The Third Jihad: Radical Islam's Vision for America from Clarion Fund on Vimeo.
9/11, Bush, and the Ongoing threat of Radical Islam
When we think about 9/11, we honor those who risked their lives, we watch the 9/11 video footage of the World Trade Center collapse, and we remember President Bush's public address. On 9/11, Bush said that through the Pentagon and World Trade Center attack, the 9/11 terrorists, "can shake the foundations of our biggest buildings, but they cannot touch the foundation of America."
By watching The Third Jihad video this 9/11, you will be paying tribute to those killed in the September 11th attacks. We must remember what happened on 9/11, and honor the heroes of Flight 93 and the victims of the 9/11 Pentagon and World Trade Center attack.
On 9/11, Bush said that the Radical Islamic 9/11 terrorists "have failed. Our country is strong." Watch The Third Jihad video this 9/11 to understand the forces which combat the American strength in the years following the 9/11 World Trade Center attacks. Share the 9/11 video -stream with others and educate them about the threat we face.
This September 11th, pay tribute to the memories of the 9/11 victims, educate yourself, and awaken others. Our country must remain strong.