NYC emergency rally today: protest Obama's jihad against Israel

If you are going to be in New York today, don't miss this. Stand for freedom: The Free World urgently needs your help!
An emergency rally to protest the outrageous speech of President Barack Obama! Friday May 20th at 12:00 PM @ The Israeli Consulate 800 2nd Ave 42nd Street
Please join us in telling the president that: WE AIN'T GOING BACK TO AUSCHWITZ!
Please invite everyone of your facebook friends to this event:
Forward this message, and most importantly: SHOW UP TO THE RALLY AT 12:00 PM We are assured of media coverage and many important political leaders are being invited! PRESIDENT OBAMA: WE AIN'T GOING BACK TO AUSCHWITZ
Thursday’s speech by US President Barack Obama is nothing short of an outrage, and one which openly declares Obama an enemy of the State of Israel. The world should be clear – In Israel there will be little to no political debate on this issue – It will be nearly unanimous that the calls of Israel to return to the 1967 borders would mark a grave danger to the state of Israel.
As Prime Minister Netanyahu stated, these borders are “militarily indefensible.” It's necessary in these times to remember what Abba Eban, when he served as Israel’s Foreign Minister said when he appeared at the United Nations following the Six Day war, in describing the fragility of Israel's 1949-1967 map as Israel's "Auschwitz" lines. “We have openly said that the map will never again be the same as on June 4, 1967. For us, this is a matter of security and of principles. The June map is for us equivalent to insecurity and danger. I do not exaggerate when I say that it has for us something of a memory of Auschwitz. We shudder when we think of what would have awaited us in the circumstances of June, 1967, if we had been defeated; with Syrians on the mountain and we in the valley, with the Jordanian army in sight of the sea, with the Egyptians who hold our throat in their hands in Gaza. This is a situation which will never be repeated in history." This proposal is a grave danger to the State of Israel.
This President is more concerned with Jews who build homes in the ancient Jewish homeland than he is about Arab Muslims building bombs in Iran.