Sunday, August 21, 2011

Islam - A Religion Based on Terrorism

NOTE:  It has just come to my attention that Islam plans on hijacking America's 9/11 Memorial next month.  Please go to Bare Naked Islam's page and read details and then ask if you think Muslims in America should be lecturing America on "tolerance" and "change" .. blah blah blah!  Ask if you think it is appropriate that Islam choose America's Day of Remembrance on 9/11 to spread their propaganda and lies, or worse, attempt to place Islam on the same level as America's Constitution.  Heck, next thing they will want is a Mosque built at Ground Zero!!!!  
 Muslims in America planning another hijacking around the tenth anniversary
 August 21, 2011 Author: 


To understand Islam, you have to accept certain facts about this religion. The impact of Islam on the daily life of Muslims is far greater than that found in the Western Culture since the Middle Ages. Muslims advance a definition that Islam is a shinning beacon against the darkness of repression, segregation, intolerance, and racism.
Nothing could be further from the truth!

Islam has no fundamental concept of Inalienable Rights as mentioned in the Declaration of Independence. Islam does not permit the individual to enjoy the freedoms of action and association characteristic of the Democracy that so many Western cultures currently enjoy today. Islam is a religion in name only because of a reference to "Allah" as their Deity. A well known fact is that Islam is a totalitarian ideology that rejects Democracy, personal freedom, and every other religion. The ideals of anti-Semitism and anti-Western Culture run rampant throughout Islam. The Laws of Man are meaningless and have absolutely no relevance in Muslim culture because they are without any direct reference to the Koran or Shariah Law and therefore they have no place in Muslim life. Islamic law is completely incompatible with Freedom, Democracy, or any other government where the people have an actual voice in government or the will of the people matters.

"True Islam permits neither elections nor democracy."
-- Sufi Mohammed, Muslim Cleric


Saudi Arabia infuses Islam in all aspects of daily life. The practice of any other religion is against the law and there is an actual Religious Police to enforce this law. This ends any discussion concerning Islam's tolerance of other religions. All laws come from Shariah Law and with its foundation in the Koran, it is the law. Muslims are convinced that this is the way all life should be lived. The belief is, "If Shariah Law is good for now, then it is good for all times," and they firmly believe that concept because Shariah Law comes directly from the Koran, which they believe is the direct word of Allah.

Islam, as practiced by the "Radical" fundamentalists that lead the religion, does not encourage the pursuit of knowledge outside of itself as can be seen by their attitude toward other cultures especially Western Culture. This is the reason Islam is often referred to as "the religion which has produced nothing but religion". Essentially, anything that is not Islamic is not encouraged and in many instances, it is outright forbidden. Ideals Americans take for granted such as Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Speech, and Freedom of the Press have absolutely no meaning or place within Islamic culture. Islam with Shariah Law constitutes a totalitarian means of ruling society at EVERY level, including ritual worship, transactions and contracts, morals and matters, beliefs and punishments, the servitude of women, etc...

In Islamic states, where there is no formally recognized separation between religion and law, mosque and state, Shariah Law is a cornerstone and is often implemented as the final and ultimate formulation of the law of God, not to be revised or reformulated by mere mortal and fallible human beings. Freedom does not exist in Islam. Only Islam exists in Islam. Ideally, Islam and its teachings would run the State and all laws would be based on criteria from the Koran.

"Islam is a revolutionary faith that comes to destroy any government made by man. Islam doesn't look for a nation to be in better condition than another nation. Islam doesn't care about the land or who own the land. The goal of Islam is to rule the entire world and submit all of mankind to the faith of Islam. Any nation or power in this world that tries to get in the way of that goal, Islam will fight and destroy."
-- Mawlana Abul Ala Mawdudi, founder of Pakistan's Fundamentalist Movement

Their goal is to make Islam a Worldwide State sanctioned religion led by religious leaders having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all aspects of life based on Islamic teachings, and emphasizing Islam to the detriment of any and all other religions and secular beliefs.

For people that have grown up with Freedom and Liberty, this is often a hard realization to comprehend. Islam as a religion requires mandatory implementation and participation as a way of life and is the goal of all Muslims. For Muslims, Islam is the only true religion. All other religions are false and an insult to Allah, Islam, "the prophet"Muhammad, and all Muslims. Under Islamic law, infidel religions and beliefs will not be tolerated. With Islam, there is no Freedom of Religion, there is no Individual Freedom; there is only Islam and the Islamic way of life.

"He who fights that Islam should be superior fights in Allah's cause."
-- Muhammad, Prophet of Islam

"By their acts, we shall know them and so we know them."
-- Pamela Gella, 06 November 2009

Once you understand this concept, it is easy to comprehend what Islam really is. As a religion, Islam is run by Radical Muslims. They are the loudest and most vocal on Islam. The Radical Muslims are the true Muslims that dictate and control Islam. They are the ones that fight to get what they want based on Islamic Law. This webpage aims to show what they have done, what they are doing now, and the role they want for Islam in the future.

The term "Radical Islam" is often used when describing Islam. It is a deceptive term in that it assumes there is a more moderate and peaceful version of Islam... there is not! Islam is a Radical ideology on its own as can be seen in its doctrine. There is no need to use the word "Radical" as though there was a "Non-Radical" form of Islam. There is only one Islam and it is at war with the rest of world for planetary control and domination. It is not just a war with an ideology, but with a people, including their elderly, their women, and their children. There is no war with a separate entity of Islam called "Radical Islam"... THE WAR IS WITH ALL OF ISLAM.

Whether you like it or not, whether you agree with it or not, whether you believe it or not, Islamic Terrorists are the cause for almost all of the world's terrorist attacks. There are always detractors that will advance the notion that these "Islamic Terrorists" are not true Muslims, but such is not the case. These terrorists are dedicated Muslims and serious students of Islam and its teachings. They understand what Islam is, what it means to be a defender of Allah and of Islam, and what is required to be a good Muslim. Remember, Muslims believe that Islam is the only true religion, superior to all other religions and beliefs. These Muslims believe they are on a mission with orders directly from Allah as written in the Koran to destroy anything they see as a threat or an insult to Islam and Allah.

Examine a somewhat hidden concept of Islam. To advance the cause of Islam is to implement the complete domination of Islam over all other religions with the goal being the eventual elimination of other religions. When a Muslim dies while attempting to advance the cause of Islam, including by warfare and killing, it is not considered suicide, but a glorious act worthy of a secured place in Paradise. Islam is unique among major world religions in this concept. The Koran teaches salvation through fighting and killing non-Muslims. We see this reality whenever a suicide bomber strikes, Muslims are quick to heave praise on the terrorist and on the family of the suicide bomber. There is nothing but contempt given to the victims.

There is one historical precedent rarely discussed about Islam that helps to explain the terrorist mentality commonly associated with Islam. The bloody legacy of Muhammad is a constant challenge for anyone living within the borders of Islamic belief. The violence that Muslim armies would level on people across North Africa, the Middle East, Europe, and Asia as far as India is a tribute to a founder who condoned slavery, rape, murder and forced conversion in the cause of spreading the rule of his religion. This concept established by Muhammad as a fundamental tool to spread Islam is certainly the basis for terror campaigns against Western infidels and the general apathy that Muslims around the world have to the violence against non-Muslims.

There are a lot of myths about Islam as to whether it is a Religion of Peace and Tolerance and what that actually means. The following link addresses ten of those myths.