Nabil Shaath - Head of Fatah Foreign Ministry
Uploaded by MEMRITVVideos on Jul 27, 2011
Dear Mr. Obama and the Quartet (members of Quartet change, as dictators fall i.e. Murbarak, last summer was a member of these so-called Middle East Peace negotiators) ....
What don't you understand about the Fatah/Hamas intentions?! Listen again to this video - in their own words.
Congress - you have allowed billions of dollars to sink into the pit holes/pockets of this organization and Americans say, "Enough!" Stop giving gifts on silver platters to this outfit - they have no intentions of negotiating peace with Israel. They want the UN to give them "statehood" and they cannot support themselves - they accept handouts from any and all nations willing to buy into their trickery to eliminate the State of Israel.
and now, for Israel,a tribute and a prayer for your blessed safety (among so many neighboring wolves):