Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Obama To Brazil: ‘We Want To Be One Of Your Best Customers’

george soros obama puppet brazil libya war vacation brazil sad hill news
MARCH 22, 2011

Correction: ‘As president I promise to use billions of taxpayer dollars to fund George Soros,Petrobrasglobalization and my personal Vanguard holdings‘.
(Townhall) While the President refuses to lift a 7-year ban on offshore drilling here in the United States, continues to demonize the oil and gas industries as energy prices continue to rise and asunemployment still hovers around 9 percentObama told a group of Brazilian businessmen at a CEO Summit during his trip to South America over the weekend they should begin drilling in their offshore oil reserves so the United States can be a paying customer in the future, adding that the United States would help them do it.
We want to help you with the technology and support to develop these oil reserves safely. And when you’re ready to start selling, we want to be one of your best customers. At a time when we’ve been reminded how easily instability in other parts of the world can affect the price of oil, the United States could not be happier with the potential for a new, stable source of energy.”
Not only is President Obama going against those in his base who believe offshore drilling is bad for the environment and that the burning of oil contributes to global warming, Obama is blatantly supporting the economic growth of another country while purposely hindering the economic growth of the American economy.
Doc Hastings, Natural Resources Committee Chairman, is not impressed:
“Rather than creating American energy and American jobs, President Obama is in Braziladvocating for deepening the United States’ reliance on foreign energy. The President has clearly learned nothing from recent world events”
Let’s not forget Obama has blocked access to U.S. oil and natural gas production by issuing a moratorium on offshore drilling in the Gulf of Mexico and has revoked onshore leases since taking office. Don’t be fooled when the Administration says they have been working to open up energy resources in the United States as the Administration has only issued three permits allowing for deep water exploration, not drilling.
So much for keeping jobs from going overseas and so much for lessening our dependence on foreign oil.

Obama says, ‘There is going to be a tug-of-war within the US between those who see globalization as a threat, and those who accept it’: HERE
Obama + George Soros + Petrobras + $ Billions USD: HERE
Gulf oil drilling moratorium + job killing + $2 billion sent to Brazil: HERE
Obama’s BP holdings sold just weeks before the Gulf oil spill, then underwrites foreign offshore drilling: HERE
Gulf oil spill reporters and investigators face prison: HERE
Where’s the oil?: HERE
Pain at the pump — media lap dogs silent: HERE
Obama dipstick: HERE
Another oil spill in the Gulf near W&T Matterhorn SeaStar: HERE
Big gains in the war on middle class: HERE
Stimulus money went to foreign banks and industry: HERE and HERE
Our nation cannot survive treason from within: HERE
h/t: Jim R


Dear Anericans: (and you, there, in the White House!):

It is time to take the gloves off and let those in Washington hear your voices.  I am so sick and tired of using words "probably", or "perhaps" when what we are witnessing and listening to out of this Administration's own lips is pure, un-American hypocrisy!  The good ole days of remaining politically correct and not wishing to offend anyone are over.  I have bit my own tongue, not wishing to appear radical, or that I might be having a meltdown over the policies and socialism being presented to Americans, as if we were all ready to just turn over our freedoms and our country to a president (and his tiny elite group of friends) who hid well his anti-American, anti-Israel, anti-Anything American until he was elected into the highest office of our land.

What the hell is everyone doing in Washington?  Why is an entire House of Representatives silent, when he hooks up with the Brazilians and offers them America's undying pledge to support their socialist ideals (and oil) while refusing to allow Americans to drill and become free of foreign oil?!

I am so sick and tired of saying, "Wait until 2012" - we can't afford to wait that long!  He's quickly selling America short, while praising foreign countries and pledging our monies to them, as if "all is well" here in America.

I've got news for you, Obama!  The price of food has shot up so high, we can barely buy a loaf of bread without going to the ATM - no more small change to feed our families!  We need to take out a loan to pay our monthly fuel bills.  Our young families - the breadwinners - have been laid off from work and are standing in bread lines.  The Unemployment Offices are so backed up with new out of work Americans, that it takes more than two weeks just to sign up! They are accepting jobs that once our teenagers use to do for spare change.  

How dare you, Obama!  How dare all of you in Washington, sit on your hands and speak to us in the media like we're all idiots!  

Wake up!  Smell the roses!  Get with it and begin representing Americans ... not the Muslims, not the folks in Libya and Egypt, not the Brazilians, but plain ole' Americans! Remember us?!  The American people need representation, or you can bet your bottom dollar you will all find yourself in the unemployment line in 2012!  Get in line, grab a ticket, and wait a few months before your first check arrives in the mail.
