A truck in Israel is being loaded with aid of supplies for Gaza.
Challah Hu Akbar
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
A few months ago, I selected the following from a piece by Evelyn Gordon.
Did you know Israel is paying for Arabs to have children?
How about the recent efforts of the Israeli group, Save a Child's Heart.
Alright, the list goes on and on and on. IsraelMuse put together a nice one, in his post that won the pro-Israel blogoff. It’s hard to argue with the Israeli diplomat who called Richard Falk, the UN’s special rapporteur on Palestinian rights who accused Israel of “ethnic cleansing,” an “embarrassment to the United Nations” yesterday. But the problem isn’t that Falk lies, or even that he does so with the UN’s imprimatur. The real problem is the larger trend he represents: The self-proclaimed “human rights community” increasingly treats minor issues as indistinguishable from major crimes.
What enraged Aharon Leshno Yaar was Falk’s demonstrably false claim that Israel practices ethnic cleansing in East Jerusalem. The Arab population of Jerusalemquadrupled between1967 (when Israel annexed East Jerusalem) and 2008, from 68,600 to 268,600, while the city’s Jewish population rose by a factor of 2.5. Consequently, Arabs now constitute 35 percent of Jerusalem’s population, up from 26 percent in 1967. Since ethnic cleansing is normally meant to reduce the target population, if Israel were actually attempting such cleansing, it is surely the most incompetent ethnic cleanser in human history.
Now with that I show you a few examples as to Israel's ethnic cleansing...
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A passenger on the Dignite/Al-Karama vessel, which attempted to break Israel's blockade of the Gaza Strip, takes food from a member of Israel's Navy. |
Israelis already have a high fertility rate: an average of 2.9 children per family. Beyond the biblical imperative to be fruitful, some Israeli Jews remain concerned with replenishing their numbers in the wake of the Holocaust.
Demographics here are also political. Israel has historically focused on promoting Jewish birthrates to retain a Jewish majority and more recently as a counterweight to higher fertility rates of Palestinians in the occupied territories. Arab citizens of Israel, however, have the same rights to state-paid fertility treatments as their Jewish counterparts.
A survey published by the journal Human Reproduction Update in 2002 showed that 1,657 in vitro fertilization procedures per million people per year were performed in Israel, compared with 899 in Iceland, the country with the second highest rate, and 126 in the United States, which trailed far behind European countries.Or how about the Palestinians who have come to Israel for summer camp? Oh, did I mention they are the children of terrorists?
While Israel and the Palestinian Authority participate in a diplomatic battle as September looms ever nearer, 18 Palestinian children from the Dheisheh Refugee Camp near Bethlehem arrived in Israel on Monday to take part in the "living color" summer camp together with children from Arab villages and cities in Israel.Yet, if you read the rest of the article, these kids don't seem so interested in the whole peace thing....eh, neither did their parents.
The visitors have special "pedigree" – most of them are the children of security prisoners who were members of terrorist organizations, some of whom were even accused of attempting to kidnap soldiers.
How about the recent efforts of the Israeli group, Save a Child's Heart.
This is the second time that Haji Hamis from Zanzibar is visiting Israel: He first came here when he was 15 to undergo life-saving heart surgery at the Wolfson Medical Center through the Save a Child's Heart (SACH) association.All public buildings in Israel are scheduled to have handicap access.
At the time he was living with his parents and six brothers and sisters in a small house in the village of Mondoli – he could barely walk and had trouble breathing.
After the surgery Haji was able to walk, run and play like any healthy child his age but now he has once again been brought to Israel with four other children from Zanzibar who need urgent heart surgeries, for an additional operation.
On the surface, Haji seems perfectly healthy and even jokes about not understanding why they brought him here again, but SACH's doctors who examined him on their last trip to Zanzibar made the decision – he needed another surgery.
Haji told Ynet that he was very happy to be coming here for the second time and was excited about going back to his family, his life and his job – which he put on hold to undergo the second procedure.
Justice Minister Yaakov Ne'eman has signed regulations ensuring equal rights for people with disabilities.
The regulations, which deal with making all of Israel's existing public buildings handicap-accessible, will take effect within six months from their publications.How about the refugees from Africa enjoying some soccer?
As African migrants continue to pour in through Israel's porous border, many try to push them back out again. But some, specifically at the African Refugee Development Center (ARDC) have been working on ways to improve their lives in Israel.
The ARDC, with the help of UN funding, has begun to hold various sportive events at Levinsky Park, near the central bus station in Tel Aviv. Many migrants gather there to engage in a friendly game of soccer.
Benjamin Hassan, who runs the center's community services, is a psychotherapist who only just emigrated from Gibraltar. "The new plan comes as a solution for the lack of positive and constructive activities for the refugee community," he said.
The UN's refugee agency (UNHCR) has shown interest in the plan, and provided some of the funding. Thanks to the agency, those who made it to the park Wednesday received real soccer training, the likes of which would not shame any professional team.
Coaching the team was Benjamin Kamara, a professional soccer player from the Ivory Coast. "Soccer is a wonderful tool," he said. "It shows Israel's positive side to the refugees and the refugee community's positive side to Israel. On the field everyone can start together from scratch and introduce a new culture of sport rather than violence."How about the 1,000 hearing aids that were provided to Palestinians a few weeks ago?
- Israeli settler wants to help Syrians with humanitarian aid. He says: "As neighbors, and a people who take pride in our Jewish values, Israel can assist in the form of humanitarian and medical aid and benefit from the Syrian revolt."
- Palestinian children who had been diagnosed with cancer had the opportunity to visit Israel's ski resort in the Hermon, they were accompanied by their families and had a fun filled day with the IDF's Alpine Unit.
- An IDF paramedic helped a Palestinian woman give birth inside a military ambulance. She called for help and the IDF responded to it even though the area she was in was unreachable by an ambulance. The IDF paramedics comment on this: "I just reacted to the situation as any human being would."
- An Israeli helps Palestinians get access to better medical treatment. His comment: "Regardless of whether political or religious, I think that we are all human beings."
- An Israeli doctor extends helping hand to sick Palestinians. The doctor's comments: "When we are coming to pick up the sick kids, the (Palestinian and Israeli) checkpoint managers help us a lot."
- Israeli companies to help build a Palestinian city in the West Bank city of Rawabi.
- Israel helps 300 Palestinians living in Libya, whose lives are endangered, into the Palestinian Authority-controlled area.
- A Kibbutz built a dairy farm for Palestinians in Hebron. A Palestinian said: "We turned to Kibbutz Afikim because the Israeli milk industry is No. 1 in the world, and we are happy to be able to use the knowledge and modernization of our neighbors to help us increase the amount of milk in the PA."
- The IDF helps transfer Palestinian cucumbers.
- An IDF soldier and settlers save a Palestinian baby's life. The soldier said: "They know we have a skilled medical team here, and in any case of accident or injury they arrive and we help them."
- The Ministry of Agriculture helps Palestinian farmers improve their techniques. A Palestinian doctor said: "We live in the same climate and under the same conditions so we don’t try to avoid receiving help from the accumulated Israeli experience."
- The IDF sends 14,000 tons of aid to Gaza.
- The IDF sends humanitarian aid to Gaza during IDF operation to crackdown on Hamas. The aid was up 900% .
- Israel helped about 150 Palestinians escape from Gaza after a bloody Hamas crackdown in Gaza. They were assisted in being relocated via Israel to Jericho.
- Israelis help Palestinians harvest olive crops. One says: "I think what we do now is the way of peace. Palestinians and Jews work hand in hand on the trees and pick fruit together."
- Israelis help Palestinian veterinarians fight avian flu. A doctor's comment: "This support sometimes helps us provide the Palestinians with services without charging them."
- 1976, the IDF opens a section of the Lebanese border, known as The Good Fence, to allow medical and other aid to residents of southern Lebanon who stood in need.
- DF helps Japanese after earthquake and tsunami.
- Jews using Israeli technology help Uganda with Polio Vaccinations and help install Solar Energy in Malawi. Jewish Heart for Africa have many projects that are currently in progress in Uganda, Tanzania and Ethiopia.
- Israel treated more than 2500 sick children from enemy states over the last 15 years.
- The American Jewish World Service, mostly Jewish Zionists, helps the world's poor.
- Israeli doctors teach male circumcision to African doctors to prevent disease.
- The African Refugee Development Center in Israel helps refugees with political issuesof being a refugee.
- IDF helps earthquake victims in Haiti. The help was endless.
- IDF trains Med students from Nigeria to Nepal in rescues.
- Israeli doctors help the sick in the Maldives even though Muslims protested against Jews helping.
- African doctors learn about treating AIDS at a seminar in Israel.
- Israel helps sick Gazans.
- More than 7400 African refugees enter Israel safely, to seek work and asylum.
- African Muslim doctors train in Israel.
- Israel helps train Ethiopian doctors to fight AIDS.
- Iraqi child saved in Israel.
- This is Zionism!
- Israelis help abandoned Bedouin women.
- Israelis and Palestinians tackle issues on football field.
- Israeli Jews and Arabs learn to play together and learn to co-exist.
- Israeli billionaire funds Arab-Israeli industrial park.
- Israelis and Palestinians joined forces for a Startup Weekend, to explore the possibilities of developing new technology businesses together.
- Darfur children start over in Israeli schools.
- Jewish and Arab women in Israel break barriers.
- Empowerment for Arab Israeli women from the Arab-Jewish Community Center in Jaffa.
- Israeli and Jordanian women, in business, for peace.
- Galilee Jewish and Arab moms come together for peace.
- Ten top Israeli business ventures that inspire peace in the Middle East.
- Arabic comes to Jewish Israeli schools.
- Cultivating understanding with Arab-Jewish schools.
- The Israeli "Spider" that reads the wind
- Israelis are fighting desertification to feed the world
- An Israeli galvanizes the Bedouins to go Green
- The IDF inaugurates first Green Base as part of "IDF Protects The Environment"
- The top 10 Israeli environmentalists helping Green Israel and the world.
- Self-sustaining nuclear energy from Israel.
- US homes look forward to Israel's Solar Energy Tech.
- Israeli-Palestinian team to develop clean water solutions.
- El Al says will stop transporting animals for experiments abroad.
- Israel poised to be first country to ban fur trade.
- Arabs and Jews throwing out the garbage together.
- Israel develops potato-powered batteries for the developing world.
- Israel’s water innovation leading the world.
- Israel's smallest PC
- Meet the Israeli unmanned ground combat vehicle - AvantGuard
- Israel’s latest airport security technology.
- A comprehensive guide to Israel’s biotech industry.
- Israeli technology has chief role in battling world threats.
- IDF presents: 'Soldier-free' checkpoint control.
- Israeli startup presents: 3D with no glasses.
- Strongest-ever nanomaterial from Israel.
- Israel is killing cancer, without killing healthy cells.
- Israeli scientists developing the power to predict the future.
- Israel develops anti-bacterial textiles to save lives.
- Israel is preventing pneumonia and saving billions.
- Israel invents world's first flying car.
- Israeli exoskeleton suit enables paralyzed people to walk.
- Israeli communication technology for the disabled.
- Israeli company develops device to see through walls.
- Israel's car that will make its own fuel.
- Israels amazing invisible tank shield technology.
- Tel Aviv university works on computer chip implant to treat the brain.
- Israel builds world's largest underground hospital.
- A revolution in skin cancer detection.
- Israeli scientists develop technique to knock out super-bugs.
- Israel: A world leader in medicine!
So, is Israel the world's worst genocidal state or what?
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