Saturday, March 20, 2010


This weekend, save America. Next week, save Israel.


Parker G is psyched and writes, "There is going to be a video town hall tonight night in Pittsburgh from 7 to 9 with Bachmann and other brave conservatives. The NRCC is hosting and the Pittsburgh Tea party movement are coming in mass to this. Congressman Jason Altmire is on the fence between "yes and no", there hasn't been a ton of love between Pittsburgh Tea party and the RNC, but today they are fighting a common enemy.

Altmire is going to be under grass roots pressure all day at his offices, tonight our girl Bachmann will bring more pain. This event breaks those long standing rules of "don't mess with my district", small aspects like this can be the difference between a yes and a hell no vote. Let's once again help the folks on the front lines, we are hitting critical times where every single vote will count."

Get on the phones. Get to DC this weekend:


Unprecedented TEA Party &; Grassroots Coalition Aligns to 'Kill The Bill'; Rally Saturday at Capitol, Other Events Across Country

An unprecedented coalition of grassroots and "tea party" groups is launching the final push before a possible vote by the House. Coming together under the auspices of the American Grassroots Coalition, various events held by different groups will be coordinated, including a noon rally at the U.S. Capitol on Saturday, a candlelight vigil and "virtual vigil" leading up to the vote.

Featured speakers at the Washington, D.C. Rally on Saturday will include:

Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann (MN)
Congressman Tom Price (GA)
Congressman Joe Wilson (SC)
Congressman Phil Gingrey (GA)
State Senator Judson Hill (GA)
Actor & Activist Jon Voight
Dr. Milton Wolf, Barack Obama's second cousin who opposes Obamacare
Colin Hanna, Let Freedom Ring
Jim Martin, 60 Plus
Phil Kerpen, Americans for Prosperity
Tim Phillips, Americans for Prosperity
Andrew Langer, Institute for Liberty
Kathryn Serkes, Doctor Patient Medical Association
Mark Skoda, Memphis Tea Party
Amy Kremer, Tea Party Express
Jennifer Hulsey, American Grassroots Coalition
FreedomWorks Representative
Ben Cunningham, Founder of the Tennessee Tax Revolt
Darla Dawald, Grassfire / Resistnet


Grassroots activists everywhere have worked to inform themselves, notify their representatives of their objections and take action in the form of rallies, meetings and calls into those representatives. Individual groups have worked to stop the health care legislation while coordinating with each other to amplify their message and their efforts.

Looks like there is more at stake than a tea party this weekend. Looks like a battle royale of the forces for good versus the evil enemy within. Ann over at Potomac tea Party points out:

As Tea Party groups get ready to go to Washington this weekend for one final push to try to stop the so-called health care reform behemoth, they need to know they will not be alone in DC.

There are two huge demonstrations that have been scheduled for months involving demonstrators that will not see eye-to-eye with Tea Party activists.

First there is the International ANSWER anti-war demonstration tomorrow, Saturday, the 20th. The organizers are primarily Marxists, labor union, immigrant advocates and Muslim activists. They are an angry group often calling themselves anarchists (although they don’t understand the definition of anarchist!).

I went to a counter-demonstration called the Gathering of Eagles in March 2007 and mounted National Park policemen had to keep our group of largely Vietnam vets separated from them for fear violence would erupt.

Also, happening this weekend on Sunday is a demonstration expected to draw tens of thousands of Open Borders advocates with a large contingent of immigrant marchers. This demonstration has also been organized for some time by this front group of George Soros and the Tides Foundation. It involves many church groups—Catholics, Lutherans and the crop walk people—Church World Service. Obviously I wouldn’t expect them to be threatening but they are also being organized by LABOR UNIONS (we have seen what their thugs can do) and I suspect that many of the “anarchists” from the Saturday demonstration will be staying over to help their immigrant advocate friends.

I expect everyone will be in different parts of the city and hopefully the National Park Police are geared up, but just stay clear of some very rough people who will be in Washington with you tomorrow and Sunday!