at least two people are enjoying the spectacle, perhaps celebrating the glad news as a sign of the Western world's vulnerability and ideological collapse. Surely Ayman al-Zawahiri, surely Osama bin Laden, are rubbing their hands with glee.
>>> I have read that the technology that makes drones possible, for example, the drones on which the American forces so heavily rely, had a great deal of their development done in Israel. Is this true?
Hugh, the Isrealis were the first to create and develop this technology and were the first to utilise this technology decades ago.
The first UAV was the IAI Scout (Zahavan), which was used in the 1982 Lebanon War.
I wonder how much damage Obama will do in his time in office.
His administration has seriously miscalculated on its position with the Falklands when a State Department official repeatedly referred to the Islands as 'Las Malvinas.’
Let me tell you this has not gone down well in London.
This chap Obama is a disaster not only for America but for the whole of the Western world.
I can only hope my cousins across the water will deny him a second term... Please!
Obama's doctor'n and lawyer'n work is going so well why not fix the Peace Process. Hopefully his bullshit only gives everybody fits.
"doing what's right" seems to be amiss here.
Hugh, as you pointed out, a little time spent with Google will show just how sophisticated the Israeili UAV's are, e.g., a keyword search on "israeli uav companies" brings up a ton of information on just this topic alone. They're no slouches when it comes to armoured fighting vehicles, either.
The backbone of their technical infrastructure comes from those European and American Jews and their descendants who immigrated to Israel after 1948. But there is also a significant population of Soviet Jews who fled the Soviet Union. One of the few things the Soviet Union did right was to educate their scientists and engineers, tagging the best and brightest as children and putting them through a rigorous and extremely demanding program of science instruction. Many of the best of these scientists, not all of whom were Jewish, fled to the West after the Soviet Union collapsed and are now sprinkled throughout physics, mathematics and chemistry departments in Europe and the U.S., including at my university. These guys (and women, who comprise perhaps 25% of the total) are superb, and at least in the case of physics, have all had the benefit of a unified graduate syllabus (ten volumes of Landau and Lifshitz, to be precise) that has yet to be equaled in the West. And, with the collapse of the USSR, may journals in Russian that had been classified were suddenly opened up, and there is now a scramble to digest the extremely sophisticated work they had been doing that was unknown here. These are the guys who are to a large degree behind the building of the very sophisticated technological infrastructure in Israel.
Also, the U.S. has had a quiet program to bring as many of them as were associated with the Soviet defense industry, including their nuclear program, to the West as they could to prevent them from selling their services to the Chinese, or Pakistanis, or whomever. These scientists, who had previously lived rather comfortable lives under the Soviet system, all of a sudden found themselves in the position of driving cabs in Moscow or Novosibirsk to support themselves. A few years ago I attended a conference in Leiden and heard a talk by a Russian from the Institute of Problems in Mechanics in Moscow, whom I knew only through his published papers, whose talk was about a way to introduce an electrical corona at the leading edge of an aircraft wing so as to control the stall speed. The examples he used to illustrate the results of his work were F-15s and F-18s. I managed to sit by him at dinner that evening and asked him where he was getting his funding, to which he replied "The Air Force, of course." My question was WHOSE Air Force, and it turned out his funding came from the U.S. Air Force Research Labs at Wright Patterson, even though his laboratory was in Moscow. He has since moved to Philadelphia, and we have started a collaboration in a DARPA project of mutual interest. And yes, he is Jewish.
I have a number of colleagues who were either born in Israel or who immigrated there. One of them was on the science team that built the instruments operated by Israel's only astronaut, Ilan Ramon, in the ill fated 2002 Columbia space shuttle disaster. (Ramon was also the commander of the flight of Israeli F-16's that took out Saddam Hussein's nuclear facilities, and a national hero.) I was on one of the NASA subpanels investigating the causes of the disaster. That December I hosted a special session at the professional international conference I've been going to for several decades, and against the wishes of the organizers decided to present a tribute to the astronauts during my introductory remarks. Scientists aren't usually given to crying easily, but on this occasion I couldn't detect a dry eye among the 300 or so people in the audience. During the minute of silence at the end of my remarks I could hear many sniffles and blowing of noses. It was a remarkable "Band of Brothers" moment that cut across national and cultural and ethnic lines. Ramon's family learned about the tribute and later contacted me to see if they could get a copy of my presentation. Of course, I was more than honored to comply. Oh, and in spite of the displeasure the organizers had expressed about my doing something so "political" as they put it, I didn't hear one peep out of them after the fact.
Winston Churchill 3-14-1934
p.247 Churchill by Himself
The Romans had a maxim: “Shorten your weapons & lengthen your frontiers.” But our maxim seems to be: “Diminish your weapons & increase your obligations.” Aye, & “diminish the weapons of your friends.”
Even as the USA refuses to sell arms to Israel, India is cozying up to Israel with a view to *buying* things:
and so is Australia
from Obama's book Audacity of Hope "I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction. ... And now the racist Al Sharpton is one of hie closest allies.
Lots of clues that our Hip Hop Prez is an anti-American Marxist Leninist. Under his orders the flag has been lowered at our relief camp in Haiti. All other nations fly their flags...with pride. We are not allowed to have pride.
He supported the wanna be dictator in the Honduras over those that sought to enforce their Constitution.
The numerous Communists he invites to be his Czars and spokespersons. Many of them speak of Capitalisms evils and its death. (Manufacturing Czar)
A Mao Christmas ornament on the White House Christmas tree, his "Progressive" friends. Progressive...that's Obamaspeak for Communist.
Search Cloward and Piven. It's happening right now. I never was a conspiracy theory kinda guy but, empirical evidence and all that...the evidence of my eyes cannot be denied.
they want to "kick in the door"(Pelosi's words) of health reform, and Pelosi brags that there will be many more changes after that.
I fear for the Republic. At this moment in time, I'm not sure which is the greater threat to the Republic. The tyrants in DC or the Jihadis.
god Save Israel...but I think we can count on Israel to save itself. I can't imagine that they did not have contingency plans...and there's always their nukes.
islam is a lie and
Truth is killing it.
This in spirit of Obama's latest anti isreali move.
Here is a short list of products made by Isreali or Isreali companies. To live a zionist free life please don't use these.
1. any computer with Intel chips. back to Amds and IBM 86.
2. windows system MP, XP, and VISTA. back to win 98 and 2000.
3. all firewalls. Enjoy getting virused every day on your AMD computer running win 98 2nd edit.
4. cell phones. back to the car phones and walki talkis with you.
5. if you insist on using zionist devised cell phones don't use zionist made voice mail, instant message, or cell phone cameras.
6.forget google browser.
7.water irrigation by drip pipes.
8.hybrid and electric cars. pay more money for gas to support eternal jihad by oil countries.
9.solar power. see above.
just a few zionist items, more in this vid.
The deal will go through, and Israel will get the bunker-busters. They may get "lost" while being transferred from one US base to another, but they'll wind up in Israel.
Remember the Savannah River MUFF and the "lost fissile materials?
I repete ,Obama is the first American dictator.
Do not listen to him, watch his actions, what he is doing. Unless we stop his war on America, and on Israel, it may very well transform us , into somthing very diffrent. A place where the dead rises to vote him a landslide second, then third term. Perhaps more to follow.
Are we sure, without a breath of a passing thought, he really is against Iran's Nuclear project, or Iran's leadership? Is what he is doing matching his spoken words from his scripts? Are we watching with sober thought where he is crashing his hated version of America, so he can build his Phoenix?
May God protect Israel, and all those who support her.
obama is undermining the relationship between obama and Israel, not between the US and Israel.
obama is not America.
He may currently command the power of the office of President, but he doesn't yet, well, maybe not, completely control all of Congress and he can't buy them all off, or maybe not enough of them, but then again, Ok, maybe we can't rely on their weak flesh, well, then,
there is always the American people.
We are our own last, best hope.
Do we even care?
I fear for the Republic. At this moment in time, I'm not sure which is the greater threat to the Republic. The tyrants in DC or the Jihadis.
As a Catholic, I also wonder how long we incur His favor by shunning the children of Israel, and having government finance abortion ... and even if that pinnacle of the Obomination administration, government funded abortion, is never reached, we have killed way, way too many babies already.
Last best hope is when we turn to God.
Simple, really.
Designed to turn out that way, btw ;)
Being God has its advantages :)
What hope in secular humanity, LOL :)))
Bunch of apparently monkey-like humans poncing about, pretending they didn't bury the Statue of Liberty in a beach for Charlton Heston to discover, centuries later.
Yeah, right.
I remember how after 3 wars Israel was on top of the world.
After almost 1450 years Israel could see off all muslim forces surrounding it and it had nucleur weapons as a deterrent. All this was achieved with American support money and know how.
The Israelis had a significant effort to all this itself. The situation is different now, with israel on the back foot knowing that it cannot win the military campaigns that it once could.
America wants new ME allies after being snubbed.
Israel too wants new allies and is looking towards Hindu India (good luck with those little people).
Without the bunker busters, Israel cannot hope to attack Iran, and Obhama will not allow America to do it.
All this will lead to new world order in the Middle East. Palestine with Jerusalam as it's capital is only a short time away.
All the richer christian have got out of Nazarath, I think it is time for the richer Israels to get out now!
In addition to what you've mentioned Gravenimage, Buraq Hussein's State Department, under Hillary Clinton's stewardship, has also criticized Switzerland for its ban on minarets and slammed other European countries considering bans and/or restrictions on the wearing of burqas and niqabs in one of its recent (in)Human Rights report.
Red Hussein is backing Persia against Israel
Interestingly, he is also backing Persia against America.
This was obvious before his nomination. Now he's putting it into plainly visible military action.
There's more and worse, much worse, coming. Don't expect to be surprised. Do expect to be shocked.
Be prepared to think the unthinkable.
You'll have nobody to blame but yourself if you don't.
"All this will lead to new world order in the Middle East. Palestine with Jerusalam as it's capital is only a short time away."
What's your guess, muslim? Tell us how long you think Israel has left.
you take no sides...you're just here to learn...
Liar... You're bias is palpable. Troll.
Answer Krazy Kafirs question. How long?
islam is a lie and
Truth is killing it.
Nothing surprises me about the Obamanator any more.
I've been attending classes and haven't had a lot of time to spend online but every time I do get online there is something that disgusts me about the man.
He is a Muslim/Christian POTUS and very dangerous.
He thinks he can convert the Muslims to his way of thinking and create a new world order.
The great DREAMER! What a fool! Narcisism of this sort shows signs of childhood brainwashing, and too much MMDA and cocaine in adolescent years, that give the ego false hope.
Health Care....education...Israel...
...My God.
One gets a sense of what it must have been like in Rome early in the 5th century AD...or Byzantium early in the 15th. It suddenly dawns on me that there were obviously responsible, patriotic citizens back then who knew what was happening to their homeland...but who were unable to inspire their fellow citizens to action.
We'll survive Obama...we may even survive Islam,...but there is no way we're ever going to survive our mountain of debt. Within a decade, over 80% of government outlays will be used just paying interest on the debt. There is no way this soft, enfeebled society is going to survive the inevitable bankruptcy of the welfare state...it'll collapse like a house of cards.
What a pathetic, selfish, irresponsible generation we are. God help our children.
I am here to learn and am doing so constantly.
I do try & deal with unpalpable truths but people here see this as bias, I cannot help it if people have problems with their own observational powers.
No doubt you are worried about Israel, we all are. I hope they have a long time but I fear they don't.
Look at the scenarios.
Rapidly diminishing American support, a nucleur Iran, Hamas, Hizbullah with the indomitable Hassan Nasrallah, Sirya, etc etc.
Rockets I think will not intimidate Israel so much as America (how ironic by that bastion of freedom) forcing Israel to the negotiating table. Obhama will say it's that or you are on your own (and even you my friend know that they could not survive for long on their own).
Alaskan , even 10 years ago it was unthinkable to divide Jerusalam, now Israel is conceding the eastern half to Palastine in exchange for peace.
I just think that if they give it all rather than half that peace really can come. The Palis really have suffered a lot since the UN took it away from them 1948.
I think that the UN and Western powers thought that with the Ottoman Empire gone, the Caliphate gone, Islam almost gone and the West in total ascendency; that it's safe to pinch whilst nobody's looking.
You cannot rob Paul (in this case Muhammed really) and give it to Peter; there are always future paybacks to consider and that future has now come to pass like we all knew it would.
I don't know how much time Israel has, but I think it's time to start packing.
What should we have expected? Obama sat in an antisemitic church for 20 years, and studied under a preacher that awarded honors to Louis Farrakhan, as if he were a world statesman.
Obama is only playing for time until Iran developes a nuclear weapon. Obama isn't stupid; he knows exactly what he's doing.
The American people will regret their infatuation with this man.
"The palis have really suffered."
You make me want to vomit, muslim. The only reason these phony made up people the "palis" are suffering is because they concentrate 100 percent of their energy into thinking of new was to murder all the Jews and drive them from their ancestral homeland. If these followers of the pedophile prophet just got on with the business of living and not murdering their neighbors their standard of living would improve exponentially.
Obambi will will not last the full term, mr barcode muslim.
The magic muslim usurper POTUS will be gone soon.
The next US government will be a responsible one, the Iranian nukes will be destroyed, the Arabs will have to accept the parasitic Pali-Arabs for resettlement and the UNRWA - OIC yuman rites scams will be nipped in the butt.
Mr Barcode,
The early morning supermarkets are awakening. Your bagboy job is calling you.
Go their and earn money as a responsible parasite ...
... or reacquire your daytime moniker, is it Mary had a little lamb? ... and go infect the internet, continuing your chosen profession as a muslim tool ... they pay you well, do they?
Enjoy your fantasy while it lasts Barcode, of returning Jerusalem to its status as the Arab slum it had been under the Ottomans. Israel will survive this anomaly called Barack Hussein Obama, and when he is gone it can get back to the business of making the Levant bloom and becoming a showcase of what the Middle East could be like under the management of rational human beings instead of Muslim inshallah-ists.
Without question, Obama is anti-semitic and a best friend of Islam. His good friends over the years have all been anti-semitic. (Rev. Wright, Louis Farakan, etc.) He probably looks at middle America as his enemy. November cannot come soon enough. Lets hope we still have elections by that time.
Israel (as Eastview said above) is fully capable of making whatever munitions they need. The real problem is the timing and sudden surprise default by the US in meeting it's commitments to supply our best ally with the vital ordinance that they need. No one likes surprises. Israel previously had planned that the US would maintain total control of this ordinance at our US military base in Israel. Therefore it is a complete breach of commitment and trust and should release Irael to build or buy their own ordinance.
If Obama will suddenly breach his commitments with our close ally over home building in Jerusalem (which has continued unabated for the past 40 years), then we citizens can expect the same treatment from this regime. We may as well get ready for Obama to breach any contracts, commitments, or agreements the US has with us any time he chooses.
Eastview- Enjoy your fantasy of returning Jerusalem to its status as the Arab slum it had been under the Ottomans.
It is irrelevant whether it was a slum or not.
It is irrelevant whether it "belongs" to Israel, the point is that it belonged to someone else as you yourself so succiently agreed to.
If you have a house left to you that was yours for generations, you can keep it like a slum if you wish; it's yours. Someone else should not be able to jump in there; Landlords have rights.
Granted that the Israelis could manage it better; but it does not belong to them; perhaps they could rent it for an agreed fee, but that's up to the landlord.
For the record, I am not muslim, I just want to see fairness and impartiality. America always tipped the scales towards Israel in the ME but now; now it will be different.
IMHO Obhama is not there dismantle Israel; frankly he is there to see it settled and defined. In order to get peace you have to do something that has not been tried before;
Obhama is sliding the rug under Israel; but doing it gently, and it will stop slipping at the negotiating table.
I see nothiung wromg in this approach, it's just different.
As the broker, America can ask for peace against giving the landlord back his town; nothing wrong in this either.
Many are complaining here, but when it works you will grudgingly admit that Obhama was right and elect him for yet another term.
“I am here to learn and am doing so constantly. “
“I do try & deal with unpalpable truths but people here see this as bias, I cannot help it if people have problems with their own observational powers.”
“Here to learn”? Gosh, you are a slow learner!
There is no better proof that Izzlum destroys human mind, especially of those who, like yourself, are born dull, than the slowness of you learning.
Really, how come you still haven’t learned that people here have enough “observational powers” to observe you are a small caliber muzzlem troll, the very first time you have opened your taqyiya orifice?
Oh, you say you are not a muzzlem? But if so what makes you come back to the same “observationally challenged” people to, again and again, have you ass kicked when there are lots of websites (not only izzlumic) where your idiocy is shared, fostered, encouraged and celebrated?
Have you not pride? What are you? - some kind of a masochist?
New bible college in London- Headed by Roberts Liardon and Colin Dye- Come and be equipped with the Word of God to face the challenges of this century.
Included special training to defend your faith -Apologetics-
Learn how to answer muslims and be stronger to face the threat of Radical Islam.
"Have you not pride? What are you? - some kind of a masochist?"
It's this particular muslim's form of dawah. You know, brownie points for Satan.
Granted that the Israelis could manage it better; but it does not belong to them; perhaps they could rent it for an agreed fee, but that's up to the landlord.
There were no 'Palestinian people' to 'own' any land prior to 1967...You obviously know little of the history of the area...
You are also obviously bias in favor of the 'Palestinians'...
You also seem to think that if the 'Palestinians' get everything they want, peace will happen...No it won't...Have you read the Palestinian National Charter, or that of Hamas?
Do you have any idea as to the important role Islam plays in this strife?...
I truly enjoy reading Jihad Watch. My only complaint is the regular Obama putdown. A president who puts his country's interests above those of others should be commended. Our disagrements with Muslim ideology should not blind us to the just cause of the Palestinian people many of whom are Christians.
Mr Barcode,
Actually since the Muslim-Arabs conquered the entire Middle East except Mecca from its original inhabitants that were all Christians, Jews and Pagans and since the Muslim-Arabs have forced and continue to force both Islamization and Arabization, it's actually the Muslim-Arabs that need to stop their occupation, imperialism and oppression of all non-Arabs and non-Muslims in the Middles East. Not only there should be a Jewish state at least on part of the ancestral Jewish homeland, but there should also be a Kurdish state, an Amazigh (Berber) state, an Assyrian state and several other states. And the Muslims should also stop their further violent expansion in Africa and Asia in places like Sudan and Nigeria.
"More people than Jews, and more people than the citizens of Israel, may have cause to recite the following prayer."
Indeed, Dumbledoresarmy. We should be all praying for the protection of Israel's defenders. As goes Israel, so goes the rest of the free world.
A grand-scale Persian uprising is on the horizon. They don't care how much blood is spilled to force submission to their god. They don't value human life, not even the lives of their own people. "Life" in this physical realm is irrelevant.
They don't just want half of Jerusalem -- they want all of Israel. Next, they want America and like the termites that they are, they are voracious. Destroying our infrastructure -- from within -- as we sit here and talk about it.
They want to snuff out our liberties, but mostly they want to snuff out our God. Their god is not our God -- we have GOT to stop kidding ourselves!
Thanks for the prayer.
Our disagrements with Muslim ideology should not blind us to the just cause of the Palestinian people many of whom are Christians."
But Muslim ideology explains the Muslim Arab war -- a war without end, a war without a two-state or one-state or n-state "solution," but a war that can be reduced to manageable proportions, a war that can be limited by the effective use of deterrence, if Israel remains not only militarily more powereful, but overhwelmingly so, and seen to be so, so that Arab rulers may be able to invoke "Darura" -- Necessity -- to explain their failure to engage in open warfare.
The use of the phrase the "Palestinian people" for the local Arabs who, only after the Six-Day War, were carefully renamed that ("Palestinian people") in order to re-frame the war against Israel as one of "two tiny peoples, etc." is telling.
So too is the assertion that "many Palestinians are Christian." Really? How many? And where do they live now? How many "Palestinian" Christians live and thrive in Arab-ruled Gaza? How many "Palestinian" Christians live, and thrive, in Bethlehem, now that it was so foolishly handed over by Israel to the Palestinian" Authority? Would you care to examine the statistics?
I, we, are all well aware of the phenomenon of the islamochristian, that is the Arab Christian -- not all of them, but some, with some groups more susceptible than others -- who parrots the Muslim line against Israel, and does so in the first place for reasons of protective coloration, out of a desire to win Muslim approval, to avoid Muslim attacks. Simply put the word "islamochristian" and "Hugh Fitzerald" into the Search Box at this site, or at Google, and see the discussion that comes up.
It is also understood that members of those groups of Christians that are still largely coherent, and sufficuently numerous, and aware of their existence, as Chrstians, long before the Arab invaders arrived bearing the "gift of Islam," are far more likely to be immunized against, or at least not as readily willing to embrace, this "islamochristian" role. Many Maronites, for example, in Lebanon -- in contradistinction to some Greek Orthodox - know that Maronites were in Lebanon before the Arabs arrived, and those who attempt to mock the Maronites for claiming to be descended from the Phoenicians, as if that were an absurd idea, have in turn to answer a question: where do you think the Phoenicians went? Just died out, poof!, like that? The Maronites, or the most aware among them, know that they are "users of Arabic" but not Arabs, and the Arabs have been trying to force them, as they have forced many other peoples in the last 1400 years, to think of themselves as Arabs because they have been compelled to use the Arabic language. The most important achievement of the Saudis, from their point of view (the dumb Americans had no idea what was going on) was compelling the Lebanese representatives at Taif to agree to officially call Lebanon, from then on, an "Arab country." Only the Maronites, among the world's non-Muslims, understood the significance of that demand, and of that capitulation to that demand.
Outside of Dar al-Islam, some Christians who of course in the Middle East do not dare to fully speak their mind, and may even, existing as they do on the same steady media diet of anti-Israel propaganda, even partly believe or internalize the Muslim view, once they are free of Muslim overlords, once they are in the West and can carefully consider their own situation,once they can even begin to enjoy the mental freedom and security that the West offers, can see their own situation, back in the Middle East, in a new and much more realistic light. They may even read about their own former fate, in such books as "The Dhimmi" and "The Decline of Eastern Christianity Under Islam," both by Bat Ye'or. They can listen to Father Zakaria. They can read about the true history of the Copts, the Maronites, the Assyrians and Chaldeans. They can begin to understand the phenomenon of those Christian Arabs who, desperate to find a political place for temselves and other Christians, did such things as found the Ba'ath political movement -- as a secular pan-Arab movement which Christians, so Michel Aflaq thought -- would be able to fully participate in. Still others became even more fanatically pro-Muslim (or pro-"Palestinian"), that is plus royaliste que le roi. One good example is George Habash of the PFLP, who naturally worked out of Damasacus, because Damascus was in Alawite-ruled Syria, and there, because the Alawites protect the Christians (for their own, Alawite, reasons), Habash felt most at home and most secure.
Oh, it's a long and complicated tale, that of the islamochristians in the Arab countries, and especially that of the "Palestinian" islamochristians who are so different from the most aware Maronites, Copts, Assyrians. It's interesting to see how many people, having internalized the Muslim view, continue to keep it, and how many, and at what rate, manage to mentally slough it all off, and see things truthfully.
Right now, it is fascinating to see Iraqi Christians in this country still muttering about "the turbans" -- that is, the Shi'a -- whom they blame the Americans for bringing to power, and thus causing the downfall of the Christians. In other words, these Christian refugees from Islam still do not understand, quite, their own previous reality, still insist that "if only" the Americans had not arrived and "the turbans" not take power, those splendid fellows the Ba'athists, that is, in truth, the Sunni Arabs, would have still "protected them." The Christians of the Middle East cannot, most of them, dare to recognize that it is Islam itself, and not merely this set of Muslims, as opposed to that set of Muslims, who remain a permanent threat to them. If in Iraq the Sunni rulers seemed less threatening, because more "secular," and if Saddam Hussein's household staff, his drivers, his waiters, his praegustatores, were all Christians, that did not mean he could not have turned on a dime against the Christians, and hung them (there were a few, hung, just to make a point, along with about a dozen innocent Jews, in Baghdad, back in -- when was it? -- 1968?, as "Zionist agents," while a hyssterical crowd of Iraqis cheered, and cheered, at the truly heart-warming spectacle).
No, Saddam Hussein protected the Christians only because they could never be a threat, and they, being more afraid of the very people of whom he, Saddam Hussein was most afraid -- the true-blue Shi'a -- could be counted on to do nothing to shake his reign. And the same thing can be observed in Syria, where the Alawites protect the Christians, not because the Assad dynasty and the Alawite officers are splendidly tolerant, but because they worry only about the Sunni Arabs who constitue 70% of the popoulation of Syria. The Ikhwan was smashed once, after a series of attacks -- especially that which wiped out an entire graduating class of Alawites at the military academy -- on Alawites and on Christians. But the Ikhwan is not gone, the Ikhwan is forever, as is Islam, and they are biding their time, and the Alawite officer corps perhaps does not as yet realize that Syria's alliance with Iran may bring Bashar al-Assad, and all of the Alawites with him, tumbling down. Perhaps they will figure this out, because if the Sunnis ever take over, every Alawite village will be attacked.
It is not worth confronting Obama about the consruction of a few dinky houses when the destruction of Tel Aviv is on the line. There is a Hitler on the loose who will soon have atomic weapons. The main thing is to stop him. Stop the arrogance, look what happened during the Holocause.
Strange, this very news of the shipment of bunker busters to deigo garcia was reported in our indian media as a sign that US air strikes are imminent on iran,there was hardly a mention of israel.
Without the bunker busters, Israel cannot hope to attack Iran, and Obhama will not allow America to do it.
Guess again. Use of a bunker buster would allow the IDF to target jihadis and spare civilian sites. Whoops, now they'll have to take out the whole block.
In the larger fight, Muslims have placed themselves on the wrong side of not only history, but eternity.
I urge other Catholics here to remember that today, 3/19/10, is the Feast Day of St. Joseph. Ask for his intercession in fighting evil and injustice. He's been there.
IndioViejo You said "I still don't get why 85% of American jews voted for a man that hates them" I have a possible explanation.
Last night I had the privilege of attending a presentation by Jews for Jesus for the Seder supper. One of the interesting things that was said was that the Old Testament as it is taught in Jewish schools and in the synagogue, they leave out the Messianic prophecies, meaning, if there is no mention of Jesus coming, Jesus could not be the Messiah. Interesting huh...I think this may make it easier to allow Jews to say that this could not mean the possibility of the end of the Jewish state.
I do not mean that this is the end times. Only God knows the time for that. My point is that this could be the end of the Jewish state as we know it today. Wake up Jewish people...we have know idea when it will happen...set your watchmen...pay attention as Christ commanded. The United States voted wrong in the last election...know your own your own people's writings....
Peace and prayers.
Rob D.
Obama does not have the Israelis over a barrel as he thinks he might with his threat to stop delivery of vital weapons like bunker busters. All he is doing is upping the ante. If Israel needs to go in to stop the Iranian threat I'm sure they have a made-in-Israel supply of tactical nukes that will bust up those fortified nuclear sites, barring no other choice. So what will Obama have achieved? The attempt by politicians and media to tie Israel's hands so we never get a resolution to this situation brings on repeated crises. If Israel hadn't been hampered in the past from finally and decisively achieving victory, and been given support instead of sniping post-victory, we would be beyond this phase. Who is buying the phony Biden rhetoric that Israel is putting U.S. troops at risk in Afghanistan and in Iraq because they are building housing outside Jerusalem? Is this a not-so-subtle attempt to say that Israel's interests are diametrically opposite those of the U.S., implying Israel is not a good ally? Well, the reverse of that is actually true.
And how can any peace treaty actually be delivered? Abbas cannot sign a settlement with Israel. Arabs throughout the Mideast would brand him a traitor. He would be assassinated just as Sadat was. Add to this the fact that Gaza and the West Bank are totally at odds. The so-called Palestinians are in an ongoing civil war. First make peace between the Palestinians themselves before trying to drag Israel to the concession, I mean negotiation, table. Right now there is even the threat that al-Qaeda will take control of Gaza; they have been assassinating senior Hamas officers. The fact that negotiations are being sought at this time is therefore a sham. It looks actually like a media/political stunt aimed at Iran, to signal to them that Israel is out of favor and perhaps they will now be forthcoming to the U.S. It also provides an excuse for the U.S. to pressure Israel to not attack Iran's nuclear sites. Obama thinks it's a win-win. He thought he would get Israel to agree to his terms on stopping Jewish housing, or failing that, stop Israel from attacking Iran's nuclear sites. He will get neither. He has miscalculated. He will be swept from office.
"Today, once again, the state of Israel is under a grave threat: this time by ancient Persia, which has an obsession to obliterate Israel. Its demon-possessed president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, believes he will usher in the 12th descendant of the prophet Mohammad through an apocalypse and the annihilation of the state of Israel.
Additionally, Israel is under world pressure to divide Jerusalem and turn the birthplace of Christianity into an Islamic capital, as well as to relinquish a large percentage of the Bible lands of Judea and Samaria."
~ Michael D. Evans of Save Jerusalem/Bedford, Texas
Mike Evans is organizing a Summit for Israel and America - a gathering of America's Christian leaders who will be meeting next Tuesday to ensure Israel's leaders that we are standing with them. Prime Minister Netanyahu will be meeting with President Obama -- but they will be there as a sign of solidarity with Israel. Please keep them all in your prayers.
"Have you not pride? What are you? - some kind of a masochist?"
lol, Thomas_h, apparently not! You know maybe he enjoys the humiliating and public spankings. And all is not lost or wasted on his inane comments -- that remain unabated -- because there is the 'useful idiot' factor working in his favor, so hey ...
Well Rob, you certainly rolled over quickly. What's next? Christians for Allah? Jews for Jesus is a misguided "ministry" if they would encourage the defeatist nonsense you are alluding to.
We believe we will all stand before the one true judge one day. We just disagree on how many others are sitting in that judge's chair.
Have a blessed day. :)
I am determined to have the last shot on this thread.
The Israelis probably have enough high tech whatever to take out the peaceful Iranian nuclear facility.
The damage probably only needs to be on the surface!
Know why?
When Iran, the local bully, realizes its bluff has been called, and the gutty little 4'3" kid with the aikido lessons is going to kick his ass ...
... and the kids big brother is temporarily (4 years, unless the Obamination administration suffers a premature fine' via impeachment) mind melding with Muhammad ...
... and ...
He was a degenerate pedophile with a 9 year old wife ... a back stabbing son of a bitch who murdered plenty of his neighbors.
What is the difference between Muslims and Politically correct? I don't see one.
Obama should know Muslims hate each other, and him too. The number one killer of Muslims is another Muslim.
When "I'm a dinner jacket" is done with Israel he is coming here next. Nobody will be more surprised than Obama? What is he thinking?
The Democrats in their quest for PC have given us a real reason to never vote for them again. They are the Democrat version Rhinoceros party of America, and repealing gravity is one of their proposals I am sure.
Rob Peter to pay Paul, at least till Paul leaves.
It will be years of paying for health care before anyone ever gets care. Carbon tax on a planetary warming cycle?
China exempted because they are the major contributor to the warming?
Even the ACLU will take a back seat to these guys!
You stated:
"Granted that the Israelis could manage it better; but it does not belong to them; perhaps they could rent it for an agreed fee, but that's up to the landlord."
Liar. This ststement is false, and you know it. Israel holds title to the land. Check your facts before posting such tripe.
So why don't the Palestinians have a state? First of all, the Palestinian Arabs DO have a state. Its called Jordan!
During the League of Nations Mandate period, the land originally set aside by the League of Nations as the Palestine Mandate was supposed to provide for a national home for the Jewish people. The British were given the authority to manage the Mandate and help the Jews make the transition to independence. Instead, almost 80% of the original Mandate land was carved out and arbitrarily made into the Arab country of Trans-Jordan (later renamed Jordan). In all the land of the Mandate east of the Jordan River it was "No Jews Allowed". West of the Jordan, the 20% part of the Mandate, the British restricted Jewish immigration and gradually adopted policies that were more and more pro-Arab. Palestinian Arabs are the majority of the population of Jordan even today.
All of Israel today, and the Jewish lands historically called Judea and Samaria (now the West Bank) plus Gaza are entirely within the 20% slice of the British Mandate left over after the creation of Transjordan. The British Mandate Overview page gives a table with the details of this geographical distribution of the Mandate lands.
In all of the history of the region, there never was a Palestinian Arab state. The Palestinian Arabs are not a distinct people. With very few exceptions, they are a highly mixed group of immigrants from all over the Middle East and even further regions: Assyrians, Persians and Romans from ancient times, Turks, Armenians, Greeks, Albanians, and Italians, Afghans, Kurds, other Europeans including Germans, Bosnians, Circassians as well as Egyptians, Bedouins, Algerians, Sudanese and many others who have been identified in the population. Most of today's inhabitants can trace their history in the Palestine area no further than the early 20th century when many came to Palestine attracted by the Zionist prosperity and, after World War I, the political stability of the British administration of the Mandate.
Palestinian Arabs have been offered the opportunity to create a state MANY TIMES, starting with plans advanced during the British Mandate which the Arabs rejected. Then the United Nation partition plan of 1947, which brought Israel into existence, included a nation for the Palestinians, BUT THE ARABS REJECTED IT.
Over the decades since there has been plan after plan that would bring peace to the region and a state for the Palestinians: all they had to do was let Israel live in peace. Arabs rejected all these plans, up to and including at Camp David in 2000 and Taba in 2001, and kept the armed struggle going.
It should also be remembered that from 1948 to 1967 the land known as the West Bank, historically Judea and Samaria, part of the Land of Israel, was held by Jordan. During that period the Gaza Strip was held by Egypt. There were no "occupied territories", no "settlements" or any of the other excuses used today to attack Israel. But there was also no peace. Palestinians and the neighboring Arab countries continuously attacked Israel and worked for the destruction of the Israeli state. At the same time, there was no call for Palestinian independence or statehood even though it could have been done by Jordan with the stroke of a pen.
On November 15, 1988, a Palestinian state was proclaimed by Yasser Arafat at a meeting of the Palestine National Council in Algiers. This was the second declaration of such a state, the first being at a meeting in Gaza in October 1, 1948 during Israel's War of Independence.
Both the Gaza and the Algiers declarations are largely irrelevant today, notwithstanding that the Algiers Declaration received enormous attention at the time. Since the PLO did not control the intended Palestinian territory, it was only a symbolic act.
In all probability there will be an independent Palestinian Arab state some day, but only after the Palestinian Arabs find leadership that is committed to peace with Israel.
Indeed the Palestinian Arabs have been the sole obstacle towards peace -- NOT the Jews.
Here is God's viewpoint on the middle east crisis:
"I am going to make Jerusalem a cup that sends all the surrounding peoples reeling. Judah will be besieged as well as Jerusalem. On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves. On that day I will strike every horse with panic and its rider with madness," declares the LORD. "I will keep a watchful eye over the house of Judah, but I will blind all the horses of the nations. Then the leaders of Judah will say in their hearts, 'The people of Jerusalem are strong, because the LORD Almighty is their God.' "On that day I will make the leaders of Judah like a firepot in a woodpile, like a flaming torch among sheaves. They will consume right and left all the surrounding peoples, but Jerusalem will remain intact in her place.
Zechariah 12:2-6 NIV
So this gives us hope if we're not Muslim because we can see the end will be good for the Jewish people.
Hey Barcode label slapper,
I think possibly the disease tainted cheap halal meat you have been consuming in Canuckistan has finally gotten to your brain
for thinking that the state of Israel would be blackmailed and forced into "submitting" to Obama's wishful socialist agenda in giving up territory to make him a prophet like hero in eyes of his global Islamic constituency.
Far from it.
This move is not even a challenge for the God given and blessed state of Israel. They are blessed with a very wide range of weapons from the "ultimate" to the "regular" type that they supply the US and Canadian forces. The Israelis are a battle tested nation. Barcode have you forgotten they defended their nation in a 6 day war the Islamic united front who were defeated so easily? I doubt they would need the little Hindu people as you put it, though both are under a threat from a common hegemonic enemy.
Its always entertaining to see members of the Ummah like yourself rejoice over an insignificant event like this one in the mass media, chopping at the bit, praying America would knife Israel in the back because of one stupid fool at the top, Obama, who is nothing more than a symbolic leader - LMAO!
Barcode, check your Koran(well maybe not the Koran), Bible and the old testament son:
God ordained the Jewish state of Israel, He is its protector and savior, you be rest assured, nothing you, your ilk or Obama can do will harm or hurt the state of Israel. They are a tiny but most bravest of the nations anywhere.
I suggest you view the Youtube video suggested by Desidude (thanks DesiDude) to educate yourself:
Did you know some cattle feed may possibly/accidentally have pork products like gelatin in it? Then again you never know what to believe anymore from the rumor mill!
At least you make sure you barcode it properly to avoid violating yourself and others.
Shalom all !
Hi Champ,
Just wondering...I haven't seen any posts from Darcy since the last barcode blowup a couple of days ago.
Hope all is well with you! :-)
Desidude ...
What a great video, so thank you for posting it. I'm reposting it again in case anyone missed it:
We love the Jews! We love Israel! We have MUCH to thank them for! And my gorgeous wedding ring contains diamonds from Israel -- yay!
Hi George ...I'm great, thank you! Hope all is well with you, too; and I don't know, maybe darcy has other business to tend to? I'm sure she'll be back soon :)
I still don't get why 85% of American jews
voted for a man that hates them.
Two reasons:
1) Since PC MC is dominant and mainstream throughout the West, Jews in this regard didn't behave remarkably.
2) Jews also tend to be at the forefront of the Western unfolding of progressive values; and since that unfolding has in the past 50-odd years morphed into a paradigm of irrational givens and axioms, most Jews have not critically distanced themselves from a Progress gone wrong. The laudable anti-racism reflected in Martin Luther King Jr. marches in the 60s, for example, in which Jews participated, has morphed into the irrational dogma of anti-racism today whereby perceived Ethnic People cannot be criticized, and in the past decade Muslims perceived to be an Ethnic People (or a wonderful rainbow of Ethnic Peoples) cannot be criticized, much less condemned when they so richly deserve it.
[This illuminating writing was just read on the internet.]
Many are still unaware of the eccentric, 180-year-old British theory underlying the politics of American evangelicals and Christian Zionists.
Journalist and historian Dave MacPherson has spent more than 40 years focusing on the origin and spread of what is known as the apocalyptic "pretribulation rapture" - the inspiration behind Hal Lindsey's bestsellers of the 1970s and Tim LaHaye's today.
Although promoters of this endtime evacuation from earth constantly repeat their slogan that "it's imminent and always has been" (which critics view more as a sales pitch than a scriptural statement), it was unknown in all official theology and organized religion before 1830.
And MacPherson's research also reveals how hostile the pretrib rapture view has been to other faiths:
It is anti-Islam. TV preacher John Hagee has been advocating "a pre-emptive military strike against Iran." (Google "Roots of Warlike Christian Zionism.")
It is anti-Jewish. MacPherson's book "The Rapture Plot" (see Armageddon Books etc.) exposes hypocritical anti-Jewishness in even the theory's foundation.
It is anti-Catholic. Lindsey and C. I. Scofield are two of many leaders who claim that the final Antichrist will be a Roman Catholic. (Google "Pretrib Hypocrisy.")
It is anti-Protestant. For this reason no major Protestant denomination has ever adopted this escapist view.
It even has some anti-evangelical aspects. The first publication promoting this novel endtime view spoke degradingly of "the name by which the mixed multitude of modern Moabites love to be distinguished, - the Evangelical World." (MacPherson's "Plot," p. 85)
Despite the above, MacPherson proves that the "glue" that holds constantly in-fighting evangelicals together long enough to be victorious voting blocs in elections is the same "fly away" view. He notes that Jerry Falwell, when giving political speeches just before an election, would unfailingly state: "We believe in the pretribulational rapture!"
In addition to "The Rapture Plot," MacPherson's many internet articles include "Famous Rapture Watchers," "Pretrib Rapture Diehards," "Edward Irving is Unnerving," "America's Pretrib Rapture Traffickers," "Thomas Ice (Bloopers)," "Pretrib Rapture Secrecy" and "Pretrib Rapture Dishonesty" (massive plagiarism, phony doctorates, changing of early "rapture" documents in order to falsely credit John Darby with this view, etc.!).
Because of his devastating discoveries, MacPherson is now No. 1 on the "hate" list of pretrib rapture leaders!
There's no question that the leading promoters of this bizarre 19th century end-of-the-world doctrine are solidly pro-Israel and necessarily anti-Palestinian. In light of recently uncovered facts about this fringe-British-invented belief which has always been riddled with dishonesty, many are wondering why it should ever have any influence on Middle East affairs.
This Johnny-come-lately view raises millions of dollars for political agendas. Only when scholars of all faiths begin to look deeply at it and widely air its "dirty linen" will it cease to be a power. It is the one theological view no one needs!
With apologies to Winston Churchill - never has so much deception been foisted on so many by so few!
[Also Google "David Letterman's Hate, Etc."]
Hugh, you've fingered quite a few reasons why a lot of us did not vote for Obama. I, for one, was outraged that our professional "national consciences" in the MSM didn't look more deeply into Obama's association with a shameless race-baiter like Rev. Wright. Further, I saw it as an example of utter cynicism when Obama dropped Wright like a dead rat. The man admitted in his memoirs that he taught himself to be dishonest with the grandmother who raised him, so it's clear that he is not one to be trusted.
He has my personal sympathy over the pressures he must have gone through growing up multiracial in a race-obssessed USA (I've just done my census form). But this by no means entitles him to the presidency of the USA.
"For the record, I am not muslim," ...
Not a muslim, eh? OK, whatever, but you're certainly a muslim apologist, which can be just as dangerous, dumb & evil as being a muslim. I mean you might as well become a muslim, given your attraction to islam and muslimahs. And if you intend on "learning" anything here and making it on JW for much longer, then I suggest you get your facts straight about Israel first and foremost; so at least you can tell the truth on that front. Lie all you want about whether or not you're a muslim -- I don't care -- but you need to dispense with your pathetic lies about Israel, barcode. It's pretty clear that you aren't here to learn, but you're here to LIE.
And have you purchased Robert's book yet? ...The Truth About Muhammad.
If what you state is true, that you aren't a muslim, etc; then you have a responsibility to deliver a winged warning to the muslim women you supposedly supervise regarding their prophet muhammad. Immediately read Robert's book: The Truth About Muhammad, because doing so will better equip you in spreading the truth forthwith.
So get off of your lazy duff and get with the program! ...first by reading Robert's book, and then exercise due diligence in warning your employees and others as well. Educating yourself on this fundamental issue would benefit us *ALL*
Now buy the book, already.
And get your facts straight about Israel while you're at it ....
Barcode: I've asked three times now, and you've ignored me three times, probably because you CAN'T answer my questions, or rather don't want to because they are too embarrassing. I'm going to keep on asking though until you do. You claim to not be a ,muslim or muslim apologist and is willing to learn - well prove it.
1* Do you think Islam is really a "religion of peace" that is being simply misunderstood/maligned here?
2* What do you think of Islam compared to say, Christianity, Judaism and Buddhism? Equal? Better? Worse? Why?
3* How does the stories here make you feel about Islam? Better, same or worse?
4* What is you're experience with Islam? Do you have muslim family me
If you answered "yes" to question 1, please explain:
-The Battle of Badr (http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/Muhammad/myths-mu-badr.html)
-The siege of Bandu Nadir (http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/Muhammad/myths-mu-nadir.html)
-The proclimation that in the last days the rocks and trees will call out for the death of Jews (Suhih Muslim, book 41, #6985 - http://www.usc.edu/schools/college/crcc/engagement/resources/texts/muslim/hadith
You need not answer all at once, but I expect a partial answer, or at least an acknowledgement that you're ignoring me.
Heidi 2027 wrote
"Today, once again, the state of Israel is under a grave threat: this time by ancient Persia, which has an obsession to obliterate Israel. Its demon-possessed president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, believes he will usher in the 12th descendant of the prophet Mohammad through an apocalypse and the annihilation of the state of Israel."
Heidi, There is no question that you are correct. Israel will be in our prayers. They are very self sufficient and I have great faith that they will prevail. Our terrible government has no clue as to the danger that lies ahead, both from Iran and from our own self indulgence in spending our grandchildrens money.
Cornelius wrote,
Health Care....education...Israel...
...My God.
Cornelius, My sentiments exactly. We are looking at a financial disaster.
Foolster I will try & answer your questions; Thank you for the manner in which you asked.
Foolster - Do you think Islam is really a "religion of peace" that is being simply misunderstood/maligned here?
Most definately it is excudes peace from the people I know. Getting to know Islam is difficult, they tell me, it takes a lifetime of reading , practising, knowledge but can remain miunderstood.
There are aspects ofcourse which I am find repulsive. Like the thighing and the marriage to young girls.
It is however a very strong & impressive religion; People get together very quickly, there is the ummah, which has no equivalent in christianity;
It reminds me of a tornado which spind faster & faster & (if it wants to) sweep all in front of it.
The sheer birthrate coupled with 4 marriages ; In the old days it could get another army ready within 30 years and that is impressive. Who else can do that.
Islam also allows all comers to assimilate to it. You only have to see the progress in Indonesia ; Somalia, Nigeria, Chad, the whole of the ME, it's amazing.
Now this whirlwind is coming to our West and I expect to see the similar results. Already you see so many westerners starting to take to it ; despite people here equating it to barbarism; that's amazing.
There is a lot of discipline in it, which people like and lots of paradoxes. I have read that some women can get a raw deal and yet the Koran says that "heaven is found at the feet of the mother".
A woman cannot get married unless the mullah hears and sees her saying yes; so it's not that bad for women, infact I think the strongest support for Islam is from the women; the very people here who say thay get a raw deal; I am puzzled about that.
The ladies tell me there is lots of charity, festivals, singing (qwallis), dervish spinning, fashions, the more I read about it the more I am attracted.
Ofcourse there is the sinister side to it like the jihad. People tell me it is a fringe element, and I have to start to learn about this before moving forward.
Champ wrote:
I agree, Gravenimage; and BO is looking more 'n more like a tyrannous dictator himself. Hope I am wrong about that ....
Champ, I thought Obama would be bad when he was elected, but I had no idea how bad he would turn out to be—and, like you, am deeply concerned he is getting worse...
Obama's war on Israel
The regular put downs of Obama are a direct result of his regular put downs of the United States. His "apology tour" made me want to vomit.
Perhaps you are unaware of the fact that he has hired numerous self-proclaimed Communists to be "Czars" at his command. The present Manufacturing Czar for one, the former "Green Czar" Van Jones for another. THE closest adviser to the Obama gang, Valerie Jarret called the United States an "Imperialist Nation". The WH spokesperson Anita Dunn, her favorite "philosopher" is Mao Zedong the mass murderer. There was a Christmas ornament hanging on the White House Christmas tree with the image of Mao on it!
He sided with the wanna be dictator in the Honduras rather than support the people of the Honduras who were enforcing their Constitution. He turned his back on Poland, canceling the Missile Defense system there to please the Russians. In Haiti, he will not allow the flag of the United States to be flown over our relief camp there, though all other nations fly theirs.
The list is endless. His desire to make America "just another nation" is obvious. He is the first anti-American President of the United States...and if you can't see that, it's a case of ignorance...willful or otherwise.
And lastly...he stated quite clearly in his book...
From Audacity of Hope: "I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction. ...
Not with the United States or our allies but with the muslims.
Perhaps you understand now why we don't like the President that doesn't like us.
islam is a lie and
Truth is killing it.
Agreed, Gravenimage; and I can hardly wait for 2012. In fact, Obama's approval ratings are way down, so even those that voted for him must be kicking themselves right now. He will never get reelected. Until then ...
Eastview wrote:
A couple things to note about this, though. First, the administrative machinery in both Israel and the U.S. had obviously already been put into motion to have 387 of the units delivered to Israel. This implies widespread recognition on both sides that there was a need for these weapons, as well as an understanding of their most likely targets.
Yes, indeed, Eastview. It is important to remember, though, that this deal to deliver bunker busters to Israel was made during the administration of George W. Bush. Whatever Bush's shortcomings vis-a-vis Islam and the "War on Terror"—and they were many, as has been discussed here many times—he was an essentially stalwart supporter of Israel, and considered Iran part of the "Axis of Evil".
Not so our current president, who "reaches out his hand" to the bloody Ayatollahs of Iran, while considering Israel's building civilian apartments in its own capital city to be an unforgivable "obstacle to peace".
"...news of the shipment of bunker busters to deigo garcia was reported in our indian media as a sign that US air strikes are imminent on iran..." -- loner
Interesting. Would you have a reference to Indian news sources for this?
Diego Garcia is in the middle of the Indian Ocean and is about 3,000 mi (5,000 km) from Tehran (~New York - LA), which is too far for fighter planes to fly on a strike without refueling. Diego Garcia is where an American B-52 bomber base is located (check it out with GoogleEarth, where you can count seven 52s and six refueling tanker planes parked, as well as some ocean-going vessels in the adjoining lagoon to the east). Perhaps the plan is to use B-52s, which can do a 3,000 mi mission without refueling, in a U.S. operation involving Iran? Or maybe Diego Garcia is only a temporary storage location for the bunker busters until such time as they can be moved to a more convenient location, as has been suggested above. Or maybe this news is just a way to scare the bejesus out of Iran.
"...so it's not that bad for women, infact I think the strongest support for Islam is from the women; the very people here who say thay get a raw deal; I am puzzled about that."
barcode ....
Why are YOU always speaking for these "women", huh? What, are you their REPRESENTATIVE? And don't they own a computer? Instead of coming on here, day after day, speaking on behalf of these "women" you supposedly supervise, why don't you ask them to log-on at home, because certainly they have the freedom to do so, right? Have them speak for themselves for a change!!
The fact that they aren't posting their own comments and experiences speaks volumes, because you could be lying or selective in what you're sharing with us. Really, get these women online so that we can chat it up with them ourselves instead of having you speak FOR them. I mean the whole thing is weird!
Besides, half the time when my husband speaks for me he rarely gets it right! ...lol
(love you honey!)
Israel too wants new allies and is looking towards Hindu India (good luck with those little people).
"those little people"...?
islam is a lie and
Truth is killing it.
Good catch, Alaskan, sure sounds racist to me. Reminds me of Abdullah Mikail's remark ....
Re. a poster above, 'fairmack', most probably a Mohammedan attempting a little 'split the camp', with his hysterical caricature of what he believes to be 'Christian Zionism'. I wonder how he accounts for all those Hindu Indians who support Israel (I see a lot of them posting in the Jerusalem Post talkback columns) and for those Catholic atheists such as Oriana Fallaci and Geert Wilders, who support Israel; and how does he explain ex-Muslim now-Catholic Magdi Cristiano Allam, who wrote a book called 'Viva Israele'? Are *they* all adherents of 'pre-trib rapture politics', too??? How about Brigitte Gabriel, Maronite Catholic? Nonie Darwish, ex-Muslim and friend of Israel, with her *Coptic Christian* husband...I assume that when she decided to become a Christian, she chose her husband's Coptic faith. And I'd like to see our poster try to fit the unclassifiable Jacques Ellul - maverick French Reformed lay theologian and sociologist, and staunch supporter of Israel and opponent of Jihad - into that particular box. Or the sober Anglicans of 'Anglican Friends of Israel'. Or Denis MacEoin.
I have basically supported Israel's right to exist and defend itself - a Jewish state on Jewish ancestral land full of the most ancient Jewish Sacred Sites - since I was a teenager and I can say quite categorically that I knew nothing whatever about anything called 'pretrib rapture politics'; the subject of Israel was not touched upon in any sermon that I ever heard, in any church I attended between age 7 and age 21. (And I was a regular church attender). My Sunday School lessons never mentioned it. I fell in love with Israel mainly because of having read Leon Uris' 'Exodus'...that is, a somewhat fictionalised and romanticised account of 19th century Zionism and Israel's fight for survival in 1948-49 (not to mention, the rescue of the dhimmi Jews of Yemen), written by...a secular Jew. Reading MILA 18 was my first glimpse of the history of European antisemitism, the first place I learned about the Shoah. Since then, of course, I have come to know the *real* history which is even more gripping than Uris' novels.
At bottom, my reasons for standing with Israel - standing with the Jews against the Jihad - are similar to those given in an earlier thread by Hugh Fitzgerald. I prefer truth to lies; and it is the Arab Muslims, and indeed Muslims generally, who are historically and by their own texts demonstrated over and over to have been and to be People of the Lie, whereas overall, Jews have proven to be painfully devoted to truth (the occasional bizarre Ilan Pappe turncoat and self-deceiver, excepted). I prefer freedom to slavery; and I believe it to be perfectly just that the Jews, an indigenous middle eastern people by origin, who have suffered horribly in every place where Muslims ruled, should liberate themselves and part of their tiny ancestral homeland from the murderous Muslim imperialists. And in so doing, they also brought about liberation for those Samaritans and Christians, within that small area, who had - alongside the Jews - endured the seven hells of dhimmitude under the Muslim scimitar.
From barcode...
Most definately it is excudes peace from the people I know. Getting to know Islam is difficult, they tell me, it takes a lifetime of reading , practising, knowledge but can remain miunderstood.
Please not that our unbiased poster known as Barcode capitalizes the word "islam". (I do not as I feel islam deserves no respect...I admit my bias.)
The Troll continues...
It is however a very strong & impressive religion; People get together very quickly, there is the ummah, which has no equivalent in christianity;
Note that the word "Christianity" (I capitalize that word) is lacking a capital letter and usually does when barcode posts.
Unbiased? Here to learn? Puh-leeeze! Gimme a break!
islam is a lie and
Truth is killing it.
Spot on - Thanks for your prayers and also for concurring. I so like being right! But actually, that was a quote from the Save Jerusalem Summit folks. Next Tuesday, they will be providing a show of support for Israel during Netanyahu's visit with Obama. Our government has changed sides in this whole deal but it didn't happen overnight. Obama has, IMO, been bought and paid for with Islamist dollars many years ago.
More and more, Washington doesn't speak for America. Correct?
fairmac - when we shoot from the hip we often shoot ourselves in the foot, which is what you have done with your 5-minute theology course from the Internet. I hope it was free.
For instance, Pastor Hagee doesn't give military advice. He tries to change hearts. Christians can't in good conscience stand by again, saying nothing, as many did during the Holocaust. The genocidal manic is making genocidal threats. We have to take him at his word. BTW - I have been following to Pastor Hagee's Christians United for Israel ministry for a l-o-n-g time. I have never heard that one. Try again.
Many are complaining here, but when it works you will grudgingly admit that Obhama was right and elect him for yet another term.
From what plane of existence are you posting?... cause it sure aint this one! You sound like the out of touch Pelosi and other Obamabots in DC.
See...Obama has been revealed for the Communist, racist anti-American that he is. He will never see another term as POTUS. You better get those blinders off before you step in front of a moving vehicle! Oh...wait...leave em' on by all means.
No islam...Know Peace.
Know islam...throw up.
Good catch! (barcode capitalizes Islam but does not capitalize christianity.) Bit of a Freudian slip, eh?
In my posting above, I mentioned Oriana Fallaci.
I think I shall re-post two items to do with Oriana Fallaci's support for Israel, that were shared here in this forum.
The first is from one 'dennisw' who used to post here regularly, some time ago. If I read it correctly, it is an excerpt from a newspaper article:
"The New York Observer 27 Jan. 2003
'Last April, she said, Ariel Sharon phoned her to praise an article she had written in the weekly Italian publication Panorama about the problem of European and Arab anti-Semitism.
'She said she answered the phone and said, "'Hey, Sharon! How are you? Are you as fat?' Because I know him.
'Sharon said, 'Oriana, I called you to say, "Damn, you have guts; damn, you are courageous; damn, do I thank you."'
'I said, 'Ariel, you thank me - I apologize with you. I was too tough to you 20 years ago.' And he was, as usual, a gentleman."
'The night before the phone call, there had been an attack on a kibbutz.
'"I said, 'Listen, dear, I know what happened last night in that kibbutz. Will you please permit me to express to you and to your people my condolences?'
'Sharon started crying. I don't know, I didn't see the tears. But the voice was of a crying man, and he started to shout:
'Oriana! You are the only one who says the word condolences! Do you know... I just spoke to the British and Americans ... 'they did not say that word to me.'
'And then with broken voice he said, 'Do you know who were the dead last night? One was the grandmother who was in Dachau and who still had the number on her arm.
' The second one was her daughter, who was seven months pregnant.
'And the third one was the child of the daughter, who was 5 years old. And they are all dead! All dead! All dead!' He was crying."
- Posted by: dennisw at March 16, 2006 3:15 PM
And here is a reproduction of a classic piece by Oriana, entitled, 'On Jew-Hatred in Europe', that another poster brought to our attention here on jihadwatch in this thread in 2006 (just scroll down slowly through the comments):
On Jew-Hatred in Europe
[Originally published in Italian in the Panorama magazine, April 17, 2002 ]
“I find it shameful that in Italy there should be a procession of individuals dressed as suicide bombers who spew vile abuse at Israel, hold up photographs of Israeli leaders on whose foreheads they have drawn the swastika, incite people to hate the Jews.
" And who, in order to see Jews once again in the extermination camps, in the gas chambers, in the ovens of Dachau and Mauthausen and Buchenwald and Bergen-Belsen et cetera, would sell their own mother to a harem.
"I find it shameful that the Catholic Church should permit a bishop, one with lodgings in the Vatican no less, a saintly man who was found in Jerusalem with an arsenal of arms and explosives hidden in the secret compartments of his sacred Mercedes, to participate in that procession and plant himself in front of a microphone to thank in the name of God the suicide bombers who massacre the Jews in pizzerias and supermarkets. To call them "martyrs who go to their deaths as to a party."
"I find it shameful that in France, the France of Liberty-Equality- Fraternity, they burn synagogues, terrorize Jews, profane their cemeteries.
"I find it shameful that the youth of Holland and Germany and Denmark flaunt the kaffiah just as Mussolini's avant garde used to flaunt the club and the fascist badge.
"I find it shameful that in nearly all the universities of Europe Palestinian students sponsor and nurture anti-Semitism.
"That in Sweden they asked that the Nobel Peace Prize given to Shimon Peres in 1994 be taken back and conferred on the dove with the olive branch in his mouth, that is on Arafat.
"I find it shameful that the distinguished members of the Committee, a Committee that (it would appear) rewards political color rather than merit, should take this request into consideration and even respond to it. In hell the Nobel Prize honors he who does not receive it.
"I find it shameful (we're back in Italy) that state-run television stations contribute to the resurgent anti-Semitism, crying only over Palestinian deaths while playing down Israeli deaths, glossing over them in unwilling tones.
"I find it shameful that in their debates they host with much deference the scoundrels with turban or kaffiah who yesterday sang hymns to the slaughter at New York and today sing hymns to the slaughters at Jerusalem, at Haifa, at Netanya, at Tel Aviv.
"I find it shameful that the press does the same, that it is indignant because Israeli tanks surround the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, that it is not indignant because inside that same church two hundred Palestinian terrorists well armed with machine guns and munitions and explosives (among them are various leaders of Hamas and Al-Aqsa) are not unwelcome guests of the monks (who then accept bottles of mineral water and jars of honey from the soldiers of those tanks).
"I find it shameful that, in giving the number of Israelis killed since the beginning of the Second Intifada (four hundred twelve), a noted daily newspaper found it appropriate to underline in capital letters that more people are killed in their traffic accidents. (Six hundred a year).
"I find it shameful that the Roman Observer, the newspaper of the Pope- -a Pope who not long ago left in the Wailing Wall a letter of apology for the Jews--accuses of extermination a people who were exterminated in the millions by Christians. By Europeans.
"I find it shameful that this newspaper denies to the survivors of that people (survivors who still have numbers tattooed on their arms) the right to react, to defend themselves, to not be exterminated again.
"I find it shameful that in the name of Jesus Christ (a Jew without whom they would all be unemployed), the priests of our parishes or Social Centers or whatever they are flirt with the assassins of those in Jerusalem who cannot go to eat a pizza or buy some eggs without being blown up.
"I find it shameful that they are on the side of the very ones who inaugurated terrorism, killing us on airplanes, in airports, at the Olympics, and who today entertain themselves by killing western journalists. By shooting them, abducting them, cutting their throats, decapitating them. (There's someone in Italy who, since the appearance of Anger and Pride, would like to do the same to me. Citing verses of the Koran he exhorts his "brothers" in the mosques and the Islamic Community to chastise me in the name of Allah. To kill me. Or rather to die with me. Since he's someone who speaks English well, I'll respond to him in English: "Fuck you.")
"I find it shameful that almost all of the left, the left that twenty years ago permitted one of its union processionals to deposit a coffin (as a Mafioso warning) in front of the synagogue of Rome, forgets the contribution made by the Jews to the fight against fascism. Made by Carlo and Nello Rossini, for example, by Leone Ginzburg, by Umberto Terracini, by Leo Valiani, by Emilio Sereni, by women like my friend Anna Maria Enriques Agnoletti who was shot at Florence on June 12, 1944, by seventy-five of the three-hundred- thirty-five people killed at the Fosse Ardeatine, by the infinite others killed under torture or in combat or before firing squads. (The companions, the teachers, of my infancy and my youth.)
"I find it shameful that in part through the fault of the left--or rather, primarily through the fault of the left (think of the left that inaugurates its congresses applauding the representative of the PLO, leader in Italy of the Palestinians who want the destruction of Israel)- Jews in Italian cities are once again afraid. And in French cities and Dutch cities and Danish cities and German cities, it is the same.
"I find it shameful that Jews tremble at the passage of the scoundrels dressed like suicide bombers just as they trembled during Krystallnacht, the night in which Hitler gave free rein to the Hunt of the Jews.
"I find it shameful that in obedience to the stupid, vile, dishonest, and for them extremely advantageous fashion of Political Correctness the usual opportunists--or better the usual parasites--exploit the word Peace.
"That in the name of the word Peace, by now more debauched than the words Love and Humanity, they absolve one side alone of its hate and bestiality.
"That in the name of a pacifism (read conformism) delegated to the singing crickets and buffoons who used to lick Pol Pot's feet they incite people who are confused or ingenuous or intimidated. Trick them, corrupt them, carry them back a half century to the time of the yellow star on the coat. These charlatans who care about the Palestinians as much as I care about the charlatans. That is not at all.
"I find it shameful that many Italians and many Europeans have chosen as their standard-bearer the gentleman (or so it is polite to say) Arafat. This nonentity who thanks to the money of the Saudi Royal Family plays the Mussolini ad perpetuum and in his megalomania believes he will pass into History as the George Washington of Palestine.
"This ungrammatical wretch who when I interviewed him was unable even to put together a complete sentence, to make articulate conversation. So that to put it all together, write it, publish it, cost me a tremendous effort and I concluded that compared to him even Ghaddafi sounds like Leonardo da Vinci.
"This false warrior who always goes around in uniform like Pinochet, never putting on civilian garb, and yet despite this has never participated in a battle. War is something he sends, has always sent, others to do for him. That is, the poor souls who believe in him.
"This pompous incompetent who playing the part of Head of State caused the failure of the Camp David negotiations, Clinton's mediation. No-no-I-want-Jerusalem-all-to-myself.
"This eternal liar who has a
flash of sincerity only when (in private) he denies Israel's right to exist,
and who as I say in my book contradicts himself every five minutes.
always plays the double-cross, lies even if you ask him what time it is, so
that you can never trust him. Never! With him you will always wind up
systematically betrayed.
"This eternal terrorist who knows only how to be a terrorist (while keeping himself safe) and who during the Seventies, that is when I interviewed him, even trained the terrorists of Baader-Meinhof.
"With them, children ten years of age. Poor children. (Now he trains them to become suicide bombers. A hundred baby suicide bombers are in the works: a hundred!). This weathercock who keeps his wife at Paris, served and revered like a queen, and keeps his people down in the shit. He takes them out of the shit only to send them to die, to kill and to die, like the eighteen-year-old girls who in order to earn equality with men have to strap on explosives and disintegrate with their victims. And yet many Italians love him, yes. Just like they loved Mussolini. And many other Europeans do the same.
"I find it shameful and see in all this the rise of a new fascism, a new Nazism. A fascism, a nazism, that much more grim and revolting because it is conducted and nourished by those who hypocritically pose as do-gooders, progressives, communists, pacifists, Catholics or rather Christians, and who have the gall to label a warmonger anyone like me who screams the truth. I see it, yes, and I say the following.
"I have never been tender with the tragic and Shakespearean figure Sharon. ("I know you've come to add another scalp to your necklace," he murmured almost with sadness when I went to interview him in 1982.) I have often had disagreements with the Israelis, ugly ones, and in the past I have defended the Palestinians a great deal. Maybe more than they deserved.
"But I stand with Israel, I stand with the Jews. I stand just as I stood as a young girl during the time when I fought with them, and when the Anna Marias were shot.
"I defend their right to exist, to defend themselves, to not let themselves be exterminated a second time. And disgusted by the anti-Semitism of many Italians, of many Europeans, I am ashamed of this shame that dishonors my Country and Europe.
"At best, it is not a community of States, but a pit of Pontius Pilates. And even if all the inhabitants of this planet were to think otherwise, I would continue to think so”.
- Posted by: mgoldberg at March 16, 2006 11:11 AM
I believe Oriana Fallaci's testimony, as given in that magnificent diatribe.
And like Oriana Fallaci, I choose to stand with the Jews, against the Jihad; with Life, against Death; with the Holy, against the Unholy; with Truth, against Lies. With Tali Hatuel against those who murdered her and her daughters; with the young scholars of the Mercaz Harav yeshiva, against the monstrous ideology of Islam that led a jihad raider to mercilessly gun down those young scholars amidst their Torah and Talmud volumes; with Rivka Holzberger and her husband, against the murderous jihadis who invaded their home and tormented them fiendishly, gleefully, sadistically, and finally murdered them and their unborn child.
I do not see what 'pre-trib rapture politics' has to do at all, with any part of that decision.
"BTW - I have been following to Pastor Hagee's Christians United for Israel ministry for a l-o-n-g time. I have never heard that one. Try again."
I have also been closely connected to Hagee's "Christians United for Israel" ministry for a long time as well, Heidi2027, and I have NEVER heard anything along those lines either.
The fourth column, the press, has become the fifth column..the enemy amongst us.
"There are aspects ofcourse which I am find repulsive. Like the thighing and the marriage to young girls."
Barcode objects to children down to infants being sodomized. He object to the pedophilia that is prevalent in islam.
He makes no mention of the bestiality which I have pointed out to him numerous times, but we'll assume that he objects to that as well.
Sodomizing children, infants? Forgiven
Pedophilia? Forgiven
Sex with animals? Apparently..Forgiven
In the face of these incredible obscenities he continues to defend islam. Any one of those practices would be enough for me to condemn the religion, but not barcode.
Bsrcode...What exactly would it take for you to turn your back on islam? If you can forgive the horror of child rape, (clearly children/infants have no choice in the matter) and the crime of pedophilia, what else can you forgive/ignore?
No islam...Know Peace.
Know islam...throw up.
"fairmack" wrote:
Many are still unaware of the eccentric, 180-year-old British theory underlying the politics of American evangelicals and Christian Zionists...
It is anti-Islam...
"fairmack", one need not subscribe to any theory of Christian "rapture" in order to support Israel.
One need only notice that Israel is a vibrant democracy surrounded by oppressive, anti-Semitic tyrannies and Jihad terror groups that murder civilians and seek her destruction.
The implication that support of Israel in the United States is just based on an obscure "end-of-days" theology is insulting. Anyone who has looked at the situation and has a sense of decency will be concerned for Israel and her people.
US to strike Iran N-plants? - US - World - The Times of India
18 Mar 2010 ... The United States is transporting hundreds of 387 'bunker-buster' bombs to its
air base on the British island of Diego Garcia in the Indian ...
http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/us/US-to-strike-Iran-N-plants/articleshow/5695976.cms-77k-Cached- Similar Pages
US may strike Iran nuke plants - The Times of India
... the US is transporting hundreds of 387 'bunker-buster' bombs to its air base
on Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean, a media report claimed.
http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/5696186.cms-73k-Cached- Similar Pages
Michael Savage made a similar comparison yesterday in response to a caller who didn't understand the references. It was a fascinating account, as I hadn't previously known the actual origin of the term "Fifth Column." Savage used the catch phrase "The Fourth Estate has become a Fifth Column among us." How true it is.
Bit of a Freudian slip, eh?
More likely done quite purposefully.
Barcode wrote:
There are aspects ofcourse which I am find repulsive. Like the thighing and the marriage to young girls.
It is however a very strong & impressive religion; People get together very quickly, there is the ummah, which has no equivalent in christianity...
The "however" in the beginning of that second paragraph marks Barcode's admiration for Islam, contrasted to the two things he finds "repulsive". Barcode thus admires the expansionism of Islam:
It reminds me of a tornado which spind faster & faster & (if it wants to) sweep all in front of it.
Of course "it wants to" sweep all in front of it. At the center of that hurricane Islam churns a militantly supremacist expansionism. Those three words are all necessary to describe Islamic jihad:
1. militant, by itself, may cause problems in the wrong hands, insofar as its central expression is coordinated physical violence against others, but if it is not expansionist, then it only presents local regional problems (e.g., Basque terrorists in northern Spain, Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka, drug kingpins in Colombia; etc.).
2. supremacist involves a belief in the superiority of the group over all other people. This by itself does not present massive sociopolitical problems, if it is not tied to militancy and expansionism.
3. expansionism by itself also need not present problems, if that expansionism is on balance beneficent (as the expansionism of the West for the last 300 years has been). When, however, expansionism is fused with an evil and unjust order, as Islamic Sharia undeniably is, then expansionism becomes problematic, and trebly so when tied to supremacism and militancy.
Islam also allows all comers to assimilate to it. You only have to see the progress in Indonesia ; Somalia, Nigeria, Chad, the whole of the ME, it's amazing.
Islam spread by the sword, by threats and extortion, and by making those they conquered so miserable under their oppression, many converted just to acquire a relatively less oppressed existence.
"The implication that support of Israel in the United States is just based on an obscure "end-of-days" theology is insulting. Anyone who has looked at the situation and has a sense of decency will be concerned for Israel and her people."
Very true, Gravenimage; and there are many non-religious posters here on JW whom fully support Israel. "fairmack" isn't being fair at all as he attempts to undermine Israel's
barcode is impressed by Mohammedan breeding habits:
"The sheer birthrate coupled with 4 marriages ; In the old days it could get another army ready within 30 years and that is impressive. Who else can do that."
These army's can be eliminated with superior weaponry. I'm sure that doesn't impress barcode at all, though.
Knowing Mohammedan behavior, he would turn around in an instant and howl something about "genocide" . Poor widdle Muslims....
Ain't that right, barcode?
Thanks champ. This shows that isreal isn't just a net importer of technology, but a valuable contributor of technical knowhow to the world. many of what the isrealis had designed are being used the anti isreali moslem world.
Now compare that with what have the muslim world given us? The world that obama really cares about? They have given the world suicide belts, shoe bombs, butt bombs, crotch bombs?
This could be a seperate video, the technical contributions of the islamic world. nothing, but more death and destruction.
Thanks, dumbledoresarmy, for the repost of the Oriana Fallaci and Sharon conversation. It gave me insight into these courageous people and the very human and moving quality of their interaction.
"They have given the world suicide belts, shoe bombs, butt bombs, crotch bombs?"
lol, yeah and these are the people that want the land of Israel! ...good gawd NO! Besides, Israel is a sovereign nation now, so they can go pound sand. Again, that video was soooo great! What an awesome find :)
In discussions like this it's always useful to remind ourselves again, if such is needed, why any rational human being would support Israel and the Jews...
The Jews are God's gift to humanity. They have earned and deserve our support and protection from those who would harm them.
Islam is evil... it must be stopped at all costs. Israel will survive and so will the Jewish people. We have endured countless attempts at destroying us since the beginning of time. We shall survive again. I do not believe in giving of MORE LAND in exchange for false peace. As we all know we give a inch they want a yard. Enough is enough, no more giving of land. Jihad is here, and we better wake up now. LONG LIVE ISRAEL!!
Barcode will tell you it is a fake, or that it simply does not exist.
Just for you, and for all the House of Israel:
I have been aware of the treason of the MSM for...as long as Obama has been campaigning. (He hasn't stopped for a moment.)
The horrific tales of his Marxism, his hatred for American exceptionalism, the myriad clues to his true nature were ignored, hidden or explained away by the likes of ABC, NBC and the rest. In some cases it was clear that even Foxnews would not cover the more outrageous relationships or actions of Obama for fear of appearing biased or "not PC", or worse...racist.
I post at Newsbusters as ArmyBrat and you can hit the archives for my rants on this matter going back over a year.
I call it treason. I call them traitors. They use the protection of the Constitution to enable those that seek to destroy that same document.
And...I must confess that I was listening to Doc Savage as well, and he reminded me of that old saying...it says it all.
No islam...Know Peace.
Know islam...throw up.
I asked on another thread...do you fish? I fish out of Seward during the summer and rarely fail to catch my limit of Silvers. I've been fishing there for...um...yep, 50 years. So I know where the rocks are that kin sink ya, and where the fish are that kin do the same, if you load enough of them in the boat that is.
Daniel Reich again, with the same portion of the Chichester Psalms.
Different time, different place.
You left out the brain bomb...the koran.
Pursuant to my two short postings immediately above.
The clips of beautiful little Daniel Reich singing Psalm 23 in Hebrew were both recorded in *Jerusalem*, but are from different performances, and at different locations within Jerusalem, which is what I meant when I said, 'different place'...I could have made that clearer. Apologies.
Psalm 23, in English translation of course, was the first of the Psalms that I learned by heart, as a child.
I am moved almost to tears to hear Daniel Reich singing that psalm in Bernstein's setting of the original Hebrew (counterpointed, of course, against Psalm 2, 'why do the nations rage?') right there in the City of David.
Here is a Roman-script transliteration of what Daniel and the choir are singing (look up the verses in your Bible or prayer book)
Psalm 23: 1-4.
Adonai ro-i., lo ehsar
Bin’ot deshe yarbitseini,
Al mei m’nuhot y’nahaleini,
Naf’shi y’shovev
Yan’heini b’ma’aglei tsedek.
L’ma’an sh’mo.
Gam ki eilech
B’gei tsalmavet,
Lo ira ra,
Ki Atah imadi.
Shiv’t’cha umishan’techa
Hemah y’nahamuni.
Psalm 2: 1-4.
Lamah rag’shu goyim
Ul’umim yeh’gu rik?
Yit’yats’vu malchei erets,
V’roznim nos’du yahad
Al Adonai v’al m’shiho.
N’natkah et mos’roteimo,
V’nashlichah mimenu avoteimo.
Yoshev bashamayim
Yis’hak, Adonai
Yil’ag lamo!
Ta’aroch l’fanai shulchan
Neged tsor’rai.
Dishanta vashemen roshi
Cosi r’vayah.
Ach tov vahesed
Yird’funi kol y’mei hayai,
V’shav’ti b’veit Adonai
L’orech yamim.
This reaction from Obama was expected, as he takes any opposition as a personal insult. All this will do is to make Israel develop its own bunker busting bombs
We need to be patient. Obama is sympathetic to Islam and Muslims, and at the same time is a hard socialist. Obams therefore hates Israel, and by extention Jews, as that is the prevailing wind among Muslims.