
Suppose you've just turned 18, barely out of high school, and now you're on guard duty at the borders of Israel, like the girls and boys who check your tourist luggage at Ben Gurion airport. It's an adult job, but you try to live a normal life, while being publicly threatened by suicidal Moo Bros, nuke-happy Ahmadinejad, and all their leftist enablers. Welcome to your life. This is not your beer-soaked Spring Break. It's not a break at all.
Check out the daily hate propaganda translations in English on MEMRI.org, and you can see what they are facing. Fortunately it's easy for Israel's young draftees to drive to their IDF jobs, because it's only a few miles from their homes.
A month ago Barack Obama told Egyptian President Mubarak to leave office, thereby throwing the Middle East into a dizzying downward spin. Every Muslim country is now torn by vicious in-fighting between reactionaries and modernizers. Turkey has become a Muslim Brotherhood satrapy after seventy years of the most benign government in a bad neighborhood.
In Egypt the phony "democracy" demonstration in Tahrir Square -- where an American television news anchor was stripped, beaten, and gang-raped -- was immediately followed by a Million Muslim March, to welcome Egypt's Ayatollah Khomeini back from exile. The day after Mubarak fell, the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood called for trashing the Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty, the only formal peace treaty in the Middle East. Syria, Iran, Yemen, Bahrain, and Jordan have seen thousands of street demonstrators being killed.
When Arab regimes see riots in the streets they always crank up the flow of hate-Israel propaganda, to distract "the Arab Street" from its real problems; it's a long and dreadfully sleazy tradition in reactionary Islam. More than a million Israelis emigrated from Arab countries and Iran, where wild mob scapegoating was standard operating procedure after the imam's weekly sermon, and no one was allowed to defend themselves. They have really great gun control laws in countries like Iran and Syria, which is why all good liberals love them.
A million plus Jews from Arab countries left and moved to Israel. It is still their land of refuge, in a world that is falling back into its medieval past.
So if you are an eighteen year old draftee in Israel today, you can see every nation within missile range turning ugly. You have to grow up fast.
Today in Egypt, Coptic Christians are being murdered with the silent consent of the military regime. Turkey is planning to demolish the oldest Christian monastery in the world. Palestinian Christians have been driven out of Bethlehem. In India and Pakistan, Muslim mobs have rioted against Hindus, as usual.
Thank you, Barack Hussein Obama.
The other day Obama assured a brainwashed group of American Jews that those "Arab Spring" riots are bound to improve the chances for peace in the Middle East. He should have been laughed out of the room. Instead, liberal Jews seem completely willing to believe in Tinkerbell and the Fairy Queen again. Liberals all over the world are in nodding off to sleep, and the radical left plays them like a Hawaiian ukulele. They are sure to vote Obama again, because he's so intelligent and liberal.
Nobody who reads the European news can doubt that the radical left is colluding with radical Muslims to delegitimize Israel and drive the Jews into the sea. That is the single most significant fact in international politics today. If you doubt it, check out all the articles on American Thinker and European websites. In London, the Hamlet Towers district has just gone shari'a. Those Muslim votes were imported by the Labour Party when normal British voters were turning against the left. That's how Tony Blair stayed in power for a dozen years.
Obama has a lifetime of radical activism. Everybody he's ever known is the same way. The very word "activist" is a euphemism for the old term "agitator." Communist agitators like Saul Alinsky used to take a lot of pride in whipping up discontent, which is why Alinskyites founded ACORN and 40 other rabble-rousing groups.
Today Chicago --- Tomorrow the World!
The question is whether as president Obama has enabled the collusion between his friends and comrades Bill Ayers, Jodie Evans, and Code Pink with the likes of Hamas and Hezb'allah. Ten years after 9/11 we have a president who actually brings Hamas to power. Obama assassinated OBL with one hand while aiding and abetting his twin brothers in Egypt. The media celebrated him for his heroic defense of America.
If Israel survives the coming assault, the Israeli and American left will quickly cover up for his sabotage of peace in the Middle East. Israel has its own Fifth Column. It often happens in war.
When Obama called for Mubarak to resign because "Now means Now!" he looked like a barefaced imperialist. But did Obama really mean to give the Muslim Brothers an historic chance to take over the most powerful nation in the Middle East? Does anybody remember that they assassinated Anwar Sadat thirty years ago for making peace with Israel?
Thousands of people have died in "Arab Spring" riots all over the Muslim world. Obama has just told us this is all good news. Is this his idea of spreading love and peace? Or is it the Audacity of Hope and Change in its genuine, malignant guise?
Self-deluded liberals are always the last ones to know. Conservatives can at least watch, and figure out how vote the next time.
Organized left-Islamist assaults on Israel are going to get worse soon. In June, Code Pink and the Turkish government plan to run another agit-prop operation against the arms blockade of Gaza. The two wings of the Palestinian revenge movement, Hamas and Fatah, have come back together, and in September they are expected to declare "Palestinian" national independence.
The irony is that "Palestine" was the Roman name for the place where Jesus was born. Those were the same Romans who routinely crucified Jewish rebels, remember? None of the Arabs in former Palestine knew they were Palestinians; they were Syrians or Druze or Bedouin, but why pick up that old Roman name? Today the world is conditioned to believe in "Palestinian" as a nationality, which brings us right back to the time of Jesus.
The Euro-American Left, Obama, and the New York Times can be expected to create one almighty ruckus in the coming weeks, to put maximum pressure on Israel to retreat from defensible borders. That's what this is all about. Think about those teenage soldiers who are now facing the barbarians, and imagine that your strongest ally for the last sixty years has just joined with your enemies. With the moronic support of American liberals, natch.
Israel has a coastline patrolled by a tiny navy. That's where Code Pink and Hamas are concentrating their activities right now. Last year they ran the Mavi Marmara agit-prop stunt, in which Turkish street thugs wrapped white rags around their heads, wrote their wills, said their jihad prayers for martyrdom, dug out their crooked old Ottoman dagger and swore to die while killing as many Jews as possible. This is the Religion of Peace as it has always behaved, going back to the desert raiders of Arabia. Islam means "surrender." Not peace.
For the Mavi Marmara stunt Code Pink launched its "peace flotilla" from Cyprus, while the Turks sailed from Istanbul. Then the suicide boat mingled with Code Pink's criminal colluders; because make no mistake -- deliberate, planned collusion in murder and assault is a criminal offense in all civilized nations. If Code Pink tried the same thing in Lake Michigan, the Chicago cops would haul them to jail, "peaceful resistance" or not.
Even Da Mare would go after them.
When Israeli patrol boats challenged the Mavi Marmara flotilla off the coast of Gaza the Pinks sailed to an Israeli port, while the Mavi Marmara kept driving to Gaza. That's when the defenders fell into the trap.
The Mavi Marmara was boarded by IDF helicopter commandos rappelling down, one by one, armed with paint guns for crowd control. The Turks attacked each soldier as he came on deck with steel bars, knives, and possibly guns. The Turks were ready to die for Allah, and some of them did, and the international media had their field day. It made headlines for weeks.
Code Pink and the media just happened to be there on the spot, broadcasting all over the world. A coincidence, ya think? It was a classic agit-prop operation, with a dozen dead and wounded on both sides. To this day liberals all over the world believe this stunt was for real, and you know what side they are told to blame. Liberals are very obedient to the media, afraid that somebody might call them a "racist" or "Islamophobe."
The Mavi Marmara suicide attack was the Reichstag Fire of the Obama left. Same goal, same methods, and the same Big Lie. It's the Audacity of the Left. But it's amazing how little has changed since Lenin and Hitler. Of course, now they have an American president on their side.
So if you're an 18-year old boy or girl and you see a "peace" flotilla off Gaza you also have to watch for coordinated Hamas suicide attacks in Jerusalem. The left will try to draw you to one place while Hamas and Hezb'allah will find a weak spot to attack. Syria is bristling with Scud missiles, Hezb'allah controls Lebanon, and Iran can now send warships through the Suez Canal to dock at the new Russian naval base in Syria.
You don't know where the next attack will come from. Yes, you've learned to shoot a gun and you've learned the rules of engagement in strictly controlled, civilized armies.
But your biggest dilemma is telling friend from foe.
Take America, for instance. It used to be a friend, but is it now a foe? (The answer is Yes.) Turkey and Iran used to have excellent relations with Israel (before Jimmy Carter did his thing), but they are now bitter foes. Europe used to profess its friendship, but with 53 million European Muslims next door, will Europe collapse again? (The answer is Yes.)
If you're that 18 year old kid the left and Islamic suiciders have just made your first job a lot tougher. Your chances for getting wounded or killed are a lot bigger.
You've been Community Organized.
This administration has sent a clear signal that it's ok to screw with Israel's sovereignty, safety, and security. Like everything else with Obama, there are rules for Me and rules for You, and they are never the same.
Americans who do not understand the extreme anti-American, anti-Israel policies of this administration are deaf, dumb, and blind. No matter how educated and intelligent they seem to be, on crucial questions of survival they are self-appointed victims.
At least Muslim radicals choose to commit suicide. Liberals do it completely unawares.