Riyad Mansour bursts into tears

PA observer breaks down during UN debate
Riyad Mansour bursts into tears discussing Palestinian statehood in last Security Council debate before General Assembly meeting in September. Israel's Ron Prosor says, 'On behalf of whom will you present a resolution in September? Abbas or Hamas?'
Yitzhak Benhorin
Published: 07.26.11, 20:41 / Israel News
WASHINGTON – A routine Security Council debate on the Middle East and Palestine became Israel's and the Palestinian Authority's dress rehearsal for September's General Assembly conference where the Palestinians will seek UN recognition.
Palestinian observer Riyad Mansour called on the UN to recognize a Palestinian state. It's time to end the occupation, he said before bursting into tears. Israel's Ambassador to the UN Ron Prosor warned that the Palestinian way of bypassing peace talks will lead to frustration and violence.
He noted that "even the most basic condition for statehood does not exist. The Palestinian Authority does not maintain effective control of all its territory nor does it hold a monopoly on the use of force."
Addressing the Security Council members states, Prosor stressed: "Unilateral actions will not bring peace to our region. The Palestinian initiatives at the United Nations may be superficially attractive to some. Yet, they distract from the true path to peace. There are no shortcuts to statehood. You cannot bypass the only path to peace. The Palestinians will have to get off the bandwagon of unilateralism – and back to the hard work of direct peacemaking."
US committed to talks
Mansour, on his part, accused the Israeli government of sabotaging peace efforts and defended the Palestinian bid as logical, just and in keeping with Security Council resolutions. He noted that the PA remains committed to September 2011, which he said could create the necessary dynamic for a breakthrough.
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Fogel family massacre
Mr. Mansour - You weep for "statehood" and yet, no tears for the numerous attacks upon innocent Israelis committed by Palestinians in just this year - a year filled with grief for Israeli families, caused by Palestinians who chose murder, rather than peace. I speak of the recent massacre of the Fogel family; due to Palestinian hostility towards all Israelis. I speak of the 16 year old Israeli boy coming home from school and being killed by a Hamas rocket while still on the school buss. I speak of the bombing at a Jerusalem bus stop earlier this year. I speak of the rocks thrown at the IDF; and the murder of an Israeli couple riding along a highway. The Palestinian Authority and Hamas -- both have and still are using their propaganda and lies to promote statehood and yet, the world is not blind to the atrocities committed by both organizations towards Israel.
As one Israeli so beautifully said in an Email to me (translation from Hebrew):
(It's time for their tears? Is this method too? Plead to the world in tears. Are those who call themselves Palestinians, not with the goal to wipe Israel from the map? Will their tears, when we were in exile or our generations that were destroyed ? I have only disgust from their idea to touch on your heart, and put the flag of the moon, instead of the Magen David. the Star, of our King David . I pray, do not go after the tears of deceit. that blood the Martyrs of Israel wine - their own. If they were with peace of truth, then they would leave us to live in peace-On the ground, which according to our faith, is guaranteed only to us forever, taking the oath and promise../ Bless you, USA.)And, here are just a few comments to this article on YNet:
. As Israelis we cry 63 years of your terror.
I already experienced two terror attacks in Jerusalem, and almost died twice, I can hope you understand that the only way to improve the situation of the two peoples is to meet and start talking! I do not understand why you reject us and why this issue is delayed. this game of de-legitimacy is ridiculous ...
Miriam Shaked , | Jerusalem, Israel | (07.26.11) |
. Crying makes people forget that the Palestinians themselves
responsible for their state as much as Israel does. When Fathers are crying for 60 years on their Sons someone must stop the plays (also the theater play) and find a solution!!! We are willing to talk and are also willing to make concessions. Where are you???? willing to engage with Hamas????
Nira Mayer , | Israel | (07.26.11) |
If the Palestinians would invest half the time they invest
de-legitimize Israel, in really developing their country and people like jews did (even in the holocaust times we did it. to all the haters that are ready with thier same excusess) . Maybe we would already have peace in the ME.
Shalom , | Israel | (07.26.11) |
Hmm, if settlements over 20 years was the problem
why was it only brought up as a major sticking point last year, and Arafat signed the Oslo Accords which allowed for natural expansion of existing settlements? Mansour - perhaps your tears are from being caught in lies for which you had no answer.
William , | Israel | (07.26.11) |
. Crying over the wrong cause
If the ambassador wants shed tears perhaps he ought to save it for the victims of his government's corruption.While his constituents struggle to find work his government's budget includes millions for Mrs. Arafat's Paris hotel and lovely villas and autos for the government functionaries.
DavidM , | USA | (07.26.11) |
# 16
The moment the Arabs, including Hamas, show the willingness of recognizing Israel's right to exist, than we can talk about seriousness of peace. Not a minute before.
Alex , | USA | (07.26.11) |
He's lamenting the stupidity of his elders of 1948, that decided they preferred war to a State of their own
BEN JABO , | ISRAEL | (07.27.11) |
My final comment about a future "Peace in the Middle East" cannot be expressed clearer than in listening to this video:
Mordechai Kedar in al-Jazeera about Jerusalem & Islam
The Palestinian Arabs cannot expect "statehood", until they first accept Israel's right to exist. All the crocodile tears to the United Nations will not change 3,000 years of Israel's history - Israel is a Jewish state and Jerusalem is the Capital of Israel - that's it!