I received the following Email and it is translated from Hebrew. It gives us the perspective of an Israeli citizen - and one who witnesses daily, the hatred that pours out of the pores of those who hate the Jews and Israel; of those who think my friend does not have a right to exist.
Before going to the Email, here are a few photos taken yesterday of the Arab catastrophe, otherwise known as "Nakba".:
Nakba Day - May 15, 2011
Palestinian protesters throw stones across the border with Israel during a rally marking Nakba Day in Lebanon. (Mohammed Zaatari, Associated Press / May 15, 2011)
It's not total war, of course. If you ask what is the point of it, the Arabs do not accept that Israel exists. But this time, Iran was behind the demonstrations in order to draw attention away from Assad, by using propaganda to accuse Israel of firing on civilians. Israel has a right to defend its borders - that is International law.
However, Israel now discovers that one Syrian was killed in Israel, while three other Syrian deaths occurred in Syria and not from IDF gunfire. It is likely that those killed in Syria, were killed by the Syrian regime, in order to use the deaths of three Syrian demonstrators in order to broadcast on Syrian television that "Israel shoots fire at the demonstrators." (My note: such methods have been used in the past with fake photos and videos by Hamas, so this is something that would be perfectly acceptable by Arab terrorists, to gain more sympathy from the world, while again, blaming Israel).
In fact, you can see that the hatred is strong. I personally, know that all of Israel relies on the defense system, and that the Israeli system is intelligent enough, to deal with any threat of any kind and it is expected in September, large demonstrations against Israel.
Arabs mark the "Nakba Day", right after Israel's Independence Day. Israel celebrated its Independence Day last week - 63 years old. So today in Gaza, they did siren rises and declines, of 63 seconds.
Parades of parades they do today, with the door key in hand, the symbol that they were expelled.and that we are, "the people occupying their land." I want to say, if they were here, from the time of the rule of the Muslim Turkish Otomny, until about 63 years, the period that they speak of, they need to understand, according to their method, that we are here thousands of thousands of years and Our key is the Bible, and we returned here, only 63 years ago. According to their method, they sat on land that was not theirs!
And justice according to their method, began to be done before 63 years. And if they are going to argue that they were here before us, and we are here because we came from the extermination camps of the Nazis, (that's their excuse, because there was no other solution) and therefore, we stole the land, their form of justice is the justice. That according to their justice, Israel never existed on this land, and Israel "changed the Bible" They claim that "Israel finds in archaeological digs from under the Western Wall, the ancient Islamic culture only, and Israel attaches it to himself. " (my note: Is anyone noticing how Islam takes over the culture of whatever country they gain a foothold in; think - mosque at Ground Zero; or dome over the Temple Mount, Jerusalem).
According to simple justice, even their "Who was here first, then the land belongs to him", they should evacuate the entire area, from the Lebanese border, to Egypt. And from the great Mediterranean Sea, up to the Jordan. Too bad if we do not like them - tough luck! Because Jerusalem, Hebron, Rammal, Nablus, and all such places, there was not one Arab.
"Expulsion" they say, that we are an occupying nation. If this were true, how is it that they are here? That are not deported. They opened (started) wars of destruction against the Jewish community, and lost. Their goal was to destroy and that is their goal today.
I believe, that their stupidity has not ended. The fact that they do not change, or contributed to the world's betterment, or for the betterment of their own people is nothing but a series of headaches. (my note: Yes, I agree, as I am sure there would be a lot less stress and headaches if it were not for the constant wars and terrorist attacks upon innocent civilians by the Muslims. If they learned to bake bread instead of flying planes into buildings, or shooting missiles into Israel, this world would be a better place and peace might be possible in the Middle East).