Sunday, March 13, 2011

Petition to White House Against the Unilateral Declaration of a Palestinian State in Israel

Palestinian leaders intend to ask the United Nations to formally recognize a Palestinian State by the summer of 2011.
In light of the recent horrific terror attack, in which young Jewish children were slaughtered while sleeping in their beds, we demand that Israeli citizens not be subject to terror and murder from neighboring Palestinian towns.
We therefore want to clearly tell the United States government, the United Nations and the world at large that we reject any declaration of a Palestinian state within the borders of Israel, without the unequivocal approval of the State of Israel.
Unfortunately, since the State of Israel was established by the United Nations in 1948, the Arab world has refused to recognize its right to exist as a Jewish State. This continues to be true of all the current Palestinian leadership. By rejecting Israel as a Jewish State, they continue to deny its right to exist in peace and security as the national homeland of the Jewish People.
Please join us in signing this petition against the unilateral declaration of a Palestinian state in Israel.
After you sign, please forward to as many people as you can.
Click here to sign the petition –>