Thursday, March 24, 2011

With a Little Help from our Friends - videos

Note:  It is difficult to focus on the news today, after yesterday's terrorist attack in Jerusalem. Today, I have spent most of the day just speaking with good friends and a thought occurred to me.  Why not allow a few music videos speak for Israel's primary issues.  What are the issues?  I think it can be rolled up into one issue and that is, Israel wishes to live and grow in peace.  Oh, she is growing, she lives and is alive, but it would be so helpful if the world recognized that this one tiny democracy in the Middle East sure could use some good friends, a little support, and love in much the same way as each of us, personally, are encouraged by good friendships.

Hafia at sunset  from the Haifa University

1.  Israel lives on the "Thin Line"

2. Israel's Critical Security Needs for a Viable Peace 

3.  Israel could use more friends like Joyce Kaufman.

4. Israel weeps for all who have had their lives cut short due to terrorist attacks.

5. As a good friend reminds me, Israel is "real" - as real as all who stand with her and love her.

6.  All Israel's music is as beautiful and holy as the Land of Israel.

Amir Benayoun life teacher

Israel teaches that life is precious - a gift from our Creator.  A treasure to behold in each and every person.  It gives to all the world, as it is giving to those victims in Japan this week.  Israel is a blessing to the world.  Is it so difficult for others to see her "light"? To weep with her when terrorists wish to end her life?  Think on these things, when next you hear others, including our own politicians, speak ill of the only democracy in the Middle East.


Bee Sting