Tehran pulls strings of Gaza missile war,
proxy Jihad Islami leads offensive

Mofaz, Chairman of Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee and former IDF chief Shaul Mofaz (Kadima) said Sunday that
“Israel must decide – will we continue with this intolerable reality of a war of attrition, or will we strive for an unequivocal decision with regards to Hamas, including targeting its leaders and infrastructure, with aim of toppling its reign in Gaza.”
Why not do both.Egypt will have to decide if they will interfer since she is the one gaining influence over Hamas. Iran would be happy to prevent this. That’s why they are backing different terrorists.
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report August 21, 2011, 11:02 AM (GMT+02:00)

Yossi Ben-Shoshan, 38, from Ofakim, was killed by one of the dozen Grad missiles hitting Beersheba and his home town Saturday night. More than a dozen people were injured, at least one critically.
The IDF is held back from substantive action to snuff out the Iran-backed offensive by the indecision at the policy-making level of the Israeli government, which is still feeling its way toward determining the dimensions and potential thrust of the military crisis landing on Israel out of the blue.
Under Egyptian, Israeli and US noses, Tehran managed to transfer to its Palestinian arm in Gaza, the Jihad Islami, more than 10,000 missiles well in advance of the violence launched three days ago. Most of them are heavy Grads bringing Beersheba, capital of the Negev and Israel’s 7th largest town (pop. 200,000), within their 30-kilometer range for a sustained, massive missile offensive.
Tehran has now launched the hardware smuggled into the Gaza Strip ready for a Middle East war offensive for five objectives:
- 1. To leave Syrian President Bashar Assad free to continue brutalizing his population and ignoring President Barack Obama’s demand backed by Europe that he step down. 2. To manufacture a direct military threat on the Jewish state, whose destruction is a fundamental of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s ideology. 3. To thwart the Egyptian military junta’s operation last week for regaining control of the lawless Sinai Peninsula and destroying the vast weapons smuggling network serving Iran in its capacity as the leading international sponsor of terror. 4. To render the Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas and his bid for UN recognition of an independent state on Sept. 20 irrelevant. His isolation was brought home to him last Thursday by the coordinated Palestinian terrorist attacks near Eilat last Thursday. 5. To plant ticking bombs around Israel for potential detonation and explosion into a full-blown regional war.
debkafile’s Washington sources disclose that US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton outlined this peril to Egypt’s military ruler, Field Marshall Muhammad Tantawi, Saturday night, Aug. 20, to dissuade him from recalling the Egyptian ambassador to Israel over the deaths of three or five Egyptian police in the melee over the Palestinian terror attack near the Sinai border.
This danger was on the table of Israel’s inner cabinet of eight ministers when they met early Sunday to decide on IDF action for terminating the Palestinian missile war.
However, just as Cairo discovered that its operation for eradicating al Qaeda and other Islamist radical groups’ grip on Sinai would give Iran the pretext for aggression, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and the IDF high command found themselves at a loss to determine whom to attack.
Up until now, Israel declared the Hamas rulers of Gaza accountable for all attacks originating in the enclave.
Up until now, Israel declared the Hamas rulers of Gaza accountable for all attacks originating in the enclave.
Only three facts stand out from the fog of uncertainty:
- First, the security crisis besetting Israel has the dangerous potential for dragging the Middle East into a regional war. Second, America and Israel are paying in full the price of their quiescence in the face of Iranian, Hizballah and extremist Palestinian belligerence and active preparations for war, including the stockpiling of thousands of increasingly sophisticated weaponry on Israel’s borders. Third, the first step an Israeli soldier or tank takes into the Gaza Strip to silence Jihad Islami’s missile fire is more likely than not to precipitate a second Iranian-orchestrated assault on another of Israel’s borders.