MONDAY, JUNE 6, 2011

by Giulio Meotti
The Canadian columnist Mark Steyn writes that “if you take a quart of ice-cream and a quart of dog feces and mix ‘em together the result will taste more like the latter than the former. That’s the problem with the UN”.
This distasteful image is easily explained. In 2004, 13 states out of a total of 53 of the failed UN Commission on Human Rights were “not free” or “partly free”, according to Freedom House. Today these nasty states are 21 in the "renewed" UN Human Rights Council.
On the other hand, in September, it could be possible that the State of Israel will be declared an illegal occupier of Judea and Samaria.
If the UN management of former Secretary General Kofi Annan was marked by corruption, nepotism and political irresponsibility, the leadership of Ban Ki-moon is perhaps even worse.
Several weeks ago, the U.S. Congress cut 400 million dollars from its annual contribution to the UN. (Finally - way to go, Congress! It's a start!)
Oh, yes, about corruption, Ban Ki-moon has been indicted by senior officials of his own organization. Inga-Britt Ahlenius, a former head of the fight against corruption at the UN, wrote in a memo that the management by the UN Secretary General is “reprehensible” and his actions are “unprecedented”.
An Italian apparatchik, Francesco Bastagli, wrote for the magazine The New Republic an essay entitled “Justice Undone”. Bastagli was the African envoy for Kofi Annan: “After I resigned, I watched as the new Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has taken a more political opportunist” stand than his predecessor".
In addition to dictatorships and corruption, the UN seems united mainly by nepotism. The son of former Secretary-General Kofi Annan, Kojo, was on the payroll of the company that was supposed to check the correct functioning of the Oil for Food program (the most devastating scandal in the history of the United Nations).
The new secretary’s daughter, Hyun Hee Ban, is working for Unicef, the UN agency for children. The son-in-law of the secretary, Siddarth Chatterjee, had been appointed head of UN staff in Baghdad, one of the most important roles for the United Nations. After that job, Siddarth went to leading an agency in Denmark, which manages billions. Immediately, Unicef moved his wife, the daughter of Ban Ki-moon…to Denmark.
The management of Ban Ki-moon has also been characterized by one of the worst chapters in the history of the United Nations, that of sexual violence. Three years ago, one hundred Sri Lankan “peacekeepers” were accused of abusing Haitian children. Abuses were committed by Moroccan troops in the Ivory Coast and by Indian troops in Congo.
Sex scandals involving UN peacekeepers took place in Bosnia, Kosovo, Cambodia, East Timor, Burundi and Western Africa. In Africa the locals now speak of the “peacekeeper babies”, the illegitimate children of UN soldiers.
The mission in Congo was the second largest UN peacekeeping mission. Rape, pedophilia and prostitution are the accusations against the UN. The minors were lured by a dollar. These girls are known as “one dollar baby”.
In the past, with all the regimes that do not respect human rights, it was the United States that was excluded from the Human Rights Commission (2002). It was accepted that Libya assumed the presidency (2003), that Sudan was a member (2004) and Saudi Arabia, Cuba and Zimbabwe decided on the human rights violations (2005). While the Western coalition was embarking in the Libyan war under the aegis of the UN, at the United Nations, the expert on mercenaries was Mrs. Najat Hajjaji, the Libyan apparatchik of Colonel Qaddafi, who is making great use of mercenaries in the Libyan war.
Under the wise leadership of Ban Ki-moon, the regime of Sudan, that in Darfur has used hunger as a weapon of mass murder of Christians and animists, became vice president of the World Food Program and joined the Executive Board of the Agency for Refugees.
It also happened that China, Kazakhstan, Libya and Iran, with their controlled media, topped the Commission on information.
The biggest shareholder of the UN is Iran, which under the management of Ban Ki-moon has brilliantly used the United Nations agencies to circumvent any diplomatic isolation. The United Nations has awarded Tehran the title “global capital for philosophy”, and Iran actually is littered with philosophers and thinkers imprisoned or forced into exile.
Tehran has just become part of the Committee on the status of women, although the Iranian regime is one of the most segregationist in the world towards the female sex. There is an Iranian on the Fund for Population Activities and the Development Fund for Women. (File this one under Ripley's Believe it or Not!)
Although there is evidence of chemical weapons trafficking from Iran to Hizbullah, Tehran throughout 2011 will be vice president of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons.
Tehran is also on the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice: pretty good for a country that is a world leader in executions.
Iran has joined the executive board of Unicef, despite the fact that Tehran holds the record for hangings of minors. Iran is in the Commission for Science, Technology and Development and the Committee for the “peaceful use of space”. Iran sits also in the Agency for Refugees, the Environment Programme and Programme for Human Settlements.
To understand the UN's degradation one has to see the awards. One bears the name of the President of Equatorial Guinea, Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, who promoted a UN fund named in his honor and dedicated to science. The UN philanthropist is known as “the worst dictator in Africa, worse than Mugabe”.
The United Nations Public Service Award of 2010 has been assigned to the Lebanese Interior Ministry, a bastion of power of the pro-Iranian militia Hizbullah.
Under the mandate of Ban Ki-moon, Durban has become the omen of the worst ideological bias of the UN. In September, near the tenth anniversary of the massacre of 11 September, Ban Ki-moon will host “Durban III”, the remake of the festival of Jew-hatred celebrated in South Africa in 2001. Those were the days just before the attack on the Twin Towers. Never was a hate scenario better laid. Durban was the premise to Ground Zero.
Jews wearing kippahs had to protect themselves against the demonstrators touting portraits of Bin Laden and hounding the Jews. The Jewish centers in the city were stormed and closed and the press conference of the Israeli delegation was violently assaulted and interrupted. Israel was compared to Nazism and accused of apartheid in order to claim, particularly as in South Africa, its lack of legitimacy.
The greatest indictment of the UN against Israel is demolished by an incredible recanting of his own author. This is Richard Goldstone, the South African judge who has just reneged his own diabolical report on the war in Gaza.
The resolution “Combating Defamation of Religions”, approved by the UN, is the most lethal instrument of suppression of freedom of expression and the greatest achievement of the Organization of Islamic Conference, that under Ban Ki-moon became the most powerful bloc of voters in the global forum.
But there is more. The greatest blemish of Ban Ki-moon’s leadership remains Darfur, the scene of the worst massive massacre since Rwanda. Not only the UN has been unable to call it “genocide”, but Ban Ki-moon. on June 16, 2007, gave this memorable explanation of the 400,000 deaths by the hordes of Arab guerrillas who have destroyed villages, wells, plantations, farms and butchered families, raped women, abused children and girls to sell them as slaves: “The conflict in Darfur is part of global warming”, he pronounced.
Herein lies the summary of the tragedy named United Nations: explaining the mass graves as the advance of the desert.
Giulio MeottiSource:
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