Do Pirates like Microsoft Windows 7?
Is it a Virus?

August 4, 2011
Bee Sting
Last October I upgraded from Vista to Windows 7 Microsoft and for the past 9 months, the new Windows 7 was the best thing since Mom's apple pie and ice cream! It upgraded on a regular basis and the Security Essentials kept my computer "clean".
However, on July 8th, after the computer had downloaded Window's 7 upgrades - I received a dreaded message from its Security Essentials - "WARNING! Your software has been compromised and you may be using an illegal copy of Windows 7 - please go to Microsoft for further assistance"...(words to that effect).
Immediately, I went directly to Microsoft's web site, searched for information, read the part about needing to purchase a "NEW" copy of Windows if my copy was compromised, etc.; found a phone number to call for further assistance; continued to use my computer after running it through a reliable Malware program (found nothing, no virus, etc.), but that "warning" kept popping up and Windows would no longer "update" my computer.

The following day, I inserted my Windows 7 disk, reloaded, lost the brain and everything on the hard drive, as Windows 7 installed (again!). A friend told me I should have moved anything important to another Drive, off of the "C" Drive, in order to keep my stuff when Windows reloaded (free advice for anyone with the same problem).
My computer is now "clean" since reloading, updates are being downloaded correctly and Security Essentials is running just fine. However, yesterday, received a phone call from a friend who also has a "blog" and guess what?! He informed me that he is receiving a message that his Windows 7 software has been "compromised" and his Windows 7 will no longer update!
Since this friend lives 1,000 miles away from me, it's not in the cable or the cable company lines. We began comparing notes and what we have discovered is that his computer and mine both received the warning messages around June 8th or 9th - AFTER Windows downloaded an UPDATE!
So, if there are others out there in the world of the Internet, with the same problem, I would say Microsoft's Windows 7 has been compromised and suggest Microsoft locate a breach in their "Security", because whatever your company considered an "Update" was, in fact, an update to a serious breach affecting our computers and I ask Microsoft: "Do you have pirates working behind the scenes? Or, perhaps Windows 7 has contacted a virus, like the measles or mumps?! Maybe the "updates" were hacked into before sending it off to all using Windows 7?"
Anyone here want an apple?
Perhaps Microsoft should look into this BREAKING NEWS:
Report documents widespread cyberattacks
Published: Aug. 3, 2011 at 9:38 AM
SANTA CLARA, Calif., Aug. 3 (UPI) -- A U.S. computer security firm said its analysis of computer hacking of more than 70 corporations and government entities shows it came from "nation-state."
MacAfee computer security firm used logs produced by one server to trace cyberattacks on entities such as a news service, the U.N. secretariat, a U.S. Energy Department lab, defense firms and the International Olympic Committee, The Washington Post reported Tuesday.
McAfee said hundreds of other servers were used by the same adversary, which the company did not name.
"We're not pointing fingers at anyone but we believe it was a nation-state," Dmitri Alperovitch, McAfee's vice president of threat research and the lead author of the report, told The New York Times in a telephone interview.
U.S. corporate and government entities represented 49 of the 72 targets, McAfee said. Governments, companies and organizations in Canada, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Switzerland and Great Britain also were targeted multiple times.
While McAfee, based in Santa Clara, Calif., declined to name a likely source, James A. Lewis, a Center for Strategic and International Studies cybersecurity expert, told the Post "the most likely candidate is China."
MacAfee computer security firm used logs produced by one server to trace cyberattacks on entities such as a news service, the U.N. secretariat, a U.S. Energy Department lab, defense firms and the International Olympic Committee, The Washington Post reported Tuesday.
McAfee said hundreds of other servers were used by the same adversary, which the company did not name.
"We're not pointing fingers at anyone but we believe it was a nation-state," Dmitri Alperovitch, McAfee's vice president of threat research and the lead author of the report, told The New York Times in a telephone interview.
U.S. corporate and government entities represented 49 of the 72 targets, McAfee said. Governments, companies and organizations in Canada, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Switzerland and Great Britain also were targeted multiple times.
While McAfee, based in Santa Clara, Calif., declined to name a likely source, James A. Lewis, a Center for Strategic and International Studies cybersecurity expert, told the Post "the most likely candidate is China."
The log's emphasis on Taiwan and Olympic organizations before the Beijing Games in 2008 "points to China," he said. "This isn't the first we've seen. This has been going on from China since at least 1998."
Forty-nine of the 72 hacked organizations were in the United States.
Forty-nine of the 72 hacked organizations were in the United States.