Sunday, July 25, 2010

Please pass the cheese and crackers to go with his "whine" ..

Fatah backs PA president

Council members support refusal to enter unconditional peace talks.

The Fatah Revolutionary Council over the weekend expressed support for Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’s refusal to open direct talks with Israel unconditionally.

Following a stormy meeting in Ramallah, the 122 members of the council also voiced support for Abbas’s efforts to reconcile with Hamas.


Abbas told Fatah members that the US administration was exerting heavy pressure on him to agree to direct talks with Israel without conditions. (Boo hoo...whine, whine!)

Abbas reiterated his opposition to the demand, insisting that Israel first accept the pre- 1967 lines as the future borders of a Palestinian state, freeze all settlement construction and reach agreement with the Palestinians on security issues.
(More fake crying ... crackers anyone?)

Abbas also criticized US President Barack Obama for being “unclear and vague” with the Palestinians. Abbas said that Obama sent him an oral message that did not include clear answers to questions he had presented to the Americans regarding the proposed negotiations with Israel. (Oh oh, more complaining, more crying ... !  Abbas, why not grow up and act your age .. oh, you are? You certainly aren't leading the PA's, when you need 122 members of council to make decision for you!)

The support of the Revolutionary Council is seen as a moral victory for Abbas. Last week he also won the backing of the PLO Executive Committee on this issue. (Ah ha, the good ole boys PLO Committee!  Now we're talking!  So, please tell all of us what the difference is between the PLO Ex. Committee and Mr. Abbas - the flag-flying Palestinian of today.)

“The Revolutionary Council and Fatah stand firmly with the president regarding the direct negotiations,” said a statement issued by the council members. “The council also stresses the need to demand that the US administration clarify its position regarding the 1967 borders.” (Oh, this should be good! I can hear them now...but, but, but Mr. Obama, we DEMAND that those nasty Israelis' turn over everything we lost when we last attacked Israel... HA HA HA!  Hey guys, why not go back to Jordan, or how about Syria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, ... after all, you have so much in common, but then again, your former leader Arafat said there is no Palestine ... guess you poor PA's are just fat out of luck!)

The statement said that direct negotiations with Israel were contingent on recognition of pre-1967 lines as the official borders of a Palestinian state. It noted that these lines include also east Jerusalem, the Dead Sea and the Jordan Valley on the Palestinian side of the line.

The council urged Abbas to reshuffle the cabinet of Prime Minister Salam Fayyad so that it would include more Fatah ministers.

The council also strongly condemned Hamas for its continued crackdown on Fatah members in the Gaza Strip and called for the release of all those detained in Hamas prisons. (... hee hee, you Palestinians are on both sides of the Gaza fence and you expect the world to consider your demands as legitimate?  There will be no talks, no  peace between you and Israel, since you can't even control all these Hamas terrorists ... never saw such a bunch of rag tag idiots crying like babies, and not offering anything to anyone ... just like babies!)

Chief PA negotiator Saeb Erekat said on Saturday that direct negotiations must be preceded by Israeli acceptance of the pre-1967 lines as the basis for a two-state solution. (You folks do have a way of repeating yourselves over and over again, to no avail, since your demands are outrageous.  So just how serious are you  about liviing in peace with the Jewish State of Israel?)

He did not rule out a land swap.(What land swap?  You own no land, have no country and are living within the Jewish State of Israel, rather than going back home to Jordan .. or pick an Arab country you like, pack up a few suits and move on out to where you'll feel more comfortable.)

Erekat said that a cessation of all settlement activities was also a condition for moving to direct talks.
(I've had enough .. please, just shut up, for you make no sense and if this is what you call "reconciliation", you folks need a few lessons on "how to influence people")