Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Netanyahu has caved on border negotiations - Ted Belman

AUGUST 2, 2011

INN: Did Bibi Accept Obama’s 1967-Lines Formula?
Israel will reportedly work with Obama’s 1967-lines formula as a basis for peace talks if the PA drops its statehood bid at the UN.
JPOST: Official: Netanyahu ready to discuss border ‘package’
According to both articles, Bibi is doing this to avoid a UN vote and to avoid potential violence. But why? Why are these good reasons to cave. They aren’t, not remotely. A vote by the UNGA would make no difference on the ground. Details would still have to be negotiated. In both case they would involve the armistice lines. As for the violence, that’s what the IDF is for.
On July 6th I reported

Eitan: Blocs to be Annexed; Rest of Yesha to be Abandoned
A lot is missing from this article. Debka gave all the details of the deal in May under the title White House set for Obama-Netanyahu-Abbas summit. Israel downbeat. Eitan is just confirming it.
Could it be that when Lauder told Bibi to get a plan earlier this week and Cotler advised Bibi to accept Obama’s principles, they were paving the way for Bibi to do so in coordination with Bibi? I think so.
Without such a deal in the offing, would the Quartet and Turkey be cooperating so much? Ted Belman.
The next day I reported on a DEBKA article
US and Israel nearing agreement
Diplomatic ambiguity at its best. On the one hand Bibi is prepared to accept Obama’s 67 lines with swaps, but on the other hand he is demanding that Obama interprets it according to the Bush letter. Not only that but he is demanding that Abbas accept Israel as a Jewish state which means the end of the “right of return”. Finally and this is crucial he is demanding that swaps are not to be equal in size but we get to keep 8% of the land where the settlements are and only give half the land size back. Does anyone know whether this 8% we keep includes Ariel and Maalah Adumin. In effect, if Obama accepts Bibi’s position, Obama’s demand is totally negated even though Bibi is accepting it.
This proposed deal is silent on Jerusalem. That doesn’t mean that the fate of Jerusalem isn’t part of it. Bibi previously said we can create creative solutions for Jerusalem. Ted Belman

Posted by Ted Belman @ 7:49 am - Israpundit