Friday, May 27, 2011 - Atlas Shrugs - posted by Pamela Geller

In a move that defies logic and the will to survive, the leaders of the G8 plan to pay $20 billion in jiyza to the onslaught of Islamic supremacist movements across the world. One has to wonder what the new Nazi party in Egypt is slated to get.
The G8, more of the one world government, is driven by Islamic supremacists and leftists. "One neck, one leash." (That was Rand, I think.)
G8 have $20B for 'Arab Spring' Politico
Hoping to encourage the push for freedom and democracy, President Obama and leaders of the G-8 countries announced Friday that they will allow international development banks to provide more than $20 billion to help spur development in the “Arab Spring” counties like Egypt and Tunisia.
A statement released by the G-8 leaders assembled in Deauville, France, did not breakdown how much development banks from each county would provide, but promised to “mobilize substantial bilateral support to scale up this effort.” "Our collective aim is to ensure that instability does not undermine the process of political reform, and that social cohesion and macroeconomic stability are both sustained,” the statement read.
The statement also did not make clear what specifically the $20 billion in funds were designed to provide the two countries.
Hoping to further encourage the push for freedom and democracy in the Arab world, the statement warned Syria the G-8 countries will seek “further action” if the government continues to use violence to breakup protests in the country where hundreds of protestorshave reportedly been killed by the military.
UPDATE: G-8 Launches $40 Billion 'Arab Spring' Partnership
"The "Arab Spring" has high stakes for the G-8 nations—the U.S., Japan, Canada, Russia, France, Germany, Italy and the UK. For the Europeans, the Arab world is on their doorstep: Democracy and prosperity in the region could promote stability and provide new growth opportunities, while their failure might trigger a flood of unwanted migrants. The U.S. would like more stability in a region that has been a source of foreign policy headaches."-from the article
Atlas reader Frank commented:
"This is about the food crisis-not democracy.
We are looking at a culture that spits arrogance (look at the "finger-lady" re the King hearings, or El-Sham re criticism of the clit-snippers' "Isalm must dominate" culture as being "over the top Islamaphobia") and can't feed itself. It is a culture of delusions re Caliphates and "Islam must dominate."
We are going to feed people who want to kill us - people that think their Islamic culture is superior - that sneer at us. It's amazing."
We should demand that the Saudis feed Egypt etc.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, May 27, 2011 at 05:17 PM in Global Jihad 2011