Obama courts Jewish vote with UN speech

US president's aides advise Jewish leaders on his pro-Israel address prior to General Assembly speech in order to ensure 'message is received'
Orly Azoulay
Hours before his UN General Assembly address, US President Barack Obama sought to ensure that prospective Jewish voters pay close attention to his speech.
Three of Obama's aides held a conference call with the president's Jewish supporters and community leaders on Wednesday, Yedioth Ahronoth reported.
The advisers, all Jewish themselves, asked the supporters to "spread the word" that Obama will give a pro-Israel speech which reflects his own genuine positions and implored them to pay close attention to the president's UN address.
The advisers chosen for the task were Ira Foreman, former head of the National Jewish Democratic Council; Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee; and Robert Wexler, former House of Representative member closely associated with the president.
The three stressed that the Republicans intentionally distort Obama's statements to portray him as an anti-Israel president, when in fact their arguments are baseless.
They mentioned recent praise words given to Obama by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak, reminding the Jewish leaders that Obama never demanded Israel to withdraw to the 1967 lines
"You know the facts," they said, "now spread the word."
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Hey Obama! Your message at the UN, while necessary to prevent another catastrophe among the majority of this world's dictators and even a few madmen, could have been prevented months ago, if only you had had a better understanding of America's true friend, Israel. If only you had not bowed to so many in the Islamic world, and held closed-door meetings, throwing out false promises to those who now seek a "state" and your actions, publicly, that now contradict your pretense of having both America's and Israel's best interest at steak. If only you would stop using Israel and the Jews as pawns in your campaign speeches!
Well, as they say, "The jig is up!" We have found you "wanting" - an empty vessel. Your words today are meaningless, for it is your actions that produced a wellspring of hate these past few years and the enemy has been forever emboldened by your speeches.
We know Who shall rescue Israel in the end and it will not be you, Obama, or your empty words.