Monday, August 1, 2011


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Posted: August 1st, 2011 1:35 PM | Author: Henry D'Andrea
Vice President Joe Biden joined House Democrats in lashing tea party Republicans Monday, accusing them of having “acted like terrorists”in the fight over raising the nation’s debt limit.

Biden was agreeing with a line of argument made by Rep. Mike Doyle (D-Pa.) at a two-hour, closed-door Democratic Caucus meeting.

“We have negotiated with terrorists,” an angry Doyle said, according to sources in the room. “This small group of terrorists have made it impossible to spend any money.”

Biden, driven by his Democratic allies’ misgivings about the debt-limit deal, responded: “They have acted like terrorists,” according to several sources in the room.

Biden’s office declined to comment about what the vice president said inside the closed-door session.

Earlier in the day, Biden told Senate Democrats that Republican leaders have “guns to their heads” in trying to negotiate deals.

The vice president’s hot rhetoric about tea party Republicans underscored the tense moment on Capitol Hill as four party leaders in both chambers work to round up the needed votes in an abbreviated time frame. The bill would raise the debt limit by as much as $2.4 trillion through the end of next year and reduce the deficit by an equal amount over the next decade.

The deal was consummated Sunday night, the text of the bill was posted in the wee hours of Monday morning, and the House was expected to vote first on it Monday afternoon or evening. But there are still plenty of concerns in both parties and in both chambers.
So I guess I am a terrorist. Thank you Joe, add me to Janet’s watch list. You moron.
And so, here you have it dear Americans - this administration speaks and acts with such contempt towards anyone and everyone who disagrees with its policies; including any media i.e. Fox News that dares ask questions about the road to destruction this White House attempts to lead us down!   
Well, add me to the list of "terrorists", Joe!  It explains why you and your boss can't tell the difference between America's allies and its enemies.  Go ahead, make another deal with America's enemies and be sure to kick our allies in the teeth when next you meet!
Bee Sting