Tuesday, 10 May 2011
By: Boker Tov, Boulder!
Whoever it was had better 'fess up because Eugene Robinson knows what he knows.
"... I know that events -- such as the one that took place in Abbottabad, Pakistan -- have the potential to change everything.But I also know that Obama, practically overnight, has dispelled the fog of ambiguity with which his opponents have tried to cloak him --
the vague suspicion that there was something effete, passive,
not quite fully American about him.
On "60 Minutes" Sunday, Obama's usual caution with words seemed like disciplined reserve.
His broad smile seemed fortified with steel.
We like a bit of Clint Eastwood in our presidents.
Come on, Republicans, make Obama's day.
Surely Eugene Robinson does not believe that he and his fellow lib conspirators in dhimmedia can conjure up another messianicfog around this man, like the one by means of which they shoved him down our throats in the first place.
Clint Eastwood? Really?
Surely we can't be propagandized into electing him a second time. Okay, so he made a right and very popular decision to allow our military to kill the enemy... but tell me, Eugene, what president wouldn't have done the same? For crying out loud, even a broken clock is right twice a day. For this we should genuflect?
Word to the Left: Your swooning only serves to remind us of the last time around and what that came to mean for the country. If you keep pushing us (and you will), it will only add to our motivation to "make Obama's day" (and yours)... next November.
I cannot tell a lie; I may very well have Obama Derangement Syndrome. I'm not the only one (Esther Sarah too - she confessed). I cannot bear the sight or sound of him. I think his presidency is the worst thing to happen to this country in my lifetime. And I'm not the only one.
And I am NOT going to sit here in silent, respectful reverence while the lefties try to make him out as some kind of a hero, just because for once he did something that wasn't horrid. To hell with that. I'm going to utilize every opportunity of free speech that I have to hasten the day when that man has to obey the will of the people, drop the teleprompter and step away from the White House. I want to see the moving van pull up, the playground equipment dissembled and packed, and that vegetable garden replanted with grass seed.
And I'm not the only one.
Posted by Yael at 02:16 PM