Council on Foreign Relations
Interviewee: | Charles A. Kupchan, Whitney Shepardson Senior Fellow |
Interviewer: | Bernard Gwertzman, Consulting Editor |
May 20, 2011

President Obama leaves Monday for a trip that will take him to Ireland; the UK for a state visit; to Deauville, France, for a G8 meeting; and then to Poland. What is the main purpose of this trip?
Ok, folks ... He's gone on another junket trip and I'm sure he'll find ways to take in a little golf during his trip. Actually, if there were no announcements of his "trip" to save the world, no one in Washington would have known he left town. Sure hope the cloud hanging over the White House left with him, because after his half-truths (lies) spoken to the AIPAC members, if ever there was a good time to leave, now is the time!
And, while he's gone, perhaps America can find a real leader! Here's what I'm talking about, posted on American Thinker: