Thursday, March 3, 2011

Videos: "Shariah 4 America" Demonstration Postponed - Aww Man!!

Thursday, March 3, 2011


The planned march has been replaced with a 13 min. rendition of Anjem [aka Andy] Choudary telling us how lucky we would be to live under Muslim / Islamic rule.

Sad guy, a trained lawyer~ of British law ~ what a waste!! When he used to be called Andy ~ during his university dayz ~ he was famous for drinking, smoking and booty chasing. Now he's an Islamist!

Pat's right ~ at least he would tell you what Islam's really about ~ that is it is a subjugation and it ain't about peace.

Here are some pictures from his latest site Shariah4America

He hopes to one day see the statue of libery covered in a burqa and plans to construct a minaret over the site. There is also a picture of the White House under an Islamic flag, converted to a mosque.