Sunday, March 20, 2011


As meticulously documented in my book, The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration's War on America, the close ties between Gaddafi and Obama are extensive and deep. It is a book you simply must read. No one had all the extensive research on Obama that I did -- years. All of this, tragically, was expected, based on the concretes (or lack of them in O's life).
And in April 2010, the Libyan president Gaddafi praised Obama here: "Barakeh Obama is friend..." "He is of Muslim descent, his policy should be supported...."Obama_gadaffi
After Gaddafi came to New York and spoke at the UN in 2009, he headed to the Libyan mission for more than an hour, and was visited by limelight-loving radical Louis Farrakhan.Farrakhan was his only visitor. Farrakhan has a special relationship with Obama's pastor of twenty years, Jeremiah Wright. Gaddafi pal and Jew-hating firebrand Louis Farrakhan labeled Obama "the hope of the entire world" and compared him to the founder of the Nation of Islam, the group Farrakhan heads.
Obama's spirtual svengali, former Nation of Islam adherent Jerry Wright's longtime close association with Farrakhan is well known. In April 2008, when he appeared at the National Press Club in order to address the controversy that had engulfed the Obama campaign because of his incendiary anti-American remarks from the pulpit, his security detail was made of members of the Nation of Islam. He and Farrakhan even once traveled to Libya to confer with Libyan strongman Muammar Gaddafi – as Wright recalled during the 2008 campaign: “When [Obama’s] enemies find out that in 1984 I went to Tripoli to visit [Gaddafi] with Farrakhan, a lot of his Jewish support will dry up quicker than a snowball in hell.”
'To my Dear Obama, our son', says Gaddafi, defending attack on rebels India Times
CAIRO: Calling Barack Obama as "our son", Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi sent a message to the US President defending his decision to attack the rebels fighting to overthrow him.

Gaddafi (68) also wrote a letter to the French and British leaders, and the UN Secretary General, saying the Security Council resolution was "void" and violated the UN charter, warning them that they would "regret" any intervention.

"Libya is not for you, Libya is for the Libyans," he said.

Details of Gaddafi's letters were released by the Libyan government spokesman at a news conference in Tripoli.

Defending his decision to attack rebel cities, Gaddafi told Obama, "Al-Qaida is an armed organisation, passing through Algeria,Mauritania and Mali. What would you do if you found them controlling American cities with the power of weapons? What would you do, so I can follow your example."

Trying to strike a personal note, Gaddafi prefaced his letter saying, "To our son, his excellency, Mr Barack Hussein Obama. I have said to you before, that even if Libya and the United States of America enter into a war, god forbid, you will always remain a son. Your picture will not be changed." 

In his letter to Nikolas SarkozyDavid Cameron and Ban Ki Moon, Gaddafi said, "Libya is not yours, Libya is for the Libyans. The security council, their resolution is void because it is not according to the charter to interfere with the internal affairs of the country."

You have no right. You will regret if you get involved in this, our country. We can never shoot a single bullet on our people, it is al-Qaida organisation."