Saturday, July 24, 2010

'Imported' Rocket Used in Gaza Terror Attack on Israel

Israel National News

by Hana Levi Julian
Palestinian Authority terrorists in Gaza launched a number of rocket attacks on southern Israel on Saturday.
At least four rockets and mortars were fired at Jewish communities in the Gaza Belt region throughout the day, including one attack on Kibbutz Nachal Oz. Several rockets exploded in the Ashkelon Regional Council district.

No one was wounded in any of the attacks.

One of the missiles appeared to be a special “import” – a more advanced version of the missiles usually fired at Israel that had apparently been smuggled into the region.

The rocket, reported earlier in the day to have been a Kassam, failed to explode, according to police who said that it appeared to be a newer model, one that was possible to aim more accurately.

The missile, 115 mm in diameter, was taken to a police laboratory for analysis. Forensics experts later confirmed that the rocket had indeed been manufactured outside of the region.
Last year, PA sources claimed Iran had exported its rocket technology to Gaza terrorists, helping them to increase the range of their rockets to more than 20 kilometers. Israeli intelligence sources have since warned that ordnance has been "imported" into the region through the hundreds of smuggler tunnels that honeycomb the area under the border between Gaza and Egypt.

Meanwhile, daily humanitarian aid deliveries to Gaza have increased since a decision by the cabinet last month, and are carried out despite rocket attacksfired from the region at Jewish communities on the Israeli side of the crossing.

My note:
Why are "daily" humanitarian aid deliveries being brought into Gaza, while rockets are flying through the air and where they fall, no one knows where ... !!  What prevents Hamas from misbehaving, when the world showers them with BILLIONS OF DOLLARS in aid; Israel trucks in their "goodies" and the Islamic world is attempting to end the blockades?!  

What prevents them from ceasing to harm Israelis?  NOTHING!

Time to boycott terrorists - Hamas and its followers, ... it may be the only way the Palestinian people in Gaza may wake up to the fact that if you live with terrorist, you shall die with them.

Bee Sting