By Bernie on 06 Mar 2011
Most Congressmen are clueless about the threat moderate Muslims pose to this country, as are most Americans. Many will assert, without knowledge, that Muslim extremists are the problem, not ordinary Muslims. Even the newly elected Chairman of the Homeland Security Committee, New York Republican Peter King, is focusing on “radicalization of the American Muslim community," when radicals are not the real danger to our society.
Sure, Muslim extremists have killed Americans. But those killings did not and will not change our way of life. They will not make this country abandon our laws or Constitution. But look at Sweden. Without a shot fired, without a Swede getting killed (although one Swedish suicide bomber did kill himself), the country is slowly becoming an Islamic nation. The Swedish way of life is disappearing. Swedes are just another ethnic group in that country just as the Kurds and Somalis who arrived there last Thursday. Indeed flying the Swedish flag over a house is considered by many to be an expression of racism. 1
Muslims in Sweden rape with impunity. Muslim youth specialize in assaulting old people visiting the graves of relatives. The city of Malmo has begun teaching classes in Arabic only. The fire department puts out fires again and again in the same immigrant areas, with Muslim kids laughing at them and starting new ones right afterward. 2
In every non-Muslim country there are examples of Muslims refusing to assimilate or accept the host country's way of life. They are not Muslim radicals or extremists - they are your ordinary, normal, so-called moderate Muslims.
In Australia, Muslim cabbies refuse to pick up dog-aided blind people because it offends their religion. 3 They do not care about the laws of the infidels.
Even in European cities where they loot, burn, pillage and commit the majority of crimes, these are not terrorists. They are your average Muslim.
Some readers may object and say there are many groups who commit crimes, who rape and murder, so why do I single out Muslims as particularly being a threat?
Quite simple, because other groups do not have an ideology bent on changing the way we live. Yes, drug gangs in the inner cities are quite dangerous and cost our country billions of dollars in damages. Despite black gangs, Hispanic gangs, the Mafia, Irish mobsters, Russian gangsters, no matter who, 50 years from now America will still be a Judeo-Christian country with the same laws, the same Constitution, the same way of life.
But with Muslims it is different. Muslims insist we accommodate their religion because they feel Islam is supreme above all other religions. When a Muslim gets a job its rules must be sensitive to the Muslim way of life, employers and customers must accommodate their religion, see 13 Things to Consider before Hiring Muslims where I list Muslim cooks who do not want to cook bacon, a Muslim Dunkin Donuts franchisee who does not want to sell the company's pork sandwiches, a Muslim cashier at a Target store in Minnesota who does not want to ring up bacon or alcohol products, Muslim cabbies who refuse fares carrying alcohol, Muslim women who applied for jobs at McDonalds insisting on wearing hijabs (but what about handling sausage and egg sandwiches?), and many other examples of Muslims applying or getting jobs that are disagreeable to their view of the world.
This is how it is in the countries they or their parents came from: kaffirs had always to buckle their knees to Muslims. If you do not know, kaffir means filthy, dirty unbeliever. Some Muslims will try to deceive you into believing that kaffir simply means a non-Muslim. That is a lie.
A kaffir is one who refuses to accept the dominion and authority of Islam, a person who rejects Islam. Rejecting Islam is the worst, most disgusting, filthy act a person can commit in life. Muslims for centuries used this term to refer to their black slaves so that when Europeans came to Africa they continued the practice and called all blacks 'kaffirs,' which most people know is the equivalent to the term 'nigger' in its offensiveness. No matter what Muslims say, kaffir is a dirty, disgusting epithet.
That is why Muslims want us to adapt the job to them and not vice-versa, because in their eyes we are niggers and must be subjugate to their whims and desires. And that is why Muslims, moderate Muslims, are a danger to our country; even more dangerous than terrorists because we know extremists must be stopped. But as long as most Americans believe that the majority of Muslims are good Americans, this country is in danger of eventual Islamification.
The hearings should investigate the danger that moderate Muslims pose to our country. Americans already know that extremists are dangerous.
Snaphanen, Weekendavisen: Blågul racismeDer hænger et svensk flag over nabohusets balkon.Friedman siger, at det i nogen kredse er på kanten til at være udtryk for racisme. Han fortæller, at der i 1995 kom en regeringsrapport, som foreslog, at begrebet racisme blev udvidet tilat omfatte alle udtryk, der er baseret på »ekstremt positive vurderinger af ens egen kulturelle identitet«, også selv om de ikke lægger afstand til andre grupper.
Fjordman, Is Swedish Democracy Collapsing?While Malmö may be an especially appalling example, instability is spreading to most of Sweden's urban and suburban areas, and now permeates all levels of society. Street violence of all kinds is soaring on a national level. Private security companies are in great demand in major Swedish cities, as a serious lack of police to combat rising crime has made many citizens tired of being robbed. Amnesty International concluded that acts of violence against women had spiralled upward in Sweden in the last 15 years ...
(3):, Muslim cabbies refusing the blind and drinkersAt least 20 dog-aided blind people have lodged discrimination complaints with the Victorian Taxi Directorate. Dozens more have voiced their anger....Victorian Taxi Association spokesman Neil Sach said the association had appealed to the mufti of Melbourne to give religious approval for Muslim cabbies to carry guide dogs.One Muslim driver, Imran, said yesterday the guide dog issue was difficult for him."I don't refuse to take people, but it's hard for me because my religion tells me I should not go near dogs," he said.There are about 2000 Muslims among drivers of Melbourne's 10,000 taxis. Many are from countries with strict Islamic teachings about "unclean" dogs and the evils of alcohol.